
NOYNOY Intermodal Transportation

NOYNOY  Intermodal Transportation

FrieslandCampina Hellas

FrieslandCampina Hellas is a member of Royal FrieslandCampina, one of the largest dairy cooperatives in the world with a deep tradition of almost 150 years. Royal FrieslandCampina is fully committed to providing high quality dairy products that help millions of consumers every day to follow nutritional standards that contribute to the maintenance of good health of the human body. With a turnover of €11.3 billion, it is one of the world's largest dairy companies with 17,413 farmer members, 23,816 employees, offices in 36 countries and exports to more than 100 countries.


Objective Action

With the objective to take action  so as to combat climate change and its impacts on the environment and at the same time, safeguarding  the values of integrity and reliability, FrieslandCampina Hellas ensures the top quality of its products during  international distribution, implementing the NOYNOY Intermodal Transportation  program, an innovative Combined Transport System (Intermodal Transport) since September 2009. The initiative is part of the company's environmental management program and aims to reduce the carbon dioxide footprint resulting from the transport of refrigerated products  through the use of alternative transport schemes.  Dairy products arrive in Patras, Aspropyrgos and Thessaloniki safely, as they are transported under conditions of constant maintenance temperature in suitable state-of-the-art technology cool  containers, using the optimal combination of transportation means, ie. by road, by train and by ship that results in lower footprint of carbon dioxide emissions. The chilled products of the company are imported directly from the production locations in Holland and Belgium on a weekly basis summing to 1.300 refrigerated trucks per year. All operations are aligned ensuring the high safety and quality standards of FrieslandCampina leading the company to become a pioneer in the implementation of intermodal  transportation solutions  in the supply chain of chilled dairy products.


Target Audience

The benefits of the program are value-added for the environment, hence for the of the purpose of sustainability for the people.



2010 - today


Given that almost 30,000 tonnes of refrigerator products are transported annually from the production plants of the  FrieslandCampina in Central Europe to Greece, supply chain set the objective to use the best combination of alternative sustainable mode of transport for the products vs the  traditional road transport, that would fulfill  the objective of "Climate Action". In this context, a pilot transfer with a  combination of various means was decided, e.g.  train from the Netherlands to Italy, sea transport from Italy to the port of Patras and road transport from Patras to the Distribution Center of our company in Aspropyrgos. Complexity and need for dedicated management was foreseen and thus trained employees were assigned.  As the pilot application was  a complete success, this combined mode of transport has now been established for at least 50%-60% of refrigerator product imports (58% actual 2020, 55% actual 2019 & 58% actual 2018). Taking into account the transport of shelf products,  the volume transported in more environmentally friendly and sustainable  reachs appr 80% of the annual total volume transported (82% actual 2020, 78% actual 2019 & 80% actual 2018).

Specifically, refrigerated trucks are being loaded on weekly basis, as from Wednesday till Friday morning, from the loading locations in Holland & Belgium. The trucks are sent to Frankfurt Germany, where the cool chambers are being loaded on the block train that departs every Friday evening. Currently there is one block train departure per week, departing from Frankfurt with final destination Venice Italy. Two days later the train arrives in the port of Venice; the units are being dropped off and a subcontractor is employed so as to load the units in the vessel that departs the same evening. The vessel arrives in the port of Patra’s, a day later (Monday afternoon) and the chambers are trucked to Aspropyrgos warehouse, available for unloading as from Tuesday, early in the morning.   
During the journey, the temperature within the chambers is being monitored to reassure that FCH’s transportation standards are maintained. A satellite monitoring system (GPS tracking system) sends alarms in case there is a temperature violation (temperature rises above the expected limits). In such cases, there are appointed locations during the train journey, where service can be provided.
The total lead time of the intermodal way of transportation is 5-6 days, 1-2 days extra in comparison to the conventional road transportation. Conventional road transportation consists of normal refrigerated trucks that are being loaded from the loading locations in Holland & Belgium and they travel by road to Hellas (through central Europe to the Italian ports of Ankona or Venice and then via vessel to Patra Greece).



Impact on Society

Year        Volume  chill      Volume C.T.*      %                                                                                                                                                                   
2018        33.258.592       19.404.281        58%
2019        34.232.274       18.899.924        55%
2020        28.003.345       16.317.097        58%

Year          Volume**          Volume C.T.*      %                                                                                          

2018       70.583.467          56.729.156       80%
2019       70.898.274          55.565.924       78%
2020       66.727.345          55.041.097       82%

*Combined Transporation

**Chill and Ambient


Initiative Location

Transfer from   5 of the FrieslandCampina product production points in Central Europe to the Aspropyrgos Distribution Centre of Attica in Greece.

Working with Organization

FCH cooperates with various transportation related companies for the purpose of the initiative

Workers Participation

The employees of the import department of supply chain of FrieslandCampina Hellas.


Benefits for Οrganization

The total volume transported over the last three years, using combined transport, has led to a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions to the environment of around 12,000 tonnes per year, whereas when  started in 2009-2010 at pilot level, the reduction in carbon dioxide emissions was 2,266 tonnes.

Year                                                          2018      2019     2020
Reduction of  CO2e emissions (Tons)   12.037   12.050    12.012
Intermodal                                                2.074     1.645    1.519
Sea                                                          9.963   10.405    10.493

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