
Installation of Photovoltaic Systems at the company's headquarters in Magoula, Attiki

Installation of Photovoltaic Systems at the companys headquarters in Magoula, Attiki

Plaisio Computers

Plaisio, with 55 years of experience, is one of the most steadily growing, purely Greek companies and holds a leading position in the technology sales sector. The company, always guided by sustainable development, has achieved:

-For the Environment (E):

  • 430k Investment in Solar Panels
  • 96% Increase in recycling amounts comparing to the previous year
  • Installation of a Building Management System (BMS) in our store in Metamorfosi to control all the electromechanical systems of the building
  • Partial fleet replacement with hybrid technology vehicles and expansion of charging stations
  • Promote and offer a wider range of sustainable products 


-For the Society (S):

  • Organizing for the second consecutive year the Plaisiobots robotics competition aiming to promote and enhance innovation in Greek education. The prize for the winning team was a 5-day educational visit to CERN in Switzerland.
  • For the 5th consecutive year, Plaisio supported the work of the Panhellenic Association of Women with Breast Cancer "Alma Zois" by participating in the Race for the Cure
  • In the beginning of new school year, our volunteer team "Plai Sou", in collaboration with the organization "Together for Children" and with significant contributions from consumers, collected and donated 11,732 school supplies to children in need.


-For the Governance (G):

  • Zero confirmed incidents of corruption or bribery
  • Zero reports of whistle-blowing procedure
  • Adoption of 22 policies and procedures
  • Zero incidents of personal data breaches


Objective Action

The installation of photovoltaic systems at the company's headquarters in Magoula, Attiki,  has as its primary objective the reduction of our environmental footprint, being the first step in the green transition by enhancing environmental protection. In addition, the company's goal is to reduce energy consumption and save financial resources, while contributing to its sustainable development. Finally, by maintaining a responsible attitude towards the environment and promoting its actions and investments for sustainable development, the company, through its large network, aspires to raise awareness among all stakeholders to follow similar actions, thus contributing to the change of social and corporate culture on environmental issues.


Target Audience



This investment has been completed in 2022 and is in full use, but it is not an isolated action of the company, but it is part of a general strategy towards "green growth", regarding the achievement of the objectives of European Green Deal.


Almost all of our carbon footprint comes from electricity consumption. So, we focused all our attention on finding an action plan for ways we could reduce our consumption. In addition, our most energy-intensive facility is the company's headquarters in Magoula. So as the first step of the action plan to reduce electricity consumption, we decided to install a photovoltaic system at the company's headquarters in Magoula, because it would have the biggest and most immediate effect. So, moving in this direction, in December 2022 the company proceeded to install photovoltaic systems on the roof of the building in Magoula with a maximum PV power of 900kw. The cost of the investment was close to 430,000€ and it operates through a net metering program. 


Impact on Society

The year of 2023 was the first year of full use of the photovoltaic system and the Company achieved a 45% reduction in energy consumption in its most energy-intensive installation compared to 2022.

The energy savings resulting from the use of the PV system for 2023 was 1.040MWh, while the total electricity generation from the PV system was 1,273MWh. The remaining energy (233 MWh) produced from PV, was injected into the grid. With this action, the company achieved a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and its overall environmental footprint, helping to promote sustainability by investing in renewable energy sources.

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Workers Participation

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