
Living & Learning Together: Raising Awareness, Preventing Mental Disorders, and Strengthening Mental Resilience in School Communities

Living & Learning Together: Raising Awareness, Preventing Mental Disorders, and Strengthening Mental Resilience in School Communities

Society of Social Psychiatry P. Sakellaropoulos

The Society of Social Psychiatry and Mental Health Panagiotis Sakellaropoulos (S.C.Ps.& Ps.Y. P. Sakellaropoulos) is a scientific, non-profit association founded in 1986. The first important steps that led to its establishment were taken in 1964 by the Professor of Child Psychiatry, Panagiotis Sakellaropoulos and his team of colleagues, who, inspired by the spirit of Social-Community Psychiatry, began working for psychiatric reform in Greece. Since then, the P. Sakellaropoulos Mental Health & Psychology Society has developed a wide network of activities in all areas related to Mental Health. Its services cover a large part of the psychiatric and child psychiatric needs of the residents of the areas where its structures operate, namely the prefectures of Attica, Fokida and adjacent areas, Fthiotida, Evros and the wider region of Thrace and include: services for the prevention of mental disorders, their early treatment and the social and professional rehabilitation of people with psychosocial problems, community education activities (information events, seminars, trainings, etc. α.)to inform and raise awareness of the population on mental health issues and combat the stigma of mental illness, implementation of training programmes aimed at developing highly qualified staff, as well as participation in European programmes and in European organisations and networks for mental health.

Objective Action

The initiative aims to promote the overall well-being of students by enhancing their mental resilience,  training their teachers, and psychoeducation of their parents with an emphasis on a positive school environment that promotes their mental health and the quality of their lives.



Target Audience

Students, Parents, Teachers of school units, Psychologists, Social workers, Institutional education authorities



It capitalizes on the 40 years of experience and mental health services of EKPS P. Sakellaropoulos since its establishment. It has been systematically implemented in its current form under the title "Living & Learning Together" from 2018 to the present.



"Living and Learning Together: Raising Awareness, Preventing Mental Disorders, and Strengthening Mental Resilience in School Communities" is a modular, multi-faceted program implemented within the school community, focusing on:

  • Raising awareness of mental health issues, available services, and networks
  • Destigmatizing mental illness
  • Primary prevention
  • Promoting rights with an emphasis on inclusion
  • Intervening in in-school crises and external crises affecting the school community
  • Supporting general and special education issues
  • Providing experiential education and psychoeducation for students, parents, and teachers
  • Promoting mental resilience in school communities, enriching their mental lives, and improving their overall mental well-being and quality of life

The program involves holistic, universal, and interdisciplinary mental health interventions that promote well-being and mental health by enhansing mental resilience and enriching the mental lives of participating students, teachers, and parents.

It systematically fosters a non-directive atmosphere, creating an unprecedented, creative, and emotionally safe environment, introducing new knowledge and processes into school life, and aiming to develop communication skills, facilitate expression, and acquire new knowledge to solve problems or crises challenging the school community in Greece.

The program is designed to embrace, include, and connect the school community's triad of "parents, teachers, and students" with mental health specialists and the available forces of the broader community in a reverse dynamic chain, in an unbreakable unity of strengthening mental health and resilience. The experiential interventions are designed, implemented, and evaluated with the active participation of the interested parties at all stages (co-production) and according to the expressed needs of the school units (tailor-made).

Vision and Philosophy:

The vision and philosophy of the program are encapsulated in the tripartite message:

  • Together, better!... easier!... and happier!
  • Together! We change ourselves, change our team, and promote our well-being!
  • Together! For mental resilience, creativity, and skill development

Methodology - Innovation:

The experiential interventions are designed, implemented, and evaluated with active participation from all interested parties at all stages (co-production) and according to the expressed needs of school units (tailor-made).

Systematic use of innovative techniques and methodologies, such as:

  • Co-production and co-creation
  • Active listening
  • An attitude of positivity, complete and unconditional acceptance, love, respect, and trust towards the evolving individual
  • Methodically building an emotional relationship of equality, cooperation, and alliance with all participants, promoting social-group values such as collectivity, solidarity, and equality

Key Features:

