Network "Alliance for Entrepreneurship and Development in Western Greece" (AED)

The Region of Western Greece (in short: P.D.E.) is one of the 13 regions of Greece. It is the secondary local government organization (O.T.A.) consisting of the former prefectures, now regional units (P.E.), of Aitoloakarnania, Achaia and Ilia, covering also the northern and northwestern part of the Peloponnese, as well as the western part of Central Greece.
Establishment of a Regional Business Support System including, among others, local business leaders, trainers, researchers, regional consultants, staff members of the Region of Western Greece (RWG), as well as other partners and specialists. Promote business culture in schools, universities and research centers through the organization of seminars, workshops and other courses. Creation of a digital mapping platform for SMEs and entrepreneurship. Establishment of an SME Service Desk. Organise seminars for the participation of SMEs in electronic bids. Transfer of know-how from research centers to SMEs through promotional actions that will enable companies to find scientific solutions to their operational problems. Analysis of the export opportunities of products of Western Greece. Internationalization and export operations of enterprises.
The initiative is aimed at actors from the Greater Public Administration and Local Government, the trade Chambers, the Academic-Research Community, the Producer Associations and the Trade Associations that join forces in a common purpose.
ADE network will continue its activities in the foreseeable future.
AED is a form of Network that acts as a catalyst andfacilitator of the Small Buisness Act (SBA) 10 Principles within the Region of Western Greece. It considers the economic, social and other ongoing developments taking place. Members retain their full independence, but in any case there is close cooperation between them. The Network is a non-profit collective scheme and was set up as part of the implementation of the European Entrepreneurial Region 2017 - EER 2017 Planning. The Region of Western Greece (RWG) won the European Entrepreneurial Region 2017 - EER 2017 Award from the European Committee of the Regions for the most credible and promising business vision.
Extroversion, sharing knowledge and experience, facilitating the regulatory framework, attracting investment, and cultivating a new culture of entrepreneurship. Nine meetings were held in 2018 with more than 70% of members taking part, with results such as: √ the organization of the Development Conference in December 2017 √ the implementation of five (5) European programs focusing on entrepreneurship √ cooperation with research institutes for business education issues √ Active participation in PatrasIQ (Technology and Entrepreneurship Report) √ Planning the creation of a ManuHUB (MAnufacturing for production systems network) with the possibility of utilizing an existing area of the RDP to support entrepreneurship.
The Region of Western Greece, the perfectures of Achaia, Aitoloakarnania and Ilia.
The Region of Western Greece • The Ministry of Development and Tourism - General Secretariat of Industry • The Chamber of Aitoloakarnania • The Chamber of Achaia • The Chamber of Ilia • The Association of Enterprises and Industries of Peloponnese & Western Greece - SEVDPE • The Association of Established Companies in the Industrial Area of Patras • The Association of Technological Enterprises of Western Greece • The Greek Association of Young Entrepreneurs of Western Greece • The University of Patras • The Greek Open University • The Technological Educational Institute of Western Greece • The Institute of Technology and Research / Institute of Chemical Engineering Sciences - FORTH / IEHMI • The Institute of Computer & Publishing Technology • The Patras Science Park • Enterprise Greece • The Center for Planning and Economic Research - KEPE • The Regional Development Fund • The Development Company of the Region of Western Greece • The Federation of Professional, Industrial and Commercial Associations of N. Achaia • The Federation of Commercial Associations of Peloponnese & Greece • The Patras Commercial & Enterprising Association • The Federation of Commercial Associations of Ilia • The Association of Tourist Offices of Western Greece • The Association of Tourist Offices & Tourist Coaches of N.Elia "NIKI" • The Labor Force Employment Organization, Regional Directorate of the Peloponnese
ADE is supported by the staff of Development Planning and the related Services of the Region of Western Greece.
RWG communicates more directly and efficiently its policies to productive and social stakeholders. Frequent network meetings make immediate and effective consultation on entrepreneurship and innovation issues possible and reduce time for decision making. The response from the stakeholders is very encouraging. Since ADE creation (about 18 months ago) its members have doubled and today they number about forty.