Detection of residues of plant protection products active ingredients in fruits and vegetables

At BASF, we create chemistry – and have been doing so for 150 years. Our portfolio ranges from chemicals, plastics, performance products and crop protection products to oil and gas.
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• Ensuring the correct use of BASF crop protection products and the safety of final agricultural products.
• Improvement of BASF crop protection programs aiming at the best plant protection and minimization of detectable active ingredients.
• The final goal of this BASF initiative is the best consumer protection.
• Agricultural supplies stores
• Plant protection consultants
• Groups of farmers
• Farmers
Greek chemical analysis laboratories analyze thousands of samples coming from the local fruit and vegetables production. Therefore, they possess a large data base of analysis results. BASF, with its high sense of responsibility, took the initiative to gather - in cooperation with the laboratories - the data pertaining to its products and to create a mapping by region, active substances and crops. The number of active ingredient detected is analyzed per crop and as a percentage of approved MRL for each active ingredient. Based on those findings, where necessary, we improve the plant protection programs in order to meet farmers’ need for safe production. In addition, we have a close cooperation with farmers, agronomists and crop protection consultants in order to ensure that crop protection products are used responsibly and according to the registration.
This BASF Hellas S.A. initiative was recognized as best practice by the BASF Crop Protection division in other European countries and we hope that it will be followed by other plant protection companies in Greece and abroad, in order to satisfy the European consumers’ need for food quality and safety.
BASF on food safety: BASF supplies products, technologies and services to support sustainable farming by enabling farmers to make an adequate income, protect the land and produce abundant, healthy and affordable food. Crop protection products for plants are analogous to medicines for human health. They protect crops before and/or after harvest from diseases, pests and weeds and are designed to break down after they have fulfilled this purpose. All BASF Crop Protection products have been tested for many years and approved by independent regulatory authorities before their introduction to the market.
Residues are very small amounts of crop protection products that can potentially remain in or on the crop. Authorization of a crop protection product can only be granted if the remaining residues are safe for all consumers. Existing science-based residue standards, as defined by government authorities, fully secure food safety and quality. Where residues are allowed to occur, trading standards, known as Maximum Residue Levels (MRL), are in place. These are rigorously regulated and monitored by independent authorities. MRLs provide a check that products have been used as directed; however, they are not safety limits. As such, while residues above the MRL are unacceptable from a trading perspective, they do not automatically pose a risk to the consumers. BASF works closely with farmers, retailers, authorities, advisors and other stakeholders to ensure that crop protection products are used responsibly and according to instructions.
General BASF sustainability strategy: Growing demand is putting an increasing strain on our planet. We already consume more than the Earth can regenerate. Sustainability is therefore crucial for our future. We need to balance economic, environmental and social needs to ensure a more sustainable development. Awareness of sustainability is also increasing among our stakeholders. We need to engage in an open dialogue and act together with and for our customers and other stakeholders. We partner to develop more sustainable solutions which meet society’s needs. This is the growth strategy of our company, which is clearly illustrated by our strategy principle “We create sustainable solutions” and our corporate purpose “We create chemistry for a sustainable future”.
BASF takes consumer concerns very seriously, and is committed to optimizing its crop protection products on an ongoing basis to ensure that consumers are provided with safe, high quality food. With this initiative, we improve the plant protection programs in order to meet farmers’ need for safe production. In conclusion, we support sustainable agriculture.
Chemical analysis laboratories
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