
Social and Environmental Investment Programme

Social and Environmental Investment Programme

TransAdriatic Pipeline AG

TAP is a Transmission System Operator (TSO) and an Independent Transmission Operator (ITO). It offers capacity to shippers interested in transporting gas safely, reliably and efficiently. TAP follows national and international safety and operational standards.

Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) (

Objective Action

TAP’s Social and Environmental Investment (SEI) programme has been developed to promote sustainable development, in consultation and cooperation with the affected communities. 

The overall strategic objectives of TAP’s SEI Programme are to:

  • strengthen livelihoods within local communities;
  • support improved community quality of life along the pipeline route;
  • enable improved skills and abilities by supporting education and training initiatives;
  • enhance environmental management, including support for biodiversity
  • build relationships of trust and goodwill.

Target Audience

The target audience/end-beneficiaries of TAP’s SEI Programme are primarily the general public of the affected communities along the pipeline route in Western, Central and Eastern Macedonia-Thrace, and/or certain vulnerable groups, as well as several well-respected and established local CSOs/NGOs, and charitable or professional organisations.




This CSR programme was initiated in 2015 and is still under implementation. Educational projects due to their nature (subsidy of Master’s Courses) are going to end in 2024.


In order to identify local development priorities, TAP requested from local stakeholders, including civil society organisations, NGOs, Regional governors and Municipal entities/mayors, to present local and regional priorities for CSR investments. TAP worked closely with regional and local authorities in Greece throughout the process of identifying and implementing SEI projects. In the frame of the above bottom-up approach, TAP’s initiative aims at addressing actual local needs, as they are identified by local actors themselves.


Impact on Society

TAP is committed to be a good neighbour to the communities hosting the pipeline, especially when it comes to people in need and society’s most vulnerable members. In this framework:

  • Various organisations and hospitals across Northern Greece have received more than €580,000 in-kind donations.                                                                                                                        
  • 90 students per year are benefitting from TAP’s contribution to 2 Master’s degree courses, in cooperation with the University of Western Macedonia                                                                           
  • 87 utility vehicles for the benefit of local communities have been donated across Northern Greece, comprising 32 ambulances, 16 garbage trucks and sweepers, 17 forestry vehicles, 15 multi-purpose and 6 civil protection vehicles (project DESTINATION, SAFETY). Their total value reaches ca. € 11 million.
  • More than 700 local producers have benefited from the THRIVING LAND project that supported Agri-food Education and was implemented by the American Farm School of Thessaloniki and the Institute of Applied Biosciences (INAB) of the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH) and was monitored by the Bodossaki Foundation.                                                                          
  • 36 Playgrounds have been finalized and some are still being constructed or reconstructed as per the highest safety standards in municipalities across Northern Greece, from Komotini and Prosotsani to Pella, Chalkidona , Skydra and Kastoria.
  • Over 25,000 students and 56 educators from 142 elementary schools and 60 high-schools in a total of 97 communities, attended Road Safety Seminars, implemented by the Hellenic Institute of Transport (ΙΜΕΤ/ΕΚΕΤΑ) with the support of TAP.                                                                              
  • A €500,000 donation was made to the Ministry of Health for supporting health infrastructure and procurement of related goods, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Initiative Location

Social and Environmental Investment programme is implemented throughout TAP’s route i.e. 30 municipalities and 145 Local Communities; their total population is almost 1 million people.


Working with Organization

In order to be more efficient, TAP is collaborating with external implementing partners such as the Bodossaki Foundation, the American Farm School in Thessaloniki, the Network of Social Solidarity, as well as the Construction Project Management Companies C&M Engineering and A&M Architects.


Workers Participation

The initiative is implemented by the Social and Environmental Investment Department of TAP.

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Benefits for Οrganization

  • Building support for the business at all levels;
  • Reducing the risk of delays during construction;
  • Boosting workforce morale and productivity;
  • Positioning TAP as a responsible corporate citizen (which may facilitate future operations and investment).

Connection with Global Goals

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The Sustainable Greece Ιnitiative launched by QualityNet Foundation