
"Ask the Right Question": Campaign Against the Stigma of Lung Cancer

"Ask the Right Question": Campaign Against the Stigma of Lung Cancer


Objective Action

Lung cancer is the second most common form of cancer worldwide, with 2.21 million new diagnoses in 2020, and the deadliest, with 1.8 million deaths in the same year (World Health Organization, 2022).

The occurrence of lung cancer can be attributed to many factors, such as smoking, environmental pollution, exposure to toxic substances, and family history. Although the majority of diagnoses are linked to smoking, other risk factors are often overlooked. This creates a stigma that affects all lung cancer patients, regardless of their smoking history.

The "Ask the Right Question" campaign aims to alleviate the smoker's stigma, enhance social cohesion, and promote a culture of inclusion, acceptance, and support. The goal is to educate on the significant issues surrounding the causes of lung cancer beyond smoking, recognize smoking as an addiction, and provide psychological support for destigmatization and cessation.

The FairLife L.C.C. initiative supports smokers as a vulnerable social group, promotes practices to address stigma and early diagnosis of lung cancer, and combats misconceptions and stereotypes. The campaign seeks to change the perception that lung cancer is solely a personal responsibility due to smoking, promoting the idea that anyone with lungs can develop lung cancer.

The campaign's actions include raising awareness about the causes of lung cancer, promoting screening and healthy living, and educating the public on recognizing smoking as an addiction that requires support and treatment for cessation. The aim is to destigmatize so that high-risk individuals undergo preventive screening without guilt, improving treatment options and chances of recovery.

The "Ask the Right Question" campaign promotes changing the perception of smoking stigma and its connection to lung cancer, aligning with the European strategy that recognizes smoking as an addiction. By combating discrimination against smokers and promoting understanding of the true causes of lung cancer, the campaign aims to improve social cohesion and support high-risk groups.

The key actions of the campaign aim to:

  • Change the prevailing perception of stigma and lung cancer.
  • Raise public awareness by asking the right questions and avoiding the typical question "Did you smoke?" to patients.
  • Present personal stories of patients and caregivers, giving a voice to those experiencing the disease.
  • Remove shame and blame from the discussion around the disease.
  • Sensitize the public to the impact of stigma on the life, psyche, and strength of patients.
  • Focus on aspects that will help combat the disease.

Target Audience

The campaign targets smokers, high-risk groups for lung cancer, oncology patients and their caregivers, as well as the general public both in Greece and abroad. As it aims to contribute to the public dialogue on stigma, it is equally addressed to the scientific community, medical personnel, and psychologists, who bear the responsibility of informing and treating patients.



The campaign "Ask the Right Question" began with the release of eight personal story videos and the launch of the website in May 2023 on FairLife L.C.C.'s social media platforms. It concluded with a webinar in June. Since then and ongoing, it continues to inform the public, while the scientific staff and volunteers persist in promoting it through participation in conferences, workshops, and events.


The organization presents for the first time in Europe, starting from Greece, the international awareness campaign "Ask the Right Question" for lung cancer, an innovative intervention regarding lung cancer information and removing the stigma towards the patient, as cancer is often exclusively associated with smoking.


FairLife L.C.C.'s "Ask the Right Question" campaign aims to debunk the myth that lung cancer is exclusively a smoker's disease. The lack of information about the various causes and the possibility of non-smokers contracting it can have unpleasant consequences. Non-smokers might ignore the symptoms, and even healthcare providers often dismiss lung cancer as a potential cause, causing the patient to lose valuable treatment time. On the other hand, chronic smokers, due to stigma and guilt, delay visiting the doctor, fearing the judgment that "they brought it on themselves." The blame and shame accompanying the diagnosis add an emotional burden to an already overwhelming situation.


Educating citizens is key to eliminating the unfair barrier and burden created by the stigma of lung cancer for those affected. The campaign and its complementary actions aim to change the public discourse on the issue, focusing on recognizing smoking as an addiction, destigmatizing smokers concerning the disease, and providing information and awareness about lung cancer. Specifically, the campaign consists of the following actions:


Creation of Websit “Ask the right question” in both engilsh and greek language. The website presents all aspects of the program with an emphasis on stigma reduction, overcoming prejudices, and encouraging asking the right questions. Environmental pollution, exposure to toxic substances, and family history are some causes of the disease. Asking the right questions involves discussing symptoms of lung cancer that should not be ignored or misinterpreted, methods to quit smoking addiction, pre-symptomatic and molecular testing, and targeted therapies and clinical studies.
Creation of eight (8) video stories featuring patients and caregivers. Through these personal stories, the goal is to highlight the consequences of stigma on the psychology of both the patient and their caregivers, the need to overcome prejudices, and the importance of psychological support and empowerment for them.


