
Investments in photovoltaic and wind projects to produce green energy and protect against climate change

Investments in photovoltaic and wind projects to produce green energy and protect against climate change


The V Group of companies is a dynamic and constantly growing Group of companies in the fields of Waste Management and Renewable Energy Sources.

Founded by Byron Vassiliadis, V Group provides highly innovative, reliable and efficient services, while remaining committed to the highest standards of ethics, responsible entrepreneurship and sustainable development.

With the initiative and commitment of the Founder of the Group, the Depy Vassiliadis Foundation has been established, which provides significant support to local communities and implements actions for the education of children, the welfare of animals and the protection of the natural environment.

With a vision of sustainable development and sustainability, the companies of the V Group, a member of CSR Hellas - led by Antipollution, VEN Engineering, Green and VEN Energy - invest in green energy, rational management of natural resources, alternative management and energy utilization of waste and currently hold a significant market share in a highly competitive business environment.

Possessing significant experience in responsible environmental management, the Group develops with a commitment to innovation and continuous improvement, to the provision of high-quality services, to the care of the health and safety of employees and partners, as well as to the support of the local communities in which it operates.


More information: https://vgroup.com.gr/

Contact: [email protected]

Objective Action

Reducing the consumption of natural resources, reducing carbon dioxide emissions while promoting the use of renewable energy sources are some of the main pillars of the V Group's business strategy.

The main concern of the Group's companies is to create, produce added value for their partners, to contribute to the promotion of the circular economy, faithful to the principles of "zero waste" and "net zero carbon", while respecting the environment and society in in which they exist and operate.

The objective of the action is the utilization of clean energy from renewable sources such as the sun and the wind, in order to reduce the environmental footprint of the Group companies' activity, through the minimization of the carbon dioxide emissions associated with it.


Target Audience

V Group's action plan in the energy sector resonates with all of the Group's stakeholders and especially with local communities. The increased awareness of both businesses and citizens in matters of environmental protection and climate change, seeks the implementation of initiatives that provide solutions to these critical issues for the planet. The significant investments made by the Group's companies, in order to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions of their activities in order to limit the greenhouse effect in this way, attract the interest of the Group's partners, suppliers, customers, who they are looking for a socially responsible partner that sets their own priorities in the context of sustainability.

It is necessary to point out that all the involved authorities and bodies approve the high standards in compliance with the national goals, which the Group sets as the basis of the planning of its projects and investments.



2021 - 2022


The energy arm of the V Group, represented by the companies VEN Energy and Green, successfully completed, at the beginning of 2022, the construction of wind farms, with a capacity of 2.35 MW each, at the "Megalo Vouno 1" and "Mugdota" sites of the Municipal Dervenochoria Unit, Tanagra Municipality, Central Greece Region.

The V Group Group designed and implemented the installation of two ENERCON E-92 type wind energy converters (wind turbines), with a height of 69m and a power of 2.35 MW, for its wind farms at the locations "Megalo Vouno" and "Mugdota", in the Municipal Unit of Dervenochoria, of the Municipality of Tanagra, of the Regional Unit of Boeotia. This specific investment, aligned with the norms of the energy transition, increases the participation of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) in domestic consumption and in achieving energy savings for the final consumer, while at the same time strengthening the security of the country's energy supply.

In the field of electricity generation from renewable sources, the V Group has set itself the goal of developing significant installed capacity from wind and photovoltaics in the coming years, diversifying the energy portfolio and contributing to the balancing of the Group's greenhouse gas emissions balance.

The shift to wind energy and to RES as a whole results from the rearrangement of energy production worldwide and is inextricably linked to the environment as well as the economic development indicators of the country. Indicatively, each installed megawatt (MW) of wind energy prevents the release of approximately 3,000 tons of CO2 per year, while for each kilowatt hour (kWh) produced by wind farms, the release of one kilogram (1kgr) of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere is avoided.

Among the advantages of RES and, specifically, wind energy, is the decentralization of the energy system due to their geographical dispersion. This has the effect of meeting energy needs at regional and local level, thereby relieving infrastructure systems and limiting energy transmission losses.

Avoiding burdening the local environment with dangerous gaseous pollutants, contributing to the strengthening of energy independence and the security of energy supply at national level, as well as the creation of new jobs, are added to the long list of benefits of utilizing wind energy, the which co-shape the strategy of VEN Energy and Green companies in the energy landscape.

Also, in 2021 the energy sector of the V Group made investments for the installation and operation of three Photovoltaic Parks with a total power of 1.5MW (0.5MW each) at the locations "TRAGANA" of the Municipality of Kameni Vourla, "BALTOS TROLIA" of the Municipality of Stylida and "BALTOS" of the Municipality of Stylidas of the Regional Unit of Fthiotida.

