
"Breath" Psychosocial Support Program for Lung Cancer

"Breath" Psychosocial Support Program for Lung Cancer


Objective Action

The aim of the BREATH Psychosocial Support Program is to provide free psychological and social support with nationwide coverage to patients, caregivers and family members experiencing lung cancer. Its purpose is to develop best practices for information on the importance of the psychological empowerment of oncology patients and especially their psychological support in order to improve their daily lives and the holistic treatment of the disease.


The program is addressed to beneficiaries from all over Greece, utilizing the modern capabilities of technology, offering equal access and responding to the necessity of digital health and remote care for the benefit of patients, in collaboration with experienced and specialized health professionals from recognized bodies.


BREATH's free offer supports the vulnerable social groups of oncology patients and their caregivers, promotes a holistic treatment of the disease but also digital health, combating the social exclusion of economically vulnerable patients with its free offer, as similar programs do not exist in the national strategy of the NHS.


Target Audience

The services of the BREATH program are directly addressed to patients, caregivers and their families who experience lung cancer nationwide.

Mental health information and prevention actions concern more broadly and indirectly high-risk or non-risk groups, health scientists, but also sensitized citizens who as volunteers wish to contribute to the program.



The BREATH Programme needed a preparatory implementation period from January 2022 to May 2022. It was piloted from June 2022 to June 2023 and continues its implementation in the year 2024-2025 (in progress).


In Greece, lung cancer is the most common cancer and the first cause of death. 80% are diagnosed at an advanced stage with 5-years while the 5-year survival rate is only 20%.

Patients experience social isolation, death anxiety due to high mortality and smoker stigma, while the frequency of rapid disease burden makes it  necessary to build a holistic supportive framework.

FairLife L.C.C. focuses on prevention, screening, early diagnosis, the importance of molecular testing, and access to clinical studies. But on its own this is not enough. A holistic approach to lung cancer disease requires and enforces the psychosocial support of patients.

Psychosocial support is a challenge that concerns the multilevel empowerment of the individual, the shielding of his mental adaptability, the improvement of the quality of life of the patient and the continuation of the regularity of his life, of his relatives and caregivers. Taking into account the Greek participations in studies of the Global Lung Cancer Coalition and the European Lung Cancer Agency (LuCE), FairLife L.C.C. undertakes the initiative of designing and implementing the 1st integrated and free Psychosocial Support Program – BREATH for patients, caregivers and family members experiencing lung cancer, filling a gap in information and support regarding the disease.

BREATH has been in force since June 2022 and provides the following services, with the help of modern means of communication, online, by telephone and in person as appropriate:


1) Psychological support

- individual counseling and group sessions with a weekly frequency and aiming at the gradual emotional discharge of patients and caregivers through the discussion and sharing of thoughts and feelings, accompanied by specialized mental health professionals.

- Specialized support to children, adolescents and parents, before and after the loss of a loved one in cooperation with Merimna.

2) Psychosocial support

-direct and valid information on the social rights of patients and based on the Greek legislation as well as personalized support in bureaucratic procedures by the Centre for the Guidance of Cancer Patients (K3)

-free online Pilates classes to strengthen the body and improve breathing in patients and caregivers in collaboration with Just Pilates Studio and wellness consultant Ms. Ainola Terzopoulou.

-therapeutic photography workshops in collaboration with Eyes of Light.


The 11157 hotline works as an adjunct, feeding back into the program with patient requests. BREATH is supported by its specially designed website and detailed service guides are available for each of its actions.

BREATH innovation is recognized:

  • the patient-centered and holistic approach to the disease
  • the uptake of digital media by promoting the modern trend of digital health and remote care
  • in its free provision to patients and caregivers with IS
  • in the nationwide scope of the program
  • the provision of specialized and personalized social support , information and counseling services


In particular, the FairLife L.C.C. initiative pioneers and innovates because:

1. It provides a service that is not supported by the national health system. The patient is monitored exclusively by an oncologist, without having any psychological support either himself or his relatives, who bear the burdens of care.

2. Promotes the modern trend for digital health and decentralized care-support for oncology patients, utilizing the means offered by new technologies (telemedicine)

3. It introduces in Greece a holistic approach to the oncology patient, which is embraced internationally by more and more cancer patient associations by including psychological support programs in their planning.

4.  It is offered free of charge to patients with CS and their carers throughout the Greek territory.

5. Offers personalized psychological support and counseling services

6. Informs, advises on social inclusion issues related tothe solution of everyday problems through access to the beneficial provisions of the current legislation, the utilization of existing structures and services. Resolving issues related to medicines, work, leave, benefits and their rights,  relieves patients and especially caregivers from a daily burden.

7. Promotes the concept of well-being, physical and mental health, with complementary seminars on nutrition, physical activity, creative engagement and well-being.


The program between 2022-today has been supported by: Founding donors TIMA Charitable Foundation and AEGEAS AMKE, The Lung Ambition Alliance as well as companies Amgen, BMS, Janssen, Novartis, Pfizer, Roche, Takeda, PHARMASERV LILLY Euroclinic of Athens and Karyo.


Impact on Society

The results of the BREATH Psychosocial Support Program highlight the necessity and utility of the program through qualitative and quantitative data. The following results cover the period from June 2022 to June 2024.

Geographical Distribution

The majority of requests come from Attica, reaching a rate of 50.5%.
There was a significant increase in beneficiaries from Northern Greece and areas affected by natural disasters in 2023.

Quantitative Program Evaluation (June 2022 – June 2024)

A total of 682 participation requests were submitted to the Breath Psychosocial Support Program.


