Hazardous waste management

WIND Hellas is one of the largest telecommunication companies in Greece. In 23 years of operation, WIND is established as a pioneer in mobile phone technology.
Read more: www.wind.gr
Implementing the 3R (Reduce-Reuse-Recycle) principle in our operations for managing hazardous waste produced, such as waste accumulators and WEEE (waste of electrical and electronic equipment), by re-using as much equipment as possible and recycling the remaining.
WIND ensures the application of the 3R principles (reduce - reuse - recycle) in numerous processes that produce waste in the company, with main emphasis on paper and on used/faulty equipment, which becomes hazardous waste (accumulators and electronic equipment). Specifically, all used equipment is checked for its reuse potential prior to becoming waste, and is being reused by the company itself where possible, or used as components/parts, or sold as used equipment to other companies for reuse. The recycling process is activated in case where reuse or sale is not possible.
100% recycling of proven unreusable equipment and in addition generation of revenue from selling of recyclable materials.
All locations
Collective recycling systems for waste batteries/accumulators and WEEE.
Technical department employees and contractors are involved.
Depending on year, minimum 100.000 € extra income generated from selling of equipment and recyclables.
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