
Sustainable development Policy and key principles on the pillars of environment, society and governance

Sustainable development Policy and key principles on the pillars of environment, society and governance

Plaisio Computers

Plaisio, with 55 years of experience, is one of the most steadily growing, purely Greek companies and holds a leading position in the technology sales sector. The company, always guided by sustainable development, has achieved:

-For the Environment (E):

  • 430k Investment in Solar Panels
  • 96% Increase in recycling amounts comparing to the previous year
  • Installation of a Building Management System (BMS) in our store in Metamorfosi to control all the electromechanical systems of the building
  • Partial fleet replacement with hybrid technology vehicles and expansion of charging stations
  • Promote and offer a wider range of sustainable products 


-For the Society (S):

  • Organizing for the second consecutive year the Plaisiobots robotics competition aiming to promote and enhance innovation in Greek education. The prize for the winning team was a 5-day educational visit to CERN in Switzerland.
  • For the 5th consecutive year, Plaisio supported the work of the Panhellenic Association of Women with Breast Cancer "Alma Zois" by participating in the Race for the Cure
  • In the beginning of new school year, our volunteer team "Plai Sou", in collaboration with the organization "Together for Children" and with significant contributions from consumers, collected and donated 11,732 school supplies to children in need.


-For the Governance (G):

  • Zero confirmed incidents of corruption or bribery
  • Zero reports of whistle-blowing procedure
  • Adoption of 22 policies and procedures
  • Zero incidents of personal data breaches


Objective Action

 The aim of the Policy is to meet the growing energy needs by improving the contribution of Plaisio in the field of sustainable development, in order to meet current needs without compromising the needs of future generations. The Policy reflects the Company's responsibility and commitments to its employees, the market, society and the environment in terms of sustainable development.    


Target Audience

The Sustainable Development Policy applies to the Company, the Management, the employees, the network of partners and other stakeholders.     




   The Policy focuses on issues related to the creation of economic, social, and environmental benefits throughout the Company's value chain and to all stakeholders. Our mission is to create additional value for our customers, our people and society. Sustainability is an approach defined by the impact of a company's activities on the environment and the community. It is measured by non-financial indicators relating to the environment, social responsibility, and governance. The concept of sustainability is developed in the Company by promoting corporate interest while aiming to create value for the benefit of all stakeholders. Within the framework of the Sustainable Development Policy and to ensure the best efficiency, the interests of shareholders and all stakeholders, as well as the gradual operation of each Division, Organizational Unit and Department of the Company, we adopt a set of rules, principles, procedures, policies, best practices, and operations that constitute the framework of our Corporate Governance. The principles of Sustainable Development are an integral part of our culture, as well as tools for the development of our business strategy.  Differentiation from competitors, investment in our people, business ethics, respect for the environment and concern for society ensure that Plaisio develops its operations on a solid foundation. Our responsible operation is focused on five pillars which are part of the identity of the Plaisio Group: 1) Good Governance, 2) High quality and innovation of services and products, 3) Social Contribution, 4) Responsibility for the Environment, 5) Care for our People.   


Impact on Society

The Sustainable Development Policy sets the basis on the three pillars of environment, society and governance and defines the guidelines governing the relations of PLAISIO with the public and stakeholders, within the framework of sustainability.

Regarding the environment, at Plaisio we invest in reducing our environmental footprint, as well as in increasing the environmental awareness of our customers by developing services such as recycling of equipment and electrical appliances. Specifically, in 2023 we increased recycling by almost 60% compared to 2022 and specifically we recycled 3.373,39 tons from 2.127,27 tons recycled in 2022.  In addition, we introduced new product categories with environmental features, such as electromobility products. Strengthening our commitment to environmental protection and reducing our environmental footprint, we have proceeded to establish and monitor an environmental management system aimed at developing corporate environmental policies and procedures, considering international standards and best practices. This commitment is highlighted by the Company's certification to the international standard ISO 14001:2015 at headquarters of Plaisio.

  Every new investment and many of our daily decisions are assessed with environmental criteria. So, we installed a 900Kw photovoltaic system, an investment of 430.000€, in our central facilities and we achieved a 45% reduction in our energy consumption to our most energy-intensive facility in Magoula, Attica. In addition, we use FSC paper for our packaging materials and some forms to a certain extent, integrate eco-friendly products into our ranges and gradually replace our car fleet with low or zero emission cars.

In line with our Sustainable Development Policy, we offer innovative services and products to our business customers (B2B), with the aim of adequately responding to their increased needs within a specific timeframe, and we have proceeded to establish a tailormade targeted network for their direct service. In addition, we guide and advise customers on the purchase of low-consumption products that enhance sustainability. PLAISIO cooperates with a wide network of suppliers, whose evaluation is based on the Sustainable Development Policy and the fulfilment of specific sustainability criteria.

Regarding governance, in 2021, the Board of Directors of Plaisio was changed with the participation of experienced market Εxecutives, with the aim of exceeding the requirements of corporate governance. At Plaisio, we prioritise good corporate governance and with strong principles, we aim to build trust, enhance long-term value creation and maintain the confidence of our partners. Well-designed corporate governance can support the resilience and sustainability of businesses. The last two years, we have drafted and approoved 22 policies and conduct our business in a way that promotes business ethics. We operate transparently and we are aligned with Greek legislation and international corporate governance practices. Despite the Company's delisting from the Athens Stock Exchange in April 2023, in which the Company has been listed for over 20 years, we have chosen to continue to fulfill our basic corporate governance obligations, maintaining the two Board Committees, the Audit Committee and the Renumeration and Nomination Committee, with significant responsibilities. 

Regarding the pillar of society, Plaisio highlights top business technology talents through the “PlaisioBots” institution, offering realistically useful topics, such as entrepreneurship, robotics, programming. In addition, with the "Plai_sou" team, consisting of more than 300 Plaisiopeople employees and volunteers, Plaisio participates in many social actions and responds directly whenever and wherever there is a need, with the aim of contributing to fellow human beings and society. From organizing educational workshops to supporting local charities and environmental initiatives, our volunteers embody the spirit of generosity, with the aim of giving back and raising awareness in society to meet basic needs. The action of "Plai_sou" relies on all three pillars of the Company's social action, highlighting its significant contribution across the entire range of Company’s activities. Some Indicative actions of "Plai_sou" team are: "Assembly" for the support of the outlying islands, actions to support the flood victims in Thessaly, collection of school supplies for the Association "Together for the Child", collection and delivery of goods to the earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria.

Finally, Plaisio informs, educates and raises awareness not only among the Company's employees, but also among its supply chain partners, promoting a culture of sustainability, to ensure that the social, economic and environmental objectives set through by the Policy are achieved.

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The Sustainable Greece Ιnitiative launched by QualityNet Foundation