#StayConnected Platform (Internal Communication Online Platform)

Alpha Bank Group
The Alpha Bank Group is one of the leading Groups of the financial sector in Greece. It offers a wide range of high-quality financial products and services in the domestic and international market and has one of the highest capital adequacy ratios in Europe.
In the context of the Digital Transformation that the Bank is in, shaping the image of the Employer is also a strategic pillar with the aim of both improving the daily life of employees and attracting talent. The creation of a platform for communication and collaboration, which would connect all employees on issues related to work, efficiency, and the new everyday life as well as dealing with problems arising from the pandemic was what kept our people united. Through a series of activities our people did not feel cut off from their colleagues for a moment.
In the second year, the platform evolves into a hybrid and remains aimed at creating communities of people with common interests and inclinations
All Alpha Bank Group employees.
3 months and the second part is ongoing
Shortly after the start of the pandemic and while the vast majority of the Bank's employees were teleworking, we created an online communication platform, with the aim of balancing work and family life, through which we all share our new everyday life, stay in touch and come together closer! Within the online platform of #StayConnected, which covers various actions in the fields of Education, Wellness and Culture, Alpha Bank Employees can find tools to make working from home easier, educational seminars, speeches by nutritionists, psychologists even fitness sessions.
We also attend theater performances together, while through the Alpha Bank Parent Academy, a series of interactive Live Events, every week, doctors, pediatricians and psychologists provide valuable advice on the coexistence of parents and children at home, in the difficult conditions that have arisen due to the pandemic. Important is the fact that the response of our people is impressive, as in each of our above digital "meetings" the participation rate reaches 1,000 Employees, which confirms that we are moving in the right direction. After the lifting of the lockdown, we proceeded with "hybrid" activities such as the organization of well-being sessions in the National Garden, which concern the well-being of employees, but also the guided tours of small groups by employees at the Benaki museum.
Both the Parents' Academy and the sessions with nutritionists, coaches and psychology experts had a great impact on the Bank's audience. On average, the response was 800 -1000 participants in each online session. Accordingly, the hybrid actions that followed had also great participation.
We are currently continuing with Stay Connected 2.0 which actually encourages the creation of communities within the Bank.
Online platform
All employees
The benefits for our people are a given, as through actions, they were able to develop soft skills but also achieved a better management of the crisis "born" by the pandemic. The benefits for the Organization are equally important as the Employer's image was strengthened both internally and externally.