  • 499 requests for psychological support
  • 134 requests for social support and information
  • 46 requests for creative activities

Following these requests, the immediate beneficiaries of the program for the period June 2022 – June 2024 were 632 individuals, of which:

  • 526 individuals were supported through the Breath psychological support
  • 85 individuals were supported through social guidance
  • 21 individuals through creative activities

Among the beneficiaries, 39% were patients and 61% were caregivers.

In total, the following sessions were conducted:

  • 552 Individual & Family Sessions
  • 165 Group Sessions for patients & caregivers. It is important to note that a total of 16 support groups for patients and caregivers were conducted.
  • 191 Grief support sessions for teenagers & parents
  • 85 Health Assistant Personal Cases (K3)
  • 55 Pilates Classes
  • 24 Therapeutic Photography Sessions

Qualitative Evaluation

A key evaluation element of the program is the anonymous short evaluation completed by those who finished the program, a crucial process for feedback and improvement of the program's operations.

  • 40% of those surveyed were patients, and the rest were caregivers and family members who participated in group and individual sessions respectively.
  • 90% completely agreed on the program's easy accessibility, were fully satisfied with the initial contact with FairLife and the therapist, and would recommend the program to those in need.
  • There was a discrepancy regarding the number of sessions and whether the number was sufficient. 46% agreed that the number was sufficient, while 54% felt that an increase in the number of sessions would be significant.
  • Finally, 80% completely agreed that the information they received from the organization and information sources (Digital Library Learn Act Hope, events and webinars, informational broadcasts, Information Line 111 57, FairLife website) was beneficial and useful for their knowledge about the disease.


Daily connections with the organization's beneficiaries are made via phone, having communicated with 1,904 individuals from 2021 to date, aiming for information, guidance, and support.

The communication is mainly conducted by women (71%), and when the call concerns patient support, 70% pertains to male patients.

Additional communication tools for the program include its website and FairLife L.C.C.'s Social Media.

Overall, over 1,400,000 users were exposed to our message, which appeared more than 4,850,000 times. From our communication on Social Media, 23,326 visitors were directly led to the program's page with an average duration of stay of 5 minutes.



21 speakers participated and over 950 people attended the event.


25 speakers participated with over 1,150 people attending the event.

Printed Material:

7,000 BREATH brochures were distributed in hospitals, care units, municipalities, patient associations, doctors.

Initiative Location

The BREATH Program is implemented nationwide for lung cancer patients, their families and caregivers either physically in Athens or through online sessions and webinars.


Working with Organization

For the implementation of the BREATH program, FairLife L.C.C. cooperated with the following bodies:

- "Wilhelm Reich" Psychotherapy & Counseling Center, Hellenic Association of Analytical, Group and Family Psychotherapy and private psychotherapists with the main purpose of full and systematic training in group analysis and couple and family therapy.

- Care: The only organization in Greece, for the last 28 years, specializing in the psychological support of grieving children and adolescents and the provision of Pediatric Palliative Care to children with life-threatening illness.

- Cancer Guidance Centre (K3) : The aim is to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of oncology patients and their families throughout the Greek territory, supporting their access to health and welfare services.

- Just Pilates Studio and wellness consultant Ms. Ainola Terzopoulou providing patients and caregivers pilates courses to improve their physical condition, respiratory function and mental mood.

- Eyes Of Light: Provides patients with lung cancer with the opportunity to participate in therapeutic photography workshops.



In the context of producing audiovisual materials and communication through the organization’s channels and website, the program’s collaborators are:

  • Website Creation, Advertising, and Communication: Catalytica
  • Production of Audiovisual Material (Videos & Webinar): Wasp Studio
  • Visuals and Prints: Sofia Filou, Betty Cheimariou
  • Text Editing and Patient Testimonials: Angeliki Souri
  • Clipping Services: INNEWS
  • Transportation: ACS
  • Reputation Management: Unique
  • Journalists: Christina Vidou, Natassa Spagadourou


Workers Participation


-the scientifically responsible- mental health professional, who undertakes the first communication with the stakeholders, accepts and manages the requests of the stakeholders, provides information and guidance on the services of the program as well as general information on lung cancer.

-the person in charge of the BREATH program, who is essentially responsible for the smooth operation of the action.

-volunteers, ambassadors of FairLife L.C.C. by participating in mental empowerment actions.


For the strengthening and implementation of the program, 38 doctors from the FairLife L.C.C. scientific team and 46 volunteers contributed a total of 4,900 production hours to the project.

Volunteers include:

  • Mariam Theodoraki
  • Evi Lampropoulou
  • Eleni Moisiadou
  • Betty Cheimariou
  • Giota Dede
  • Despina Demeti
  • Nicoletta Panopoulou
  • Giorgos Plessas
  • Ilianna Giannatou
  • Nikos Koulouris
  • Sotiris Vlachopanagiotis


Benefits for Οrganization

The qualitative evaluation of the pilot program through anonymous questionnaires completed by the participants and the communication with the experts allows a reflection on the goals set. Besides, the collaborative nature of the therapeutic process and mutual expectations requires such an evaluation. The benefits for FairLife L.C.C. were:


1) The cultivation of a climate of cooperation and trust with patients and the creation of new collaborations with scientific bodies, NGOs and cultural institutions.


2) The formation of a core of 57 patients who now voluntarily participate in information and awareness actions for mental health and well-being.  Patients confirmed the necessity of psychosocial support and empowerment due to their high emotional burden from the disease.


3) The formation of a new culture for digital health by exploiting the possibilities offered by new technologies, such as online participation in sessions, webinars, etc.


4)   The communication and extroversion of the program contributed to its dissemination in every corner of the country, offering the opportunity to those living with cancer to seek help and receive targeted information.

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