"Τhe Little Tourist/Consumer - A Suitcase Travels"

The Multi-Awarded Innovative Experiential Multi-Culture Program (Scientific Program / Educational Workshop): "The Little Tourist/Consumer-A Suitcase Travels" is information and awareness through cultivating sustainable consciousness, responsible consumption & promoting active citizenship, acting on the basis of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (UN 2030 Agenda).
At the same time, there was participation in various events and target audiences (Greek and English speaking) in order to publicize and spread the program, e.g. in public and private schools of all levels -primary, secondary, tertiary education- (kindergartens, elementary, middle schools, high schools, Vocational Training Institutes/VET, universities, postgraduates, etc.), in festivals (science, volunteering, education, play , of a child), in educational and tourism conferences, in specialized workshops/webinars of teachers/pedagogues/volunteers/municipal executives, in special schools, in multicultural schools, in sustainable schools, in ecological schools, in historical schools, in open schools, in churches schools, in vocational high schools (EPAL), in high school classes, in second chance schools, in KDAP, in Erasmus departments (school exchanges), in e-twinning (twinning of schools), in school events, in final holidays.
The initiative started in 2014 and runs until 2030 in order to create the greatest possible impact.
The action is implemented through conducting experiential workshops and practical exercises (from one to three hours) based on: works of visual artists/artists, modern audio-visual material, suitable teaching material and of course, through modern pedagogical methodology. The most important thing, however, is the "creative and playful character" that has been given to the action so that concepts very important for tourism can be perceived in an understandable and comprehensible way, such as, as the case may be: the natural environment, culture, gastronomy, the job market/profession, entertainment, geography, history, activism, society, locality, volunteering, the economy, travel health and safety, in the midst of a pandemic, etc.
At the same time, it is a program aimed at promoting the values of international and global organizations such as the United Nations and the European Union in order to form active and critically thinking citizens through the holistic approach to education. Through new teaching methods, based on non-formal education, experiential semi-structured workshops that provide high self-activity to participants, role-plays, case studies, drama, interactive exercises and other experiential actions are combined, while all participants are invited to take an active role, with the motto "leaving no one behind", "every action counts" & "think globally, act locally".
"The Little Tourist - A Suitcase Travels" has exceeded all expectations, judging by the appeal and demand it has, so far, among children and adults from all over Greece. The numbers speak for themselves: within 8 years (2014- 2022) we have trained almost 15,000 people, mainly student-teachers, in the Global Goals, in more than 250 actions, while the awards/commendations number 35.
At the same time, there was participation in various events and target audiences (Greek-speaking, French-speaking, Italian-speaking & English-speaking) in order to publicize and spread the program, e.g. in public and private schools of all levels -primary, secondary, tertiary education- (kindergartens, elementary, middle schools, high schools, Vocational Training Institutes/VET, universities, postgraduates, etc.), in festivals (science, volunteering, education, play , of a child), in educational and tourism conferences, in specialized workshops/webinars of teachers/pedagogues/volunteers/municipal executives, in special schools, in multicultural schools, in sustainable schools, in ecological schools, in historical schools, in open schools, in churches schools, in vocational high schools (EPAL), in high school classes, in second chance schools, in KDAP, in Erasmus departments (school exchanges), in e-twinning (twinning of schools), in school events, in final holidays.
The impact of the program is demonstrated by a variety of letters: letters of thanks, recommendations, support, good performance, the official evaluations, the positive e-mails submitted by school directors and teachers, the "impressions album" of children and teachers, which is always completed after the end of the event of the workshop, but also the commemorative photos with the participants, the hugs and the happy faces after the workshop ended. And the great success of the program was sealed with a multitude of distinctions (awards, praises, etc.) that it received, from the very first year of its official implementation, for its universal application, without distinctions and participation costs.
Greece mainly, but also the UK, Cyprus, Brazil and Vietnam.
