Information system to support the design and development of student transport routes in the Region of Western Greece

The Region of Western Greece (in short: P.D.E.) is one of the 13 regions of Greece. It is the secondary local government organization (O.T.A.) consisting of the former prefectures, now regional units (P.E.), of Aitoloakarnania, Achaia and Ilia, covering also the northern and northwestern part of the Peloponnese, as well as the western part of Central Greece.
To improve the organization and monitoring of students’’ transportation in the Region of Western Greece by introducing a map-based tool applying state of the art technologies.
Schools / Students
Public transportation companies
Administrators in the Regional Government
Approximately 2 years
A map-based service (Student-Transport: towards handling the transportation of students of the region of Western Greece, by applying state-of-the art techniques. Students are allowed to have transportation services for their daily route from and to school based on several factors that are applied by the law such as distance limitations. The objective of the tool is twofold and focuses on automatically applying the law regulations that describe under which circumstances a student is allowed to use public transportation means and on assisting regional governmental relevant activities (e.g. organizing routes planning for school transportation). The system was used by all schools of Western Greece for the previous and current school year. During the productive usage, we collected more than 13 thousand valid applications for student transportation, more than 200 regular transportation routes that are supported from 7 transportation companies and more than 2 thousand custom routes which were created by the governmental administrators, in order to cover students living in remote or difficult to access areas.
The system has been awarded in the 2017 Digital Government Excellence Awards (Portugal 12-13/6/2017).
The tool logged all user interactions while performing the tasks. Hence, we are able to quantify the number and type of interactions (table 1). The service runs during the school year in the Western region of Greece. In particular, the following three departments from the Western Region of Greece participated: 1) Achaia, 2) Aitoloakarnania and 3) Ilia.
The project in figures
629—Schools that used the system
271--Standard routes
2691--Custom routes
Region of Western Greece
Computer Technology Institute and Press “Diophantus” ( )
Functioning of the system by the members of the Directorate for Development of the RWG
Ability to speed up the process and avoid delays on student transportation support at the start of the school year
Rationalizing of funded student transportation costs by ensuring compliance with the relevant legislation and efficiency on transportation means organization