Healthcare coverage, prevention and protection in vulnerable social groups of the Region of Western Greece

The Region of Western Greece (in short: P.D.E.) is one of the 13 regions of Greece. It is the secondary local government organization (O.T.A.) consisting of the former prefectures, now regional units (P.E.), of Aitoloakarnania, Achaia and Ilia, covering also the northern and northwestern part of the Peloponnese, as well as the western part of Central Greece.
To offer health services to vulnerable social groups with emphasis on prevention.
Socially vulnerable groups such as children, women, migrants, Roma, and the general population in remote areas.
12 months
Actions include:
The "Health Festival" with the operation of Healthcare and information booths for a wide range of medical specialties such as: Radiologists, Allergists, Gastroenterologists, Dermatologists, Mammologists, Oncologists, Nephrologists, Pediatricians and others.
The Organization of Ophthalmological Examinations of Students in the Prefecture of Aitoloakarnania, with priority in twelve Primary Schools in remote areas of the Region together with the association "The Smile of the Child".
The Organization of Optometric Action at 130 elementary school students.
Preventive medical check-up in the context of cooperation with the "HEALTH FOR ALL", in adults and vaccinations of Roma children. This includes cardiological, endocrinological, pathological, breast, and PAP testing. Altogether more than 1,000 adults have been screened for complete medical examination and more than 600 minors have been vaccinated, mainly.
Performance of more than 700 free mammographs in high risk women groups in collaboration with the Hellenic Cancer Society.
To carry out medical preventive health check-ups and briefings, students at Mesolongi schools in collaboration with the Children's Smile Society. Three Municipalities participated in the region.
To carry out glucose measurements and provide information on diabetes mellitus to residents of five cities in the Region where a total of 247 people were examined.
Organize, coordinate and carry out 583 spirometry tests, in cooperation with the Hellenic Pulmonary Society, in more than ten Municipalities in the Region in 2018 and purchase of a spirometer.
To conduct 224 free allergy tests in adults and children in 2017 in the three Regional Units of the Region.
The execution of 440 mantoux tests in prisoners at county prisons of Ag. Stephanos.
To conduct a total of 224 free allergy tests in adults and children in 2017 in its three Regional Units.
A large number of our fellow citizens, estimated at more than 4500, dirctly benefited. They are mostly citizens from sensitive social groups. However, the social impact is multiple.
Περιφέρεια Δυτικής Ελλάδας.
More than forty associations and organizations have collaborated on the above actions. Indicatively:
The Public Health Directorate
The Hellenic Anti-Racing Company, "ELEANA"
The volunteer group against cancer "ANKALIA-ZO"
The Pharmaceutical Association of Patras
The Greek Red Cross
The Association of Parents with Neoplastic Diseases "Flame"
The Society "The Smile of the Child"
The Association of People with Diabetes Mellitus Patras, "Zoe Glykia"
The Association of People with CROWN Disease
The Pan-Hellenic Federation of Volunteer Blood Donor Associations "POSEA"
The Parents Association of Children with Mental Disabilities "Fighters"
The above actions were supported by the staff of the Department of Public Health of the Region of Western Greece as well as by staff provided by the Municipalities and the cooperating organizations.
The Region supports citizens belonging to vulnerable social groups and promotes prevention as a good health practice.
These actions promote social cohesion and cultivate a spirit of unity and solidarity, putting Health at the heart of a society of active and useful citizens.