This is an action which is primarily supported and promotes synergies and cooperation with other agencies for a better dissemination of results. So, from the bottom of our hearts, we thank the following organizations for their patronage, support, promotion, approval and/or co-implementation:
the Ministry of Tourism, the Hellenic Tourism Organization, the Ministry of Education, Research & Religion, the Region of Attica, the AshaCentre/United Kingdom, the SDG GlobalFestivalofAction/UN SDG Action Campaign/Germany, the World Tourism Organization, the UN Regional Information Center, the European Information & Information Center (EuropeDirectCityofAthens), the Office of the European Parliament & the Representation of the European Commission in Greece, the European Parliament/Brussels, the Unesco Group of Speech Arts & Sciences of Greece, Unesco Amarousiou & Serres, the EntrepreneurshipSchoolCocaColaFoundation, the Association of Greek Women Scientists, the Scientific Union for the Promotion of Educational Innovation (EEPEK), the EuropeanSustainableTourism Awards, the EuropeanPublicSectorAwards, the CreativeTourismAwards, the Alexandros Onassis Charitable Foundation (Scholarship Association) with "Come with us" & "a-oh", the "PARODOS 17" / Corps of Greek Guides, the Kimolos International Film Festival, the Hellenic Institute of Cultural Diplomacy, HATTA, Greek Taste Beyond Borders (GTBB,) the "Open Schools" / Municipality of Athens, "MindtheLab" / Athens Metro, the "Evening of the Researcher"/NTUA, ITE, EKETA, ELMEPA, the College of Athens, the Metropolitan College/AMC, the "AthensScienceFestival" /BritishCouncil, "The Athens we need", the "World Cultural Heritage Symposium for Youth" and "SOS4LOVE PROJECT" of the UN, BravoSchools, BravoAwards, Diplario School, "MoneyShow", "Oniroupolis", "Let'sDoitGreece", "Children's Festival", Aeiforum, "Game Festival", the Serafio Foundation, VoluntaryAction, EducationFestival/SkyWalker, TourismAwards, OIKOPOLIS, YperiaFestival, EducationLeaderAwards, “Serexpo”, “Children’s University”, “Teachers for Europe Ambassadors”, IEK NewYorkCollege, Aristotle, TEI of Athens, IAKE, Neo Pedagogo, the "Pammakaristos" Children's Foundation, the Municipality of Neo Voutsa (fire affected), the Kalamata Tourism School, "Hope 2030"/Hellenic Platform for Development, the schools of Bougas, Georgiou Zoi, Educational Renaissance & Theomitor, the Drapetsona Environmental Education Center, the Second Chance Piraeus school, the Solidarity Mission, the Sustainability Observatory, the Probona Grove, the Holy Metropolis of Piraeus, the EEEK Ag. Dimitriou, the 9th special municipal school of Athens, the Center for Creative Employment/ KDAP Voula, KEK IMEE, Myrodati Chios, ATEI Larisa, University of the Aegean, Aristotle University, QualityNetFoudation, the War Museum, the Observatory, the "Educational programs" of the Onassis Foundation Library, the OPANDA & Veria Library, the State Scholarship Foundation (Scholarship Association), the Smile of the Child, the Ark of the World, the KESYP of Patisia and Chalkida, the Orthodox Center of the Church of Greece, SamothrakiOpenForum, the television educational shows "About Education", "Show the Child", the ERT radio show "HellasPlus" and other Bodies,
Participation in the activity is done voluntarily by the trainers, free of charge and at no cost to the participants, with also voluntary participation of the interested parties, in order to have a commitment to the results.
In our positive benefits, we primarily mention positive evaluations and our numerous collaborations, while our awards are detailed as follows:
1st year of implementation:
• SILVER Award, Tourism Awards 2016
• Honorary Distinction, VoluntaryAction Festival 2016
• Letter of good execution of the project & dedication to the magazine "a-o", Non-profit Foundation Al. Onassis (Scholarship Association)
•Commemorative commendation, Piraeus UNESCO Group and TEI of Athens
•Thank you letter, Athens Science Festival-AthensScienceFestival/ASF,SciCo-British Council-Technopolis of the Municipality of Athens
2nd year of implementation:
•Commemorative commendation/Letter of thanks, Greek Guides Association & World Tourism Organization/as an expert
•Distinction title for written work, Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences/IAKE
•7 (seven) total SILVER, BRONZE and Commemorative awards, Educational Awards-EducationBusinessAwards 2017
• Congratulatory letter from the European Parliament, inclusion of specific actions under its auspices
•1st Prize, "International Year of Sustainable Tourism 2017", UN in collaboration with the WTO
• Excellent case study in INEP/EKKDA and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Best practice in Ministry of Education, Research & Religious Affairs
3rd year of implementation:
• Honorable mention for valuable contribution, President of the Hellenic Republic, "I respect Diversity - We say no to
school and online bullying-" in collaboration with a special school, British Council, International Olympic Truce Center
•Supporter diploma, 1st Panhellenic Conference of Greek Gastronomy 2018, Greek Taste Beyond Borders/GTBB
•Ambassador, "sos4loveproject- We change the world with the power of Education", UNO
•Award for excellent creativity/presentation, Municipality of Kavala & Children's University, Swedish Institute
Thank you message for cooperation, "Sustainable Europe for all 2030-Hope 2030", Hellenic Platform for Development
4th year of implementation:
•SILVER Award, Educational Awards-EducationLeaderAwards 2018
•Online hosting: SDGActionAwards (unique Greek participation) & UN Regional Information Center, UNWTO
•Joining the "17 Days, 17 Goals of Sustainable Development" action umbrella, Greek Platform for "Sustainable Development"
• Honorable mention, AmorgosYPERIAFestival, Municipality of Amorgos & SamothrakiOpenForum, Municipality of Samothraki
•Approved Participation in EuropeanSustainableTourismAwards, EuropeanPublicSectorAwards, CreativeTourismAwards, AltieroSpinelli
•Best practice, BRAVOSustainabilityAwards2018, Sustainability Observatory-QualityNetFoundation
•Interview: on ERT radio, on the programs "About Education" and "Show the Child"
5th year of implementation:
•Honorable mention, AnnualSustainabilitySummit, Center for Sustainability/CSE & MBA International OPA, United Nations (UN Partnership)
•Participation Award, ECOPOLIS 2019-Environmental Sensitivity Awards, ECOCITY
•Bravo Society Pillar Award, BRAVOSutabilityDialogue&Awards2019, Sustainability Observatory-QualityNetFoundation
•Incorporation into the Action Plan of the Ministry of Economy & Development with a 3-year implementation & zero budget
• Excellent case study in the Orthodox Center of the Church of Greece
6th year of implementation:
•Praise for Participation & cooperation extension, Child's Smile
•Praise for Participation, Career Training Program “Educational Paths after High School”, for 5 consecutive years,
1st Educational and Counseling Support Center (IKESY), 1st District of Athens... and we continue...