
Goldair Handling GreenIT UP!

Goldair Handling GreenIT UP!

Goldair Handling

Objective Action

Goldair Handling is one of the leading companies providing ground handling services in Greece and Southeastern Europe. As a responsible company, Goldair Handling aims at business excellence and, in this context, applies international standards as well as best practices, achieving a balance between financial strength, employee development, environmental protection and social contribution.

Among other things, Goldair Handling focuses on the development and maintenance of environmentally friendly activities, thus enhancing its sustainable development. Goldair Handling aims to continuously reduce its environmental footprint by implementing actions and programs at all airports where it operates. The Company's priority is not limited to compliance with applicable laws and regulations, but extends to the adoption of best practices related to the Company's area of ​​activity and global initiatives, such as the Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


Target Audience

The awareness action of Goldair Handling aims at the environmental awareness of the staff but also the cooperation with the majority of its social partners (Local Society, Regulatory Authorities, NGOs, Government etc) regarding environmental protection.



The action is continuous and is a way of expressing the company's commitment to Sustainable Development.



Increasing the solid waste recycling rate by type and therefore reducing the generated waste is a long-term goal of Goldair Handling. Through actions and cooperation with airport authorities and customer airlines, the Company aims to adopt best practices for reducing waste and increasing the amount of recyclable materials. This effort is strongly supported by the provision of cleaning services to customer airlines that focus on recycling and waste reduction. During 2017-2018, the Company focused on monitoring recycling in order to improve and further increase the percentage of materials and waste that are sent for recycling / recycling at the facility. as well as for waste. ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTMENTS The Company systematically invests in a number of additional environmental actions, thus strengthening the efforts to protect the environment. CORPORATE COMMITMENT TO THE ENVIRONMENT

The Company's environmental policy reflects the commitment of the Management and the principles according to which Goldair Handling operates. The principles that govern the environmental policy of the Company include the following: · Take measures for the protection of the environment, in full compliance with the current environmental legislation. · Implementation of an environmental management system for all activities related to the production process. · Development of systems for measuring, evaluating and continuous improvement of environmental performance. · Approval of regular environmental audits regarding corporate transactions. · Implementation of lifelong learning programs and staff awareness on environmental issues. EVALUATION OF SUPPLIERS BASED ON ENVIRONMENTAL CRITERIA

Goldair Handling, as an environmentally conscious company, emphasizes the environmental assessment of suppliers, in order to motivate its suppliers and improve their environmental performance. In this context, the Company's Supplier Code of Conduct is sent to active suppliers, along with a self-assessment questionnaire, in order to assess the overall management system and to identify the impact of their activities on the environment. The questionnaire also covers actions and programs implemented by the Company's suppliers regarding environmental management, such as energy saving, proper waste management, product and packaging recycling and environmental awareness of staff. In 2018, the questionnaire was revised and its distribution in electronic form began. Based on this electronic questionnaire, a total of 87 suppliers with whom transactions were made during the year were evaluated. 52.87% completed our electronic questionnaire, while 59.77% sent a signed copy of the Supplier Code of Conduct to the Company.


As part of the Environmental Management System, Goldair Handling implements annual training programs aimed at informing stakeholders and raising awareness on environmental issues. The Company has invested in enhancing the environmental awareness of employees through the Environmental Awareness Seminar, which is part of the basic training of newly hired staff and is mandatory for employees in a position of responsibility throughout the Company, on an annual basis. In 2018, Goldair Handling reviewed the training material, creating a program that meets the needs of the Company and enhances the environmental awareness of employees by adding new departments. For 2018 the percentage of trained employees of the Athens Station was 86.11% while for 2017 98.69% underlined the efforts made to increase the environmental awareness of its employees and the verification of the company with ISO system. Goldair Handling also aims to cultivate the environmental awareness of its subcontractors. To this end, the Company created and implemented an environmental training program for its subcontractors with a 100% participation rate for 2018. For the first time in 2018, the subcontractor of sewerage services at Athens Airport and Goldair Handing received environmental training from the Goldair Handling Training Department, during which the waste categories and their proper management, the Company's environmental strategy were presented, as well as the recycling and environmental protection actions implemented in Goldair Handling. A total of 23 people participated in this program in 2018 and the Company aims to repeat this educational action annually.


