Reconstruction – repairs and maintenance of the playgrounds of the Municipality.

The Municipality of Hellinikon - Argyroupoli is a municipality in the region of Attica. It has a population of 51,330 inhabitants, an area of 15.7 sq. km. and is the 62nd largest municipality in Greece. The City Hall is located at L. Cyprus 68 in Argyroupoli.
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The upgrading and functional restoration of the playgrounds of the Elliniko – Argyroupoli Municipality that present functional problems, in order to be certified in compliance with the law and to adhere to rules that ensure their safe use.
Parents and children.
2015 – 2016.
Within the range of the immediate targets of the Municipality of Elliniko – Argyroupoli is the upgrade of all those playgrounds that present functional problems so that the safety of their users is secured. Furthermore, the improvement – upgrade of public spaces has to be in compliance with the technical specifications and the relevant safety standards set by legislation.
The reconstruction of the playgrounds is being gradually made until each and every one is repaired. Priority is given to those playgrounds that serve a great number of citizens, are located near densely populated networks of the Municipality and those that are centrally located, which as a consequence makes them more frequently visited, as well as to those that present the most important functional problems. An acknowledged Certification Body has been assigned with the task of issuing inspection sheets so that the Municipality can have full knowledge of the specific problems each playground presents. These inspection sheets have been taken into serious consideration regarding the reconstruction of the playgrounds. The evaluation showed that all the playgrounds had serious functional problems and that no maintenance work has been carried out for years. Some of them have even been found unfit for use.
With a view to accomplishing this action the Mayor promotes the program “ADOPT A PLAYGROUND – PROVIDE SAFETY AND JOY TO OUR CHILDREN” to various companies so that they express interest in subsidizing the reconstruction of the playground they desire. Twenty-five companies have expressed their interest and the sponsorships exceeded the amount of 200.000,00€. Therefore, with this program the majority of the playgrounds of the Municipality have already been repaired – reconstructed and certified.
In addition, a study of 75.000,00€, aiming at the reconstruction of five more playgrounds, has been drafted. The financing of this study has been approved by the Region of Attica. Moreover, the municipality has included in its budget more than 100.000,00€ in order to reconstruct, to preserve and to certify the playgrounds in compliance with the law so as to avoid sights of the past.
The Elliniko – Argyroupoli Municipality demonstrates great sensitivity towards children and does everything in his power, with few financial resources, in order to reconstruct the playgrounds in as short a time as possible and in 1,5 year 18 playgrounds have already been certified in compliance with the existing law and the relevant standards.
Playgrounds of the Municipality of Elliniko – Argyroupoli.
Region of Attica.
The participation of the employees of the Technical Service Department and the Independent Maintenance Department of the Elliniko – Argyroupoli Municipality is essential for this project.
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