  • Tailor-made intervention design for students, parents, and educational staff according to the expressed needs of school communities, students, and parents
  • Holistic, universal, and interdisciplinary experiential interventions designed, implemented, and evaluated with the collaboration and active participation of all stakeholders in all phases of the program
  • Our co-creation approach links mental health with human rights and the psychosocial model of social/community psychiatry
  • Our co-production approach ensures the representation of all stakeholders and the inclusion of diversity without exclusions
  • Evidence-based approach: Use of a combined model and techniques from cutting-edge therapeutic approaches such as psychoanalytic prism, action research, non-directive intervention (NDI), art therapy, theater and art therapies, systemic therapy, trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT - TF), drama/dance/music therapy, and psychoeducation
  • Capitalizing on deliverable tools from European Erasmus+ programs
  • Education, psychoeducation, and experiential workshops
  • Networking the school community with mental health professionals and the broader community forces
  • Support for creating bonds between the school and the broader social environment (local mental health services and professionals, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders)

Priority is given to school units facing internal or external crises due to natural disasters or reporting problems with diversity integration (refugees, immigrants, vulnerable groups), violence, delinquency, bullying incidents, anxiety and stress-related behaviors, self-harm incidents, trauma, loss, and grief

Innovative Characteristics for Greek Schools:

The program systematically fosters a non-directive, person-centered climate, creating an unprecedented, creative, and emotionally safe environment for Greek schools, introducing new knowledge and processes into school life. It aims to develop communication skills, facilitate expression, and achieve democratic citizenship through experiential learning to solve problems or crises challenging the school community.

Utilizing the best practices of the program in school life

  • Integrating innovative material into existing school programs (flexible zone, skill workshops, etc.)
  • Creating a climate of "ownership"
  • Utilizing a flexible educational modular program
  • Training teachers in the innovative learning model and psychoeducation to comfortably fulfill their psycho-pedagogical role
  • Enhancing the mental resilience of teachers and parents (experiential seminars, workshops, parent schools, etc.)
  • Offering experiential education and learning: Employing a variety of projection, bodily, and other expressive techniques utilizing artistic, creative, and theatrical expression from various schools, cultures, and traditions.


Impact on Society

Results of Program Actions:

During the period 2018-2024, 1806 multi-level actions were implemented, including:

  • 648 School Units: 218 of these were trained by the Institute of Educational Policy (IEP) in the methodology and material for use in Skills Workshops.
  • 5,193 Teachers: 2,500 were trained with the program’s material directly by the Ministry of Education/IEP for use in Skills Workshops.
  • 17.507 Students: participated in experiential workshops.
  • 1.947 Parents: attended psychoeducation activities.

Psychosocial Support Actions for School Communities Affected by Natural or Human-made Disasters:

2023: Flood-affected areas in Magnesia and Thessaly.
2021-23: Fire-affected areas in Evia.
2023: Fire-affected areas in Evros.
2021-23: Connection with the program “No One Alone During the Pandemic.”
2018-19: Fire-affected areas in Attica.

Impact on the Target Audience:

Experience from the implementation of the program during 2018-19 and data from the evaluation of the 2018-19 pilot program indicate the following positive effects:

  • Increased awareness of mental health issues.
  • Prevention of mental disorders: Reduction in the incidence of mental disorders among students.
  • Support in effectively managing in-school crises by providing tools and knowledge.
  • Strengthening mental resilience.
  • Improvement of problem-solving skills.
  • Creation of strong psychoeducational bonds between students and teachers.
  • Change in school climate: Creating a positive and supportive school environment.
  • Promotion of cooperation and holistic approach to mental health issues.
  • Timely quality intervention and continuity of care.
  • Νetworking and Ιnterconnection of 648 primary and secondary schools with existing mental health units of the Local Mental Health Sector (Mobile Mental Health Units, Day Centers, Psychopedagogical services, Day Centers for supporting Workers/Family, etc.).
  • Development of 18.071 students’ psychosocial and social skills: Soft skills and 21st-century skills.
  • Professional support for 5.193 education professionals.

Results of Actions 2018-2024:

2018-19 Pilot Program Actions Evaluation Results:

Initiative Location

The program is systematically implemented in the regions of Attica, Fokida, Fthiotida, Evros, and Rodopi. It addresses emergency psychosocial support needs nationwide during crises, whether man-made or natural disasters.



Working with Organization

Collaborations are utilized on a case-by-case basis with:

  • Public and similar entities and Programs in the field of mental health
  • Municipal and regional authorities
  • Local welfare services
  • Civil society organizations related to human rights
  • Volunteers
  • Universities
  • Foundations
  • Local associations, etc.


Workers Participation

The interdisciplinary team consists of 65 professionals, 50 volunteers, and interns. Specializations include psychologists, special educators, psychotherapists, speech therapists, and administrative staff.