Strengthening its communication with the stakeholders on environmental awareness issues, Goldair Handling announces its environmental commitment annually by sending a letter of corporate environmental responsibility to a large number of stakeholders, presenting the principles of environmental policy.

• Compliance with current environmental legislation

• Proper energy management

• Implementation of the Environmental Management System for all activities related to the production process of the Company

• Development of systems for measuring, evaluating and continuous improvement of environmental performance

• Approval of regular environmental inspections for businesses

• Implementation of lifelong learning programs and staff awareness on environmental issues


Strengthening the corporate environmental strategy, during 2017-2018, the Company invested in the creation of environmental applications for the recording and monitoring of environmental performance at all airports where it operates. Specifically, the Company uses the corporate platform "Compass" and customized environmental applications for the systematic recording and monitoring of all environmental programs and their scope, waste management, as well as the replenishment and replacement of fire extinguishers. GREEN LABELING Goldair Handling, focusing on environmental awareness through its employees, has launched a new pilot project on eco-labeling at headquarters. The Company has invested in the placement of environmental awareness labels in all offices of building 24 of Athens International Airport, home of Goldair Handling in order to support environmental protection by minimizing energy consumption and enhancing recycling efforts.


Goldair Handling has established the "Goldair Handling Green Team", which actively participates in recycling, renovation and cleaning of public spaces. The aim of the Company is to implement as many environmental actions as possible both near the airport of Athens and the regional airports. Coast cleaning: During 2018, shores were cleaned by volunteers at the airports of Skyros, Chania, Aktio, Kefalonia, Mytilene, Santorini and Alexandroupolis. Mytilene: In August 2018, the beach in the area "Katia - Kratigou" was cleaned by the employees of Mytilene station. The established voluntary cleaning was a great success for another year, as it took place on a beach longer than 2 km and a large amount of garbage was collected, as well as abandoned plastic boats. Chania: The cleaning action in the Municipality of Kissamos was successfully completed, within the framework of the nationwide campaign "Let's Do it". Clearing of forest area: A forest area was cleared by volunteer workers at the Ioannina regional station, during which 24kg of waste was collected, of which 6kg of plastic. The amount of plastic waste collected was delivered to recycling bins of the Municipality of Ioannina. Tree planting: Fifteen saplings were planted in the wider area of ​​Chrysoupoli, in the framework of the annual environmental actions of the Municipality of Kavala, by employees of Goldair Handling. Playground cleaning: Volunteer workers at the regional airport of Araxos, in collaboration with the representatives of the Municipality of Achaia, participated in the cleaning and collection of waste from the Playground of the beach of Kato Achaia. The result of the action was the collection of 15 bags of garbage along the playground, as well as from the nearby beach. It ", which was also attended by volunteers from Goldair Handling. The campaign for cleaning, landscaping and aesthetic upgrading of beaches, coasts and common areas in the Municipality of Kissamos was another organized, voluntary action of the Municipality. Kefalonia: During 2018, Goldair Hadling employees participated in three environmental clean-up actions. The first took place along the shoreline of the Koutavos lagoon, during which about 30kg of plastic and 10kg of paper were collected, while the second took place in the Koutavos environmental education park, from where about 40kg of plastic and 10kg of paper were collected. Another cleaning of Megali Ammos beach was also carried out. Also, the "Green Team" participated in an action of Athens International Airport for International Environment Day. Participate in Earth Hour: Goldair Handling sent its message against climate change with a simple move, participating in Earth Hour. At the same time, people from all over the world also took part, turning off the lights and thus expressing their contribution to the protection of the environment.


