Framework of the implementation of “Internship programs” in Eurobank Group

The Eurobank Group, consisting of Eurobank S.A. (Eurobank) and its subsidiaries, is a strong banking group active in six countries, with total assets of €67.7 billion and 11,394 employees. Eurobank Ergasias Services and Holdings S.A. (Eurobank Holdings) is the parent company of Eurobank Group. With a total network of 625 branches in Greece and abroad, Eurobank offers a comprehensive range of financial products and services to its retail and corporate customers. In Greece, Eurobank operations encompass a retail banking network, dedicated business centers, a Private Banking network and a dynamic digital presence. Eurobank also has presence in Bulgaria, Serbia, Cyprus, Luxembourg and United Kingdom (London). Eurobank’s philosophy focuses on providing quality services to its customers, paying attention to their particular and diverse needs. Beyond core business activity Eurobank, responding to the needs of today’s everchanging environment, consistently designs actions relating to social and environmental issues, adopting responsible practices that promote transparency and business ethics. Eurobank links its business decisions to environmental sustainability, social responsibility and corporate governance (ESG).
In order to strengthen the active contact with the Academic Community and the connection of the Educational Institutions with the Job market, Eurobank has established the implementation of Internship programs for students, exploiting:
a. the subsidized internship programs of the Greek State graduate,
b. the subsidized 6 months internship programs of the Greek Technological Institutions,
c. the implementation of Eurobank “Summer Internship” for graduate and post graduate students of Greek and International Universities/
The internship programs are implemented through a well-structured methodology in order to maximize the benefits and to promote the Organization’s image in the Job Market. The Units involved supporting this institution have the opportunity to actively engage students in order to enhance their functionality, while providing learning experiences.
Students of Technological Institutions and Universities (Graduate & Post Graduate Programs) Greek and International.
From 2 to 6 months depending on the internship program.
Deion of the “Eurobank Internship” Framework:
1.Structured student evaluation with HR, including focused career counselling discussions.
2.Student evaluation with the business representatives.
3.Targeted engagement of students, in accordance to the business needs, the students’ academic background and their career interests.
a.on the job (systems, procedures, projects, etc).
b.classroom: core banking structure and career opportunities, cv writing & behavioral interviewing skills.
5.Monitoring and evaluation of individual internship programs through:
a.Written evaluation by individual students, for the internship “experience”.
b.Exit interview with HR.
c.Feedback session between the student and his/her business manager for counseling and developmental reasons.
d.Written evaluation by business manager on the students’ overall collaboration/contribution.
e.Annual key performance metrics reporting.
Internship 2014:
1. nr of students: 259, participated in: 266 internship programs, for: 671 months,
2. 92% of the students whose internship has been concluded in 2014 have rated their internship experience as 4 and 5 (in 5 points rating scale, where 5 “very satisfied” and 4 “satisfied”,
3. Areas developed by the students (feedback from the exit interview): 52% Work Professionalism, 40% Team Spirit, 27% Communication Skills, 19% Planning & Organization.
All over Greece where the Organization has presence (and depending on the business needs).
Academic Institutions
HR and Group Business Divisions
For the Organization:
1.Employer Branding tool, given that a positive internship experience for a student promotes the Organization’s image in the Job Market.
2.Systematic contact with the Academic Institutions.
3.Keep close contact with the “fresh minds” and the contemporary academic business theories and practices. Young people bring in the Organization fresh ideas, enthusiasm and up to date skills.
4.Fully engage the capabilities of young professional talent in various projects.
5.Maintenance of a pool of potential future candidates
For the students:
1.In depth understanding of the way a working environment operates.
2.Useful working experience for future reference.
3.Opportunities to apply classroom theory to actual work situations.
4.On-the-job training, with the guidance of experienced professionals.
5.Νetworking with professionals.
6.Experience of a selection and evaluation procedure.
In the exit interviews students have noted that through our internship programs they have overall gained professional experience, developed technical and soft skills, strengthened their resumes and marketability, explored potential career paths, assessed their abilities in a well-organized & structured internship program
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