

BASF Hellas S.A.

At BASF, we create chemistry – and have been doing so for 150 years. Our portfolio ranges from chemicals, plastics, performance products and crop protection products to oil and gas.


Read more:  www.basf.gr


Objective Action

By creating BASF's "Sustainable Liostasi" sustainability model olive grove, we aim to strengthen the protection of the crop, soil, water and biodiversity by applying new, innovative solutions and improved irrigation, fertilization and crop protection systems as well as traditional production practices , which will have documented, measurable results over a five-year time horizon. We seek to optimize production, i.e. a larger and better quality harvest while minimizing the use of resources and inputs and respecting the environment. The result will be the maintenance of the balance of the local ecosystem, the economic viability of agricultural businesses and the development of the local community. This sustainable agricultural production will be a model of sustainable olive cultivation for Greece and the wider Mediterranean area.


Target Audience

Farmers, agronomists, agricultural supply companies, food trading and export companies, students, academics, business consultants, agricultural policy makers, general public.



BASF's "Sustainable Liostasi" sustainability model olive grove initially has a five-year time horizon (2016-2020).


"Sustainable Liostasi" is an initiative of BASF, a world leader in crop protection, in collaboration with Molon Lave, a certified group of producers, Haifa, a pioneer in nutrition, and NETAFIM, a specialist in integrated irrigation systems. This is an estate, in Lira, Laconia, with a total area of 200 acres, of which 40 will be used for the implementation of new, innovative solutions and improved systems of irrigation, fertilization and crop protection, as well as traditional practices, with the aim of sustainable olive cultivation.

This farm will join the European Farm Network, a BASF partnership network. The European Farm Network was founded in 2002 and includes farms in Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Poland and the United Kingdom. Through this network, there will be an exchange of know-how and best practices and the Greek sustainable liostasi will emerge as a meeting place for producers, farmers, researchers, experts, academics, and other bodies at an international level.

"Sustainable Liostasi" belongs to the new producer Costas Tsigounis, who is a member of the group of producers of Lave Mills, which brings together 523 certified producers, with a total arable area of 8,700 acres and an annual production of about 2,500 tons of extra virgin olive oil PGI Laconia. At the heart of Molon Lavet is the integrated agricultural practices management system. Molon Lave extra virgin olive oil is pure, produced by natural cold pressing methods and settled and de-clouded only by the natural sedimentation method. This ensures a rich taste and aroma, while preserving all the beneficial ingredients.

As part of this initiative, BASF undertakes plant protection of the olive grove with modern, innovative plant protection solutions to combat harmful insects and fungi as well as sustainable development practices.

In the olive grove, plant protection bait spray technology has already been applied to combat the daco and a proven fungicide that works effectively against cycloconium, replacing the use of copper.

The bait spray technology acts targeted against the borer in a specific part of the olive tree and not in its entire crown. This results in better protection of beneficial insects, saving water and reducing the amount of plant protection product.

From the autumn of 2016, the new advanced technology fungicide Insignia® will be applied, which will offer excellent disease control and improve the physiology of the tree and the quality characteristics of the fruit and olive oil produced.

The Haifa Southeastern European company, with many years of experience in the field of plant nutrition, participates in this innovative idea by completely taking over the part of nutrition.

The aim is to achieve a correct and balanced nutrition, reducing the amounts of fertilization per tree and consequently limiting the pollution of the water table as well as the environment in general.

It is known that with classical fertilization, only a percentage of the nutrients, given in the form of fertilizers, end up nourishing the plants, and this is because the soil and the plants are two competing systems that compete for the same elements. This has the consequence that with classical fertilizing, the effectiveness of nutrients ranges from 25-45% only.

In order to increase the nutrient use efficiency (N.U.E.) to 100%, "Sustainable Liostasi" will be applied with fertilization, in small and frequent doses depending on the needs of the plants, foliar sprays, when the plant shows increased nutrient requirements, as well as controlled release fertilizers.

Irrigation plays a decisive role in a sustainable olive production that respects the environment. Netafim Hellas, with its advanced irrigation systems, such as water distribution with drippers (drip irrigation), ensures the efficient use of water. Drip irrigation allows for optimal and uniform soil moisture with excellent aeration and instantly disperses water and nutrients creating an advanced and efficient growing system. Thus, yields are increased, while at the same time the use of water and nutrients is reduced.

Also, two practices will be implemented: the recording and evaluation of beneficial insects by a specialist entomologist and the co-cultivation of leguminous plants in part of the olive grove.

By recording and evaluating the beneficial insects by a specialist entomologist we will demonstrate that the sustainable technologies and practices that will be implemented in the sustainable liostasi maintain or even increase the presence of the beneficials in the field. These beneficial insects are a natural weapon against enemies of the olive such as the weevil, the stone borer and the ladybug, and are an integral part of Integrated Pest Management (IPM).

In addition, we will pilot revive an old, traditional practice, that of co-cultivating leguminous plants, such as beans, peas, peas, in part of the olive grove. In this way, we will achieve an improvement in fertilization (green fertilization). Nitrogen fixation by legumes works beneficially for the soil, enhancing biodiversity and soil health. At the same time, the producer uses the legumes for food and animal feed. Indirectly, legume crop rotation will attract endemic bird species and, more specifically, some species of thrushes, thus enhancing biodiversity. These wild birds of the area will be recorded by ornithologists of the Hellenic Ornithological Society, with whom there will be close cooperation in this project.


Impact on Society

With our actions we support the farmer in the protection and optimization of agricultural production, thus offering him the possibility to produce high quality olive oil more efficiently. More specifically, by reducing inputs, saving water, protecting natural resources, optimizing plant protection practices, we contribute to the protection of the producer, the environment and biodiversity.

From an economic point of view, increasing the quantity and quality of production will bring immediate financial benefit to the producer and the team. At the same time, the final consumer will be offered an excellent product with multiple beneficial properties.

In addition, modern and efficient farming practices help young farmers, who have vision and passion for their work, to stay in their place and invest in the primary sector. Thus the countryside develops, new jobs are created and the local population grows.

Finally, educational meetings with a large number of visitors (olive growers, farmers, students of agricultural schools, etc.) will be held at the "Sustainable Liostasi", from which the local community can benefit.

Initiative Location

Elaionas Kostas Tsigounis, member of the Molon Lave team, Lira Laconia

Working with Organization

In this initiative, BASF is working with Molon Lave, a certified producer group, Haifa, a pioneer in nutrition, and NETAFIM, a specialist in integrated irrigation systems. For the recording and evaluation of beneficial insects, he collaborates with a specialist entomologist. Finally, for the recording of wild birds in the area, there will be cooperation with the Hellenic Ornithological Society.


Workers Participation

Benefits for Οrganization

With the sustainability model olive grove "Sustainable Liostasi", BASF affirms in practice its unwavering commitment to the implementation of its strategy, which is summed up in its corporate purpose "We create chemistry for a sustainable future".

Sustainability is a key pillar of BASF's strategy, which supports a productive, sustainable agriculture that contributes to the balance between economic success, environmental protection and social responsibility.

Because we believe that farming is the greatest job in the world, we stand by producers and help them face the various challenges, offering them the right tools to protect their land for future generations, while at the same time being able to meet the demands of modern society.

Connection with Global Goals

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The Sustainable Greece Ιnitiative launched by QualityNet Foundation