Preparation of a Action Guide Report to change the perception of lung cancer in Greece. The Action Guide Report, available on the website, aims to contribute to public dialogue by posing a series of pertinent questions regarding stigma and lung cancer. It highlights challenges and proposes solutions for addressing them. Key areas include prevention, pre-symptomatic screening, molecular testing, clinical studies, and targeted innovative therapies. Additionally, it emphasizes the need to improve access to mental health services and social support, and integrate palliative care for end-stage patients into healthcare services. The Action Guide Report aims to assist decision-makers in framing a framework for stigma reduction and designing policies and strategies for more effective and timely diagnosis and treatment.


Extensive promotion and communication across FairLife L.C.C.'s communication channels (Facebook, instagram, twitter, tik-tok, website FairLife L.C.C.)


Online webinar on the socio-economic implications of stigma. Organized on Tuesday, June 13, 2023, with participation from all volunteers involved in the campaign and 19 scientists who highlighted the psychosocial impacts of stigma. They emphasized the need for a change in mindset and approach towards smokers regarding lung cancer, their addiction, and psychological support.


Alongside social media channels and presentations/events by FairLife L.C.C. supporting this campaign initiative, President Korina Patel Bell, members of the Board of Directors, and Brand Ambassadors participate in scientific conferences, seminars, and other activities organized by similar organizations and NGOs for the promotion of the stigma campaign.


The innovation of the program is recognized in several aspects:

In its new approach to lung cancer in relation to smoking, not just as a causal factor of the disease, but as a social stigma that burdens the patient.
In promoting a comprehensive understanding of smokers.
In the patient-centered and participatory creation of the campaign by patients, caregivers, doctors, and psychologists.
In using social media as a primary tool to promote the campaign, connect participants, and raise awareness among the general public.
In focusing on social and psychological issues related to stigma to change prevailing perceptions.


The campaign was supported by the Lung Ambition Alliance - Astra Zeneca and the companies Roche, MSD and PHARMASERV LILLY 


Impact on Society

The campaign "Ask the Right Question" demonstrates its usefulness and effectiveness through both quantitative and qualitative characteristics collected from various sources.


Quantitative results:


Message Impressions: 1.230.000 unique users.
Impressions: 5.260.000.
Clicks: 46.312.
Video views: 425.333.
Watch Hours: 3.926.
Interactions: 3.683.
Comments: 129.
Shares: 168.


The campaign "Ask the Right Question" successfully achieved significant impact both personally and socially, empowering patients and caregivers while contributing to changing societal perceptions regarding the stigma of smoking. Measurements indicate widespread dissemination of the message and active engagement from the audience.

Initiative Location

Action took place in a hybrid format with nationwide coverage.

Working with Organization

The University of Piraeus collaborated on the preparation of the Action Plan Report to change the perception of lung cancer in Greece.


The campaign was supported by five sponsoring companies (Lung Ambition Alliance - AstraZeneca, Roche, MSD, Novartis, and PHARMASERVE-LILLY).


The online event was held under the auspices of: the Association of European Journalists (AEJ), Global Lung Cancer Coalition (GLCC), Lung Cancer Europe (LuCE), the Hellenic Society for Radiation Oncology, the Hellenic Radiological Society (HRS), the Hellenic Society of Lung Cancer (HELCAP), the Hellenic Society of Medical Oncologists (HESMO), the Hellenic Thoracic - Cardiovascular Surgery Society (HTCSS), the Hellenic Psychological Society (HPS), the Hellenic Cancer Federation (HECF), and the National Nurses Association of Greece (EΣNE), as well as the Union of Patients in Greece.

Εξωτερικοί συνεργάτες καμπάνιας:


• Website Creation, Advertising, and Communication: Catalytica

• Audiovisual Production (Videos & Webinars): Wasp Studio

• Artwork and Print Materials: Sophia Filou

• Editing of Texts and Patient Testimonials: Angeliki Souri

• Event Presentation: Journalist Christina Vidou


Workers Participation

The campaign "Ask the Right Question" involved the team of FairLife L.C.C. as well as eight patients and caregivers who shared their personal stories.

Contributing to the project were:

15 volunteers
20 doctors from FairLife's scientific team

Volunteer production hours for the project: 660

Photos Videos

Benefits for Οrganization

Participation of FairLife L.C.C. volunteers in the campaign and their active contribution shaped it through their own experiences, enhancing trust and bonds both within the NGO and among participants. The collaborative nature of volunteerism and therapeutic processes necessitates the development of such a cooperative corporate culture. Moreover, the acceptance of the campaign by the 13 scientific bodies that endorsed it bolstered the organization's prestige and influence in shaping a new culture regarding smoking as addiction, not solely responsible for lung cancer. Additionally, the campaign's communication and outreach, both through social media and physical presence at various events, contributed to spreading the stigma message across every corner of the country. This increased visitation, requests for psychosocial support, and the number of friends and volunteers of FairLife L.C.C., as highlighted in the campaign results.

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