Ethical Corporation

KPMG provides integrated accounting, consulting and tax services to the Greek and international companies which operate in Greece and abroad, since 1971.
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KPMG Commitments: In order for us to live up to these values, we make a number of important commitments to our people, to our clients, and to our communities.
To our people:
• We help them to be objective, ethical, and professional, and encourage them to raise ethical and professional issues without fear of retaliation
• We believe in and do invest in our people’s professional development so that they can reach their full potential.
• We champion an inclusive and collaborative culture that is free from bullying, discrimination, and harassment, where everyone is treated with respect and dignity.
• We respect the confidentiality of our people’s personal data.
• We provide a safe and healthy work environment, and respect and provide appropriate work/life flexibility.
• We maintain a just and fair approach to remuneration.
To our clients:
• We deliver a high quality service to clients in line with our qualifications, experience, professional commitments, and engagement terms. • We act lawfully, ethically, and in the public interest.
• We maintain independence and objectivity and avoid actual or perceived conflicts of interest.
• We protect our clients’ confidentiality and only use their information for proper business purposes.
• We prohibit bribery and corruption by our people, and do not tolerate illegal or unethical behavior by our clients or suppliers or by public officials.
To our communities:
• We strive to enhance the role of the accounting profession and build trust in the global capital markets.
• We contribute to a better functioning market economy.
• We act as a responsible corporate citizen and play an active role in both global and local initiatives relating to climate change, sustainability, and international development.
• We manage our environmental impacts.
• We follow high standards of ethical conduct around the world including aspiring to the ten principles of the UN Global Compact.
• We work with other businesses, governments, and charitable organizations to create stronger communities.
Our people:
• Stay informed – They participate in training, read communications, use KPMG resources, and consult when necessary to stay informed about laws, professional standards, and KPMG policies that apply in our work.
• Stand firm – No matter how strong the pressure to achieve targets or to act in an inappropriate way, our people should never compromise KPMG’s Values. They should not be afraid to express differences of opinion or deliver unwelcome messages.
• Take ownership – Incorporate the principles of the Global Code into their daily activities. They are responsible for safeguarding KPMG’s integrity, as it takes only one person to damage it.
• Raise issues –Their voice counts. Our people’s responsibilities – In order to meet these commitments, we expect our people to acknowledge that they all have important responsibilities in their day-to-day activities, incorporating an ethics checklist.
Ethics Checklist:
Our ethical behavior—that is to say our personal recognition of what is appropriate, what is right, and what is for the wider benefit of us all— should guide our response to the situations that arise in the course of our work at KPMG. These behaviors must clearly be aligned with applicable laws, regulations, and standards and with KPMG policies. At the same time, they should reflect wider ethical considerations, including our Values and Commitments. The Ethics Checklist set out below has been prepared to help our people decide how they should respond—not only when they are faced with a difficult decision or situation, but also in going about their daily business.
Our people always ask themselves:
• Is my behavior consistent with KPMG’s Values and ethical or professional standards?
• Does my decision reflect the right thing to do? Is my decision being driven by responsible professional judgment?
• Does my action comply with KPMG policy and applicable law or regulation?
• Am I confident that I would not be embarrassed to explain my decision if it were made public?
• Do the actions taken by a colleague or client comply with applicable law, regulation, and ethical standards and (if a colleague) with KPMG policy?
Meeting the challenges of building and maintaining a sustainable firm that can adapt successfully in a rapidly changing environment. We keep pace with developments in law, regulation and professional ethics, such as making specific commitments against bribery and corruption and acting in the public interest while delivering high quality services.
We do not cooperate with other associations.
Yes, everybody adheres to our Code of Conduct.
All of us are here to work as a team to ensure that we achieve the best possible service to our clients. All seven values are characteristic of our way of caring, feeling and acting between us and towards our clients. Above all, we act with integrity. This is the value that underlies our Code of Conduct. The reason that integrity is important for KPMG – both nationally and internationally for maintaining reputation through sound risk management principles. Developing and maintaining an appropriate ethical culture is everyone’s responsibility. We are therefore, continuously building on the quality and integrity that are at the heart of KPMG – all of which will enable us to be a solid contributor toward stronger more sustainable futures for our clients, our people and our communities.
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