Smart mobile communication applications (Μ2Μ & Cloud Services)

Vodafone Greece is a leading telecommunications provider of mobile and fixed telephony, internet and TV services. Investing in digital infrastructure, Vodafone is recognised as a partner that credibly supports the needs of businesses and consumers.
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Vodafone Greece takes into consideration businesses and organizations’ current needs of providing integrated mobile solutions that can contribute to cutting down of operating costs, increasing their productivity and competitiveness, as well as reducing their energy consumption, and CO2 emissions.
Smart mobile communication applications addressed to businesses, professionals and individuals.
Vodafone provides since 2009 smart mobile communication applications for businesses and professionals.
Vodafone Greece invests in developing smart mobile M2M applications that aim at boosting Greek businesses’ competitiveness, while generating parallel benefits for the environment. By way of indication, the following services fall under this category:
• M2M Fleet Control.
This service allows every company with a corporate fleet of vehicles to improve the services offered to the customers, while reducing operating costs arising from diesel consumption.
• M2M Energy Control.
a) This service allows fitters and private power generators to have overall control, in real time, of their photovoltaic system and the amount of power being generated, ensuring their system’s efficiency and uninterrupted operation, thereby contributing in increasing the percentage of energy generated by renewable energy sources.
b) This service is provided to natural gas consumers in Attica, and allows reliably monitoring and checking their natural gas consumption levels, offering timely information for any problems in system operation and the proper consumption planning, thus avoiding pointless energy consumption.
• M2M Cooler Control.
The user can monitor business’s freezers and chillers despite its location, such as the operating status, power consumption, temperature/humidity, door opening, etc.
• Cloud services.
Vodafone Greece offers technological solutions that give modern businesses and professionals the possibility to continuously operate, even when they are far from their physical workplace, combining flexible and integrated cloud and hosting solutions. Thus, a business can achieve total control of its telecommunication infrastructure and use, reducing movements and avoiding the need to invest in costly and energy consuming ICT infrastructure (servers, etc.). For instance, the “Akros epaggelmatika” (Strictly professional for Hotel managers) service is provided, which utilises the power of cloud, helping small and mid-size hotel units to be organised and operate via smartphones and tablets.
Through the mobile communication technology, Vodafone Greece provides the ability to:
• Remotely monitor and manage thousands of devices simultaneously, in Greece or anywhere else in the world.
• Increase their productivity and improve the performance of their business’s services.
• Cut down on their business’s operating costs pertaining to energy consumption, with parallel benefits for the environment.
• Reduce their equipment maintenance cost.
• Reduce their employees’ commuting, while minimising the need to invest in costly and energy consuming ICT infrastructures.
These services are available for users no matter where they are (in Greece or abroad).
Vodafone Greece collaborates with its subsidiary Zelitron in implementing and developing these smart applications.
Employees participate in designing and developing these applications, as well as promoting them to the Greek market.
Investments in developing innovative products and services that increase businesses’ competitiveness, while generating parallel benefits for the environment constitute a field where Vodafone Greece can further develop its business.
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