Crisis Management Center

The Municipality of Hellinikon - Argyroupoli is a municipality in the region of Attica. It has a population of 51,330 inhabitants, an area of 15.7 sq. km. and is the 62nd largest municipality in Greece. The City Hall is located at L. Cyprus 68 in Argyroupoli.
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The Crisis Management Center of the Civil Protection of the Municipality of Hellinikon-Argyroupolis has as its mission the study, planning, organization and coordination of action for risk assessment, prevention, preparedness, information and response to natural and other disasters or emergency situations, the coordination of restoration actions, the control of the implementation of the above, as well as informing the public about these issues.
Additionally, it organizes and supervises the Civil Protection Volunteer Corps. The Crisis Management Center coordinates and manages at the local level the availability of means and human resources to deal with emergency situations. It operates throughout the year, staffed by elected officials, employees and volunteers of the Municipality of Hellinikon-Argyroupoli and, if required, by qualified scientific staff.
To all residents of our Municipality.
From 2015 to today.
It should be noted that the following actions presented have been adopted by the Ymittos Protection and Development Association which manages the mountainous mass of Ymittos. The Association is the largest special purpose association in the country and is made up of 11 Municipalities with a population of 1,500,000. Recently in the presence of the Minister of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection Mr. Christos Stylianidis, the Hon. Minister of Interior Mr. Stelios Petsas and Deputy Minister of Environment and Energy Giorgos Amyras received financial approval of 17,000,000 euros from the financial tools of the TRITSIS proposals, the Recovery Fund and the Green Fund.
Remarkable are the words of the Minister of Climate Crisis Mr. Christos Stylianidis regarding the recognition of good practices as presented in the video accompanying the nomination.
Presenting the actions that are under the responsibility of the Crisis Management Center of the Municipality, the following are mentioned:
1. Forest fire early detection system operation. The Municipality's Crisis Management Center has gathered all incident management technology, such as thermal cameras, the management application of the communication center and portable radios as well as fixed ones in the Municipality's vehicles, providing, in addition to digital communication, location capture for management purposes and security of the media and executives involved. A key factor and primary stage of management is the prevention and detection of both smoke and the source of ignition.
The Municipality of Hellinikon-Argyroupoli installed a fully automated forest protection system which includes the operation of 150 water cannons which act preventively by watering the area every day. Four (4) fire extinguishers have been installed to support the operation of the water cannons. At the same time, a fire-fighting network has been developed throughout the peri-urban front with fire hydrants, which is ready at all times in the event of an incident.
In addition, our Municipality, utilizing new technologies, further protected its peri-urban forest by installing state-of-the-art thermal cameras which scan the entire area of the peri-urban forest and immediately notify the Crisis Management Center of the Municipality, which in turn informs the Fire Service and the Civil Protection of the Municipality in case of fire.
The Supervision System consists of:
A) Management Center software where:
Overall management and supervision of the system is carried out remotely securely from a PC or mobile device.
There is Video Analytics for intelligent surveillance and reduction of false alarms.
NAS storage to save data only if there is an event.
B) Wireless Connection:
Small size StreetNodeTM V60-PTP wireless microwave link for communication between camera installation point and Management Center.
Automated antenna alignment.
Automatically tune to another base station for future use.
Repositioning flexibility if required by fire protection needs.
C) Cameras:
Two thermal-optical cameras for surveillance in 360 degrees and in a radius of more than 350 meters.
A hemispherical optical camera with motion and temperature sensor to protect the space.
The cameras rotate and “scan” the monitored area within 2-3 minutes, drastically reducing fire detection time. The Surveillance System provides complete data related to fire incidents, such as source, exact time and movements of persons or vehicles in the monitored area. Remote activation of hydraulic machines can be performed from the Management Centrer. The fire protection team and the Municipality's environmental service are immediately notified and there is a possibility of connection with other systems or civil protection services.
2. Digital platform for recording the fullness of firefighting water tanks.
In the Crisis Management Center, the fullness of the firefighting water tanks located throughout the mountain mass is obtained in real time to assist the work of the firefighting units.
3. Mapping and naming forest roads and paths.
In order to facilitate and obtain a common communication code for all involved entities, a map has also been developed in digital format and has been shared with all involved services.
4. Overall digital recording of all the services provided and means available to the Crisis Management Center
For the first time, the digital capture of all technological means and natural resources was attempted and successfully completed. Such as, fire stations, observation towers, water tanks, helicopter tanks, fire hydrants, pumping stations, thermal cameras, boreholes, controlled entry bars, forest roads, footpaths, mobile phone antennas, power lines, power poles.
5. An organized body of Forest Protection Volunteers was created with certification from the Fire Service.
The Voluntary Forest Protection and Firefighting Team of the Municipality of Ellinikos Argyroupoli (EODPEA) was born out of necessity, after the devastating fire in Ymittos on July 17, 2015. It joined the planning and Civil Protection actions of the Municipality of Ellinikos Argyroupoli with the no. 253/2016 decision of the Municipal Council. It belongs as a structure to the Corps of Volunteers of the Municipality of Ellinikos Argyroupoli, as provided for under no. 4/15 (AD: 75AMOR7-OG4) decision to establish the latter. Participates in the Local Civil Protection Coordinating Body (STOPP) of the Municipality, in accordance with Law 3013/2002 (art. 13 par. 3b section vii). EODPEA is included in the Registry of Voluntary Organizations of the General Secretariat of Civil Protection with registry number 8/2017 under sub no. 2009/30-5-2017 (AD: ΟΥΥΥΥ465ΥΘ7-DYΥ) decision of the General Secretary of the PP. The operation of EODPEA as a Voluntary Organization of Civil Protection (EOPP) is regulated by articles 117-119 of Law 4249/2014.