Goldair Handling, in accordance with the relevant legislation N.4342 / 2015 on energy efficiency, carried out an Energy Efficiency Audit at its facilities in Greece, which cover 90% of the total annual energy consumption of the Company. Facilities that cover at least 90% of the total facility of the Company and have been integrated in the energy audit are the airports of Kos, Chania, Rhodes, Heraklion, Thessaloniki and Athens. For these stations, on-site inspections were carried out on a sample of similar facilities, such as Athens and Thessaloniki with two (2) two-day visits, using special equipment for measuring electrical quantities, temperatures, humidity and brightness of spaces. The results of the autopsy and energy audit were published and submitted to the Ministry of Environment and Energy.

WATER MANAGEMENT The Company applies the principle of prevention to the whole range of environmental management issues and therefore to water consumption. Goldair Handling continuously monitors, maintains and improves, where necessary, its network at all airports in which it operates, in order to minimize its water footprint.


All corporate efforts in terms of responsible operation, society and the environment are presented in the Goldair Handling Corporate Responsibility & Sustainable Development Report published annually since 2016. Goldair Handling, through the Corporate Responsibility and Sustainable Development Report, presents in detail the Company's network, the services offered, as well as the Business Model. In addition, the activity as well as the key Human Resources and Training indicators for Goldair Handling are presented in detail. Bulgaria. In addition, through the Exhibition, Goldair Handling informs its social partners, develops communication channels and records, analyzes and prioritizes key issues related to: · Financial performance · Work practices · The market · The Society · Human rights · The environment GRI Srandards standards were used to prepare the Corporate Responsibility and Sustainable Development Report. In addition, in order to ensure the validity of the information presented, Goldair Handling, in cooperation with KPMG, verified the indicators that were identified as work, as well as with the environment and energy. The verified environmental indicator - GRI 306-2 (Total weight of waste, based on type and method of disposal) - shows the importance of protecting the environment through proper waste management within the company, as well as efforts to monitoring and minimizing the corporate environmental footprint. Goldair Handling is committed to the Sustainable Development effort and this commitment is reflected in its internal processes and policies, as well as in the actions it develops and the goals that have been set. In this context, it approved and signed in 2018 the ten principles of the United Nations Universal Pact. The Goldair Handling Corporate Responsibility and Sustainable Development Report is presented and communicated to all its social partners, in the Business Forums as well as in the Networks in which the Company is a member, while it is included in the database of the international organization GRI (Global Reporting Initiative), after approval of its content.



Impact on Society

Goldair Handling, by investing both in staff training, environmental management and the involvement of its people in actions and collaborations with Third Parties has increased both staff participation in environmental initiatives and their awakening to Sustainable Development issues. All corporate efforts regarding responsible operation, society and the environment are presented in the Goldair Handling Corporate Responsibility & Sustainable Development Report: https://apologismos2018.greenmind.com.gr 

Initiative Location

The action took place in the 26 airports operating in Greece where Goldair Handling operates.

Working with Organization

Goldair Handling works closely with both airport stakeholders and NGOs to strengthen the Company's commitment to Sustainable Development Goals as part of the Company's efforts to raise environmental awareness and awareness.


Workers Participation

All the employees in all Comany's network  can take part in the environmental protection actions in Athens and in the Regional airports in which the company is active.


Benefits for Οrganization

Goldair Handling, through the action of GreenIT UP! has managed, in addition to complying with current legislation, the continuous and significant involvement of staff in strengthening the company's footprint for a sustainable world. The measurable results regarding the management of recycling & waste, energy & water for the two years 2017-2018 are available in the Corporate Responsibility & Sustainable Development Report of Goldair Handling: https://apologismos2018.greenmind.com.gr

Connection with Global Goals

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The Sustainable Greece Ιnitiative launched by QualityNet Foundation