"Become the Best Place to Work"

MSD (Merck Sharp & Dohme) is a global healthcare leader and among the largest pharmaceutical companies worldwide, working with customers in 140 countries and employing 74.000 people.
Read more: www.msd.gr
At MSD, we implemented an internal campaign project called BEST, aiming to provide to our people all those benefits which can contribute to the optimum possible working environment. The program focuses on in and out-of- the-office actions, to meet the employees needs for a better worklife balance. BEST project contributes to employees’ better health, while providing solutions for stress & time management issues. In addition, it provides recognition and reward to the organization and further cultivates a sense of pride for all our achievements. The project has been developed and evaluated through a cross functional group of all employees of various position, in order to recognize and meet all of their potential needs.
All MSD employees
2014 - 2015
During the year the BEST project has implemented the following initiatives - services:
- One-hour flexible morning arrival for office based employees.
- Casual Fridays (Casual/Jeans outfit acceptable on Fridays).
- Breakfast in the office. Fruit and cereal bar available at the office daily for free.
- Extra Services (laundry, repair clothing and footwear, flowers).
- Pilates Classes available twice a week.
- Nutritionist in the office twice a week.
- Service Awards.
- Employee of the month (Internal vote every month for the best employee of the month. Posters of the winner set in key areas of the company, winner receives an award and money prize).
- Easter gift in kind (Chocolate Easter egg has been distributed to all employees personally by Managing Director).
- Summer Gift in kind (Towel/pareo and suntan).
- Annual gym subion.
- 2-3 days additional leave between official holidays.
- Modern offices with additional areas (living room, exercise bike, football).
- Outdoor activities: one day visit to Parnitha.
- Flexible arrival time for the first school day.
- Stress & time management seminars.
- Football pitch offer for weekly training.
- Make-up seminar.
- Testimonial videos of colleagues stating the reason they feel proud of the organization.
- The company also explores the possibility of offering daily at cost price.
- Volunteerism. The group inspired colleagues to become the "Santa Claus" for children of the NGO “The Smile of the Child”. In January 2015, all colleagues assembled bicycles and libraries and painted panels for children of Orphanage of Volos.
Τhe company came 4th in the contest of the Best Place to Work. Furthermore MSD was 2nd in the internal survey of the company which recognizes the level of engagement among affiliates globally.
The benefits for the Organization were very important because this program actually showed company's intention to create the ideal place to work. Through all the activities that were implemented, employees received the air of change and understood company's willingness to offer an environment of well being in the office, better worklife balance, recognition and award.
The distinction that MSD gained from the Great Place to Work Institution, creates important benefits for the Institution. The employees feel better at work, feel well and achieve greater balance in their life. The Organization creates strong relationships of trust and by having a personnel that actually believes in it can further develop. An Organization's development, means that all of its people are developed and becomes a point of reference. It shapes a business culture of development that promotes efficiency and constant improvement.