Diageo is a global leader in beverage alcohol with an outstanding collection of brands across spirits, beer and wine categories and some of the most famous brands worldwide.
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GREENiQ is an inspirational engagement programme developed by Diageo to help deliver its challenging environmental targets and reduce its environmental footprint. At the same time the programme is designed to capture the interest of all DIAGEO employees around the globe and encourage them to adopt a more responsible stance towards the environment.
GREEN IQ is an ongoing program that was first introduced in 2009 and so is the majority of the initiatives implemented under its umbrella. More specifically:
GREEN IQ is Diageo's global platform to engage employees in environmental sustainability and encourage them to help the business become ‘greener’ and minimize its environmental footprint. Additionally, it provides employees with the opportunity to learn more about what Diageo is doing to achieve its sustainability goals, and gives everyone a chance to be actively involved in actions carried out towards this direction.
Moreover, aiming at making the program more interactive as well as encouraging the generation of ideas on new more environmentally friendly practices of working, every DIAGEO site has established its GREENiQ team that competes globally to achieve bronze, silver, gold and platinum medals by achieving goals across four categories: carbon, water, waste and ways of working (WOW).
Depending on the initiative, the internal communication is done through e-mails, posters, office TV screens, internal social media channel called Yammer etc.
The following initiatives are part of the program:
Diageo Recycling Stations
At Diageo Hellas offices have been placed recycling bins for a variety of materials (batteries, toners, small appliances, lamps, mobile devices, etc.), as well as dedicated bins for separating recyclable materials and organic waste.
Go Green & Clean Days
Twice a year at the DIAGEO Hellas offices there is organized the Go Green & Clean Day, with the participation of all employees desks, cabinets, warehouses are opened and materials no longer required are divided into: Recyclable, Garbage, Secure Destruction and Reuse
Luna Park Recycling
The activation addressed to Diageo employees and their kids and took place in collaboration to the Hellenic Recovery Recycling Corporation (HERRCO). The objective of the activation was through fun games help kids to understand how to properly recycle packaging materials and the benefit of their actions on the environment.
Children's Christmas Party
In light of the awareness of children on recycling issues, the annual Christmas party to be organized for the employees’ kids will be held at the premises of the NGO "Organization Earth", where the children along with their parents will have the opportunity to learn more about how nature functions, participate in experiential education games and to be guided in different ecological systems among others
Diageo Hellas employees and their extended family have the opportunity to be informed and learn about environmental issues and have an active role in an effort for the common good.
Diageo Hellas:
Hellenic Recovery Recycling Corporation (HERRCO): collection and recycling of packaging material
Recycling of Portable Batteries (AFIS): battery recycling
Appliance Recycling Co: small electrical appliances
Hewlett-Packard (HP): ink cartridges recycling
Vodafone: mobile recycling
Nespresso: coffee capsules’ recycling
The GREEN IQ program is developed for the internal audience of Diageo and their family members as well as the Diageo partners. Thus employees’ participation is crucial to the program's success. Employees are the ones that ensure the high recycling rates as well as the attendance of their kids and family at the specially organized events aiming at raising awareness on environmental issues.
With “Zero Waste in Landfill" being the primary target, DIAGEO Hellas successfully tries every year to increase the recycling and reuse rates, while reducing the production of waste. More specifically, in 2016 the recycling in numbers was:
Such results reflect both the interest and environmental sensitivity of the DIAGEO Hellas employees and their active contribution in the company's effort to reduce its environmental footprint.
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