Photos Videos

Benefits for Οrganization

It capitalizes on the experience, systematic work, and mental health services offered by the SSP P. Sakellaropoulos Mental Health Organization for 40 years, from its founding to the present.

The program has been systematically implemented in its current version titled "Living & Learning Together" from 2018 to today. Through 1806 multi-level actions in 648 school units, it has gained recognition from thousands of families, education professionals, and mental health professionals, bringing multiple benefits to the organization, which are documented qualitatively and quantitatively. 


  • Enhancement of Know-How and Capacity Building: Strengthening the skills of 264 SSP P. Sakellaropoulos Mental Health Organization professionals through the development and enhancement of their capacity to train other professionals and implement multi-level actions for awareness, primary prevention, promotion of mental health, and quality of life in the general population, establishing it as a model mental health intervention organization in Greece and Europe.
  • Enhancement of the Organization's Know-How as a Training and Psychoeducation Entity: The organization has systematized the methodology and tools offering professional training for third parties, 2.693 educators, and dozens of mental health specialists have so far been trained during the years 2018-2014
  • Recognition & Enhancement of Scientific Competence and Prestige: The successful implementation and ongoing promotion of the program have validated the scientific competence and prestige of the organization, enhancing its credibility and recognition both within the scientific and educational communities and on a broader social level. 
  • Sustainability: All the above actions have created a strong foundation for further development and sustainability, ensuring eligibility for funding from European and national programs, sponsorships, and other financial tools.

In Detail:

1. Recognition and Validation: Ιnternational Recognition & Promotion as Best and Good Practice:

  •      Recognised as a best practice by the European Commission and published in the Best Practice Portal:
  •      Recognised as a good practice by Mental Health Europe: Supporting the Mental Health & Wellbeing of Young People in Formal Education. Featured in the Good Practices Library of the HPP Thematic Network “Mental Health in All Policies” DG SANTE Health Policy Platform.
  •      Recognition of the pilot program as a good practice for Social Inclusion & Social Integration via the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education website.
  •      "Success story" & "Good Practice" for the innovative material "DSH Positive Choices" from the “European Commission Directorate-General Education, Youth, Sport and Culture.” Featured on the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform.

    The collaborations with the Universities of Thessaly, Demokritio Thrace, Panteion University of Athens emphatically seal the prestige and reliability of the institution's know-how

 Presentations at numerous scientific conferences such as the 7th Panhellenic Counseling Psychology Conference and the School Psychology Conference, Volos 2018, the Art Therapy Conference, Athens 2019, the 30th Panhellenic Psychiatry Conference 2022, Thessaloniki, etc., enhancing the organization's reputation and credibility in the scientific community.

2. Participation and Networking:
  - From 2018 to 2024, the program was implemented in 648 school units nationwide, with the participation of 17.507 students, 5.193 teachers and 1.947 parents. Networking of the program with community mental health units in regions such as Attica, Fokida, Fthiotida, Rodopi, Evros, Magnesia, Evia, enhancing primary prevention actions.

3. Support and Collaboration with the Ministry of Education/IEP:

  •    Approval and availability of the program material and permanent publication in the Digital Repository of the Institute of Educational Policy.
  •    Professional Training in the program's tools for 5.193 educators and mental health professionals. 2.500 were trained by the Institution of Educational Policy-IEP “Training of Trainers in Skills Workshops” 2020, enhancing their skills for use in school life and by school units.

4. Response to Emergency Situations:

  •    Nationwide Support of Greek Families and schools in Crisis Periods: Provision of psychosocial support in school units in the fire-affected areas of the regions of Attica, Evia, and Evros.
  •  Networking with the program “No One Alone in the Pandemic” for providing psychological support during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  •   Support for school units in the flood-affected areas of Magnesia and Thessaly.

5. Continuous Improvement and Standardization:

   The program's pilot implementation and positive evaluation allow its use as a flexible tool model in large-scale interventions in schools and the wider community.

6. Social Impact:

  •    Workshops and Actions: Conducting 1806 multi-level actions and thousands of workshops with thousands of participants, continuously enhance the organization's effectiveness in strengthening social empathy and mental resilience.
  •    Online and other promotion of collaborations with formal education, the Ministry of Education/IEP, municipal and regional local government entities, relevant mental health organizations and programs in Greece and Europe, universities, associations, and foundations, strengthening the organization’s recognition and social impact.

These elements demonstrate the significant contribution of the program in promoting mental health and enhancing social empathy within school communities, as well as strengthening the P. Sakellaropoulos Mental Health Organization as a leading entity in implementing such programs in Greece and Europe.


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