Integrated Sustainable Urban Development Strategy of Thessaloniki

The Region of Central Macedonia is the largest in area and the second largest in population and economic activity in the region of Greece. It consists of seven (7) regional sections and thirty-eight (38) municipalities.
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The aim of the Strategy is to implement an action plan with the cooperation of the two levels of local government, the professional, social and scientific bodies of the city and civil society, which will contribute to improving the infrastructure and the natural environment, encouraging entrepreneurship and strengthening of the social fabric of the city of Thessaloniki.
The target audience is:
Training-drafting: September 2016 - February 2017.
Adoption: July 2017.
Implementation of the Strategy: August 2017 - December 2023.
The Integrated Sustainable Urban Development Strategy of Thessaloniki is an integrated plan for the sustainable urban development of the Metropolitan Area of Thessaloniki, which was designed by the Metropolitan Unity of Thessaloniki, as a Urban Authority in cooperation with the 8 municipalities, institutions and citizens of the city.
It aims to address the economic, social, demographic, environmental and climate change challenges at city - metropolis level. In particular, the regeneration of urban space is combined with actions that promote economic development, social inclusion, education and environmental protection. This approach is particularly important at this time, given the seriousness of the challenges faced by the city of Thessaloniki.
The strategy is structured in four Axis strategic objectives according to objectivesQ
1. Thessaloniki, competitive and innovative (15,756,939 €) so that i. to support entrepreneurship as a whole and to attract new businesses; ii. to promote training and skills acquisition of its human resources; and iii. to highlight the city as a tourist destination based on culture and to redefine its identity
2. Thessaloniki, cohesive (12,805,001 €) so that i. Face the immediate consequences of the crisis and ii. to strengthen the social economy
3. Thessaloniki, green and resilient (50.215.000 €) so that i. Address the impacts of climate change, ii. to improve the urban microclimate, iii. to improve the natural & structured environment and iv. to enhance sustainable urban mobility.
4. Thessaloniki, effective (6.050.000 €) so that i. to ensure the efficiency of the administration; and ii. to support the modernization of the organization of local operations.
The Strategy, implemented within the framework of the Integrated Territorial Investments for Sustainable Urban Development for 2014-2020, will be funded by the Regional Operational Program of Central Macedonia (€ 68.5 million in the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and € 16 million European Social Fund (ESF)].
The Strategy has already been drafted by the Metropolitan Unity of Thessaloniki of the RCM, approved by the Special service for the management of regional programme of Central Macedonia and implemented. Measuring indicators of the individual actions of all four axes have been clearly defined.
Moreover, there are also the measurement indicators of the Strategy, which are the percentage of Specialization, Calls, Entries, Contracts and Payments.
Metropolitan area of Thessaloniki
For the Strategy, the Region of Central Macedonia, in particular, the Metropolitan Unit of Thessaloniki has collaborated and will continue throughout the program to cooperate with the Special Service of the Operational Program of the Region of Central Macedonia, the eight Municipalities of the Metropolitan area of Thessaloniki (Ampelokipoi - Menemeni, Thessaloniki, Kalamaria, Kordelio - Evosmos, Neapolis - Sykeon, Pavlou Mela, Pilea - Chortiati and Delta) as well as with the Intermediate Body that will be defined for the actions that are covered by the rules on State aid.
The Special Planning and Evaluation Team of the Strategic ISUD, the executives from the services of the 8 Municipalities, the Region of Central Macedonia and the Special Service of the ROP of the RCM.
The Strategy is a successful, innovative implementation of the Metropolitan Administration in the city of Thessaloniki, which takes place between the 1st and 2nd grade OTAs.
The RCM as organization has acquired the experience of Program Management as an Intermediate Body, the establishment and operation of the Monitoring Committee.
The strategy was included as good practice in the European program REFORM, INTERREG Europe.