Interregional Learning towards Sustainable Mobility in Europe: the REGIO-MOB Experience

REGIO-MOB project's overall objective is to secure Europe’s sustainable growth by promoting sustainable mobility in the European regions.
Therefore influencing the relevant instruments in each concerned territory, contributing to their improvement & more efficient performance
as a result of mutual interregional learning.
In addition to the overall objective, the following sub-objectives should be highligthed:
1. Learning, sharing knowledge and transferring best practices between the regional and local authorities participating in the project with the
purpose of designing, improving and implementing regional mobilities plans,
2. Boosting sustainable, coordinated and safe mobility in the participating regions,
3. Adopting an integrated approach to the challenge of the climate change in the regional mobility plans of the regions, not only with an
environmental scope, but also economic and social,
4. Conveying the potential benefits of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) as key enablers of innovation, knowledge creation
and e-commerce within the sector;
5. Strengthening economic growth and job creation in the framework of sustainable mobility;
6. Ensuring the engagement of the key stakeholders in the process both, at regional (regional stakeholders groups) and interregional level
(learning platforms), encouraging them to play an active part in the achievement of results.
It is worth emphasizing here that in order to ensure the achievement of these objectives, REGIO-MOB partnership gathers a balanced
combination of regions with different development levels, different cultures and contexts. That is why REGIO-MOB project includes a wide
variety of regions covering a broad geographical scope across Europe. Furthermore the whole partnership relevance with regard to the
issue addressed is noteworthy (both at technical and regional level). Likewise their experience in the interregional cooperation field should be
Project's website:
They are one of the most important target groups
of REGIO-MOB due to their influence on their
local/regional/national innovation policies. Policy
makers who make decisions about defining
strategies and policies relevant to and financing of
policy instruments, initiatives and organisations
are targeted. This group will include:
1. Public Authorities
2. Managing Bodies
3. Other public institutions at a local or
metropolitan level (with competences in this field)
(they will be included in the regional stakeholders
These organisations constitute both a group that
influences policy plans and implementation, but
also act as potential beneficiaries. In addition, all
these organisations have a lot of relevant
experiences & knowledge. Consequently, they
need to be involved in and reached through the
project and afterwards to provide their views,
suggestions and experiences. This group will
1.Relevant regional/local transport companies
(whether public or private)/Operators
2. National and/or regional industrial and business
associations of related sectors (e.g. tourism,
leisure industry…etc) ;
3.Transport registered organisations
(they will be included in the regional stakeholders
As long as they are a driving force for economic
growth, they should be always considered in the
communication strategy. Companies are in most
cases an “end user” who needs to be reached to
discuss about their needs and problems concerning
the issue addressed but also in this case they are
key for the territorial change sought. In this case,
not only transport sector but also other associated
sectors (such as tourism, leisure industry...etc)
should be considered. ICT companies&developers
will be taken into particular account due to their
relevance for a further development of sustainable
mobility. Thus they need to be reached and invited
to take part in the process.
Social actors often hold a relevant position in the
metropolitan governance systems.They generally
have quite a deep understanding of social issues
related to the concerned context. They are in
close contact with the citizens, thus they are able
to easly identify how social issues are manifested
on an individual level, organizational/community
level, and also institutional level. They are able to
identify & articulate varying perspectives on the
situation. Therefore they should be included
among the target groups to be reached.(eg
consumers associations, ecologists groups,
neighbourhood associations)
Civil society should be necessarily engaged in the
process of change. Citizens play a decisive role in
the consolidation of mobility patterns, therefore,
they also strongly contribute to change
them. Project's outcomes have to reach the
citizenship in a broad sense on a regional level.
They are the heart of REGIO-MOB thus they will be
fully involved in project's communication activities,
being also recipients of the communication
outcomes. But in addition, they will be targeted as
well by the communication actions carried out by
the programme and the learning platform, which
should be taken into particular account due to its
relevance in order to raise awareness about
sustainable mobility among other EU Bodies
(external/EU level learning).
European regions are facing an increasing mobility demand while coping with higher congestion levels.Undoubtedly,there is a strong need to increase the use of
sustainable transport modes meaning, above all, promoting intermodality, technical innovation & the use of cleaner and more efficient systems.Hence, European
regions need to undertake the transition towards low-carbon & resource efficient transport systems in order to increase mobility, remove major barriers and fuel
growth & employment.In this challenging context where an effective action requires strong interregional cooperation,arises REGIO-MOB whose overall objective
is to secure Europe’s sustainable growth by promoting sustainable mobility.Therefore,influencing the related instruments in each concerned territory &
contributing to their improvement & more efficient performance,as a result of mutual interregional learning.REGIO-MOB partners expect to contribute to the
consolidation of sustainable mobility in their regions by improving their policies performance as a result of a shared learning process.This improvement will be
materialised through the developement of regional mobility strategies with an holistic approach (environmental,economic & social factors).To this end,every
partner will carry out a regional analysis on their needs&best practices,which will be further transferred through the 7 regional workshops.In addition,each one of
them will set up a regional Stakeholders Group that will enrich the process & will also ensure the key stakeholders engagement.This process’ results will be
gathered in a Guide on Recommendations for more efficient & cleaner mobility prior to undertake the development of the 6 Regional Mobility Plans.The outputs
outlined above will directly benefit the partners (capacity building), our stakeholders & clearly our regions.Eventually, we aspire to influence as well other regions
not originally involved in the project.Then we will be able to say that we have fully succeeded.
- 6 policy instrument influenced
- 7 Regional Stakeholders Groups formally set up (around 140 stakeholders involved). Meaning the consolidation of a discussion group on sustainable mobility in each participating region;
- 14 best practices transferred (from the 35 identified in total, each partner will share 2 of them during the workshops);
- 6 regions with a regional mobility plan newly developed or improved;
- At least 264 people with increased professional capacity due to their participation in the project activities (considering the partners and the stakeholders);
Region of Western Macedonia
Overview of project partners:
1. ANDALUSIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (IAT) – Spain (P1) (partner until 31/03/2017)
8. REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT FUND OF WESTERN MACEDONIA - Greece (P8) (partner until 11/07/2017)
Stakeholder group of the Region of Western Macedonia:
1. Technical Chamber of Greece - Department of Western Macedonia /
2. Waste Management Company of Western Macedonia (DIADYMA) S.A.
3. Western Macedonia Development Company (ΑΝΚΟ) S.A.
4. Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Kozani /
5. Traffic Police of Kozani
6. Municipality of Kozani
7. Egnatia Motorway S.A. – Regional Department of Grevena
8. Regional Association of Municipalities of Western Macedonia
9. Public Power Corporation (PPC) S.A.– Sector of Civil Engineer Works of the Lignite Centre of Western Macedonia
10. Regional Federation of Disabled of Western Macedonia
11. Managing Authority of the R.O.P. of Western Macedonia
12. University of Western Macedonia
13. University of Applied Sciences of Western Macedonia
14. Urban public transportation management board (Municipality of Kozani)
Staff of the Region of Western Macedonia as Members of the Project Team.
The Region of Western Macedonia has the unique opportunity to exchange good practices with other European Countries, where sustainable mobility issues are of first priority, educate the staff of the Region in this field and try to apply, through the Region's Action Plan, the most appropriate best practices for the Region.