With a willingness to selflessly offer to protect the environment and Public Property, dozens of volunteers of all ages responded to the call to protect our mountain. They operate under the auspices of the Municipality of Ellinikos Argyroupoli, are included in the planning and actions of the Office of Civil Protection and are in good cooperation with the 8th Fire Station and the Volunteer Groups of the neighboring Municipalities.
They are also included in the Volunteer Group Registry of the General Secretariat of Civil Protection. They are active in the fields of: -Forest protection (surveillance of forest ecosystems during the fire season and clearing of vegetation to reduce risk)
-Forest firefighting
Search and rescue
-First aid
-Providing assistance in cases of emergency civil protection needs
-Organization and operation of population gathering places after disasters/aid to the affected
-Telecommunications (licensed radio amateurs) and
- Horizontal actions to inform and raise awareness among citizens.
6. An emergency action plan has been drawn up.
A comprehensive Emergency Plan has been drawn up for natural disasters not only for earthquakes but also for other natural disasters. The plan is accompanied by a digital display on the MAP OF THE MUNICIPALITY of all the INFORMATION DATA required for the management of natural disaster events.
7. Action plan for the organized removal of citizens.
The plan was a pilot and model plan for other municipalities in our country, as a good practice for the organized removal of citizens who are on the peri-urban front with buses and buses of the Municipal Transportation
8. Places of Refuge
Refuge (or gathering or assembly) areas are considered open free spaces within the city intended for the safe evacuation of the population, manifested as a first response to an emergency event.
Refuge areas can also be used as immediate accommodation areas (e.g. with tents, caravans or ships), with a duration of stay of a few hours to a few days, i.e. until the affected return to their homes or their relocation to temporary accommodation areas (e.g. in organized campsites with portable cabins) and if they meet the required specifications.
The following areas are planned to operate in accordance with the General Civil Protection Plan XENOKRATIS GAZETTE (423/Β'/2003):
Sector 1 - 2nd SPORTS CENTER (Football Stadium), Olympias 9-11, Argyroupoli
Sector 2 - PLATEIA 208, Anexartisias & Olympias, Argyroupoli
Sector 3 - INDEPENDENCE SQUARE, Independence & Olympia, Argyroupoli
Sector 4 - VARNALI SQUARE, Marinos Geroulanou & 28th of October, Argyroupoli
Sector 5 - MUNICIPAL PARKING, Laskareos & Cyprus Ave., Argyroupoli
Sector 6 - 1ST MUNICIPAL STADIUM (Football Stadium), Cyprus & Tripoleos Avenue, Argyroupoli
Sector 7 - PONTION SQUARE, Thukididou, Argyroupoli Metro
Sector 8 - NATIONAL RESISTANCE SQUARE, Iasonidos & Chrysanthous Trebizonds & Athanasiou Diakos, Elliniko
Sector 9 - SOURMEN SQUARE, Iasonido & Chrysanthos Trabezountos, Elliniko
Sector 10 - MYSTRA SQUARE, Eleftheriou Venizelou & 31st Street & 29th Street, Elliniko
Sector 11 - 9th ATHLETIC CENTER, Mag. Alexandrou & Plastira, Argyroupoli
Sector 12 - STANDARD FAMILY PARK 129, Dragatsaniou, Elliniko
Sector 13 - SMYRNIS SQUARE, 1st Street & 3rd Street & Gamma Street, Elliniko
Sector 14 - PERIASTIC FRONT. Forest fire danger zone,
9. Digital communication system
The described digital communications system is a pioneer at a nationwide level and is aimed at the management of the municipality's vehicles, as well as the staff involved in the daily life of the Municipality and in crisis management, resulting in smoother and more efficient operation of the services and volunteer groups, with the ultimate goal the best service to the public and the maximum possible protection of the forest axis and civil protection issues, which fall under the responsibility of the municipality.
The movement of those involved and their communication is reflected in a common management platform of the now hybrid DMR and AVL network with automatic reporting of position and status between the mobile communication stations participating in the municipality's network. Position and status reporting is done in real time from remote terminals (H/Y).
Tools have been designed to prevent and minimize the effects of extreme natural phenomena and other mass emergencies
A developed sense of responsibility has been created for the staff of our Municipality,
There is a commitment from the administration to our citizens to prepare, methodically and consistently, as best as possible to face as few impacts as possible from future natural and/or technological disasters.
The sense of security of our citizens has been strengthened.
In emergencies, risk management, forest fires.
-Municipality of Hellinikon-Argyroupoli - Local Civil Protection Coordinating Body (S.T.O.)
- Office of Civil Protection of the Municipality of Hellinikon-Argyroupoli
-Municipal police
- Hymettos Protection and Development Association (SPAH)
-Fire Service of the 8th Fire Station of Southern Suburbs
-Directorate of Civil Protection of the Attica Region
-Volunteer Forest Protection and Firefighting Group of Hellinikon Argyroupoli Municipality
- Police Department of Hellinikon and Argyroupoli
- Southeastern Attica Traffic
-Saronikos Port Authority
-Organizations of Common Benefit
The Crisis Management Center coordinates and manages at the local level the availability of means and human resources to deal with emergency situations. It operates throughout the year, is staffed by elected officials, employees and volunteers of the Municipality of Ellinikos-Argyroupoli and is supported in an emergency situation, if required, by qualified scientific staff.
With the action of the Crisis Management Center, our Municipality invests in the process of prevention and planning, concepts that are very important especially in such a sensitive issue that is becoming increasingly imperative due to the climate crisis