At the same time, the VEN Engineering company, a member of the Group, with the support of the energy sector companies, GREEN and VEN Energy, planned and carried out the installation of a 200 KW Net Metering system on the ceilings of its non-hazardous waste management facilities in Aspropyrgos, and is about to complete the installation of a corresponding system on the roof of the new state-of-the-art unit that undertakes the management of hazardous waste for the production of alternative fuel and alternative raw materials in Ritsona.

Finally, the Group, in the context of offsetting gas emissions, based on the calculations of the carbon footprint of its companies, financed a wind farm in the suburbs of Hebei, China. The project involves the installation and operation of 54 750kW wind turbines, 100 800kW wind turbines and 53 1500kW wind turbines, with a total capacity of 200MW, to produce approximately 438,550 MWh of clean electricity per year. The operation of the wind farm is to save 350,000 tons of carbon dioxide.

With its investments in clean energy, the Group contributed to the achievement of global goals 3, 7, 8, 9, 13 and 15 of sustainable development.


Impact on Society

Investments in green energy projects ensure the future of the planet, while contributing to the improvement of the quality of life, health and well-being, decent work and economic development of the wider society.

The increased awareness of society and its members in matters of the environment, social responsibility and corporate governance, as well as the need to cultivate an environmental culture with an emphasis on sustainability and green development, which it promotes, are satisfied by the construction of projects that utilize renewable forms of energy , reduce the impact of business activity on the environment and promote development by taking into account the benefits for society and people, the natural environment and corporate transparency.

In particular, the project in China, in addition to the environmental benefits (reduction of CO2 emissions) it ensures for the local community, also guarantees lower energy prices for the residents of the area, a particularly important contribution considering that the Hebei suburb is among the 5 most expensive energy supply areas in the China.

Initiative Location

Implementation of a plan of coordinated actions for the climate and utilization of green energy, in Greece and abroad. 1. Installation of photovoltaic panels on the roofs of V Group's non-hazardous and hazardous waste management facilities in the areas of Aspropyrgos and Ritsonas respectively. 2. Construction of wind farms in the Municipality of Tanagra, in the Region of Central Greece. 3. Financing a wind farm in suburban Hebei, China. 4. Installation and operation of 3 PV stations in the Municipalities of Kameni Vourla and Stylida, of the Regional Unit of Fthiotida.


Working with Organization

The Group maintains a multi-year collaboration for the verification of its carbon footprint calculations and the compensation of the corresponding emissions, through investments in renewable energy projects, with the German company First Climate, which holds a leading position in the field of CO2-management, green energy services and water, securing Carbon Credits to, among others, UNEP (United Nations Environmental Program), UNOPS (United Nations Office for Project Services), UNOG (United Nations Office in Geneva), World Bank and providing consulting services to UNEP FI of the United Nations. Its services include: CO2-management and strategy, CO2-balancing and -reporting, CO2-compensation, development of water management and strategy, Water footprint calculation, water saving actions, supply of green energy. With offices in Frankfurt, Hamburg, Zurich, London, San Antonio, Mexico and Lisbon, First Climate has 20 years of experience in the field, designing and developing emission reduction projects and has supported over 500 businesses in offsetting 30 million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions through the climate protection projects it coordinates and implements.


Workers Participation

The driving force behind all the actions that the Group plans and implements, through its companies, is its human resources, who fervently and actively support every initiative and effort that the Group prioritizes. Faithful to the environmental culture shared with the Group's management, V Group people participate in all processes of energy saving, clean energy production and carbon footprint calculation of its companies' business activity, and contribute to the spread of the important message of environmental awakening for climate change, as ambassadors of the principles of sustainability and environmental protection.

The perseverance, dedication, passion and commitment to the corporate goals for the energy transition of the employees make up the environmental identity of the V Group and guarantee the successful implementation of its projects.


Benefits for Οrganization

V Group, as an innovative environmental and energy Group, integrates into its business strategy, the principles of sustainable development and the reduction of the carbon footprint of its activities.

With the design and implementation of RES projects, the Group gives flesh and bones to its Vision of bequeathing benefits, values and experiences, which it wishes to bequeath to future generations. Saving energy and natural resources is a key pursuit in the planet's fight against climate change.

The Group is leading the way by investing in green energy and environmental infrastructure, linking its action and its successful course with innovative initiatives in the field of renewable energy sources. Through the planning and investment plan, the V Group has succeeded in being among the leading companies implementing the most important environmental and energy projects in the country.

The Group understands the dual role it has undertaken, as a Group that promotes sustainability and as a partner that contributes with its business activity to ensuring sustainability on behalf of its partners, part of its mission and responsibility towards the planet, the market, society, man. Its multi-level action has established the Group to its stakeholders as a Socially Responsible partner that constantly proves in practice its commitment to the principles of sustainable development.

Connection with Global Goals

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