Participation in International Sustainable Development Indicators

Alpha Bank Group
The Alpha Bank Group is one of the leading Groups of the financial sector in Greece. It offers a wide range of high-quality financial products and services in the domestic and international market and has one of the highest capital adequacy ratios in Europe.
Transparent and Full Information of the Bank's Stakeholders.
Alpha Bank aims to create value for its Shareholders. It invests in its Employees, in its network and infrastructure, provides a healthy working environment, supports the Greek economy, strengthens its electronic services, offers products and services with specific social and environmental characteristics and actively contributes to society.
Alpha Bank is subject to evaluations by international analysts and rating agencies regarding its performance on sustainable development issues, i.e. issues related to the environment, society and corporate governance (ESG). In 2021, the Corporate Communications Department coordinated communication with as many Departments of the Bank as deemed necessary, in order to optimally respond to the requirements of analysts and international rating agencies, regarding the Bank's performance in matters related to the environment, society and corporate governance.
Specifically, it participated in the following indicators:
FTSE4Good Index Series
This Index includes listed companies in emerging markets with positive financial, environmental and social performance. The Bank's inclusion in the specific index certifies that alongside its business activity, it has high social and environmental responsibility, investing effectively in sustainable development. At the same time, it is an important motivation for strengthening its presence in the field of Corporate Responsibility at national and international level.
MSCI ESG Rating (AA)
The MSCI ESG rating is designed to measure a company's resilience to long-term material environmental and social risks as well as governance risks.
Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index
This index is the only source of investment and quality information worldwide on gender equality issues and evaluates listed companies from all sectors of the economy, based on their transparency practices on equality issues and the initiatives they undertake to advance the position of women in the workplace.
CDP – Carbon Disclosure Project
Alpha Bank communicated, in 2021, for the fifth consecutive year, on the CDP platform, environmental information about how to deal with climate change and after a relevant evaluation, it received a B- rating. This score confirms that the Bank recognizes the effects of climate change on its activities, the effects it itself causes on the environment, but also its commitment to participate in international sustainable development initiatives.
Vigeo Eiris – Best EM Performers
Alpha Bank achieved for the second time in 2020 its inclusion in the Best Emerging Market Performers Ranking Index, which includes the 100 companies from Emerging Markets with the best performance in ESG (Environmental – Social – Governance) issues. Compared to last year, the Bank improved its performance in all 3 categories (Environment, Society and Corporate Governance+5), as well as its position in the ranking of companies in the financial sector.
Alpha Bank in April 2021 was evaluated by the international house ISS Corporate Solutions, which provides a quality assessment based on the company's performance in the areas of Environment, Society and Corporate Governance. In the assessment in the field of Environment, the Bank received the highest score of 1, on a scale of 1-10 (where 1 corresponds to lower risk and better disclosure). The result shows that the Bank remains at the same high level.
These Evaluations are of interest to the Bank's investment public. A good evaluation from the specific Indicators that have been established by distinguished Financial Evaluation Houses creates security for the investing public that the specific Organization incorporates ESG criteria in its daily operation and promotes sustainable practices. The same applies to the Bank's Customers and other Interested Parties.
The Bank's high performance in these indicators brings positive results to the Bank both from existing and new investors who will want to support the Bank. In addition to the Financial benefits, however, there are also benefits for the Employees who are instilled with confidence that the Organization they work for respects and defends their rights and provides a healthy working environment.