Elimination of Rolling oil waste

Symetal has been involved in the production of aluminium foil products, mainly used in packaging solutions for the food, pharmaceutical and tobacco industries. With more than 40 years’ experience and expertise in aluminium foil rolling and converting processing, it offers tailor-made and innovative, high value-added solutions. Symetal is highly export-oriented, with more than 90% of its sales carried out in around 70 countries. Being a strategic partner to the largest consumer, food and pharmaceutical packaging manufacturers, Symetal leverages on its technical expertise and implements a continuous development approach, following a business model that is based on sustainability and green economy principles.
Elimination of the production of rolling oil waste from the production process
Technicians/ engineers/ scientists dealing with waste management and resource recovery – utilisation
Large amounts of rolling oils are needed for aluminium foil rolling. They are used for the creation of a lubrication film between the foil sheet and the working rolls. Due to their stringent quality specifications and the severe impact on aluminum foil surface quality, rolling oils are almost intolerant to contamination.
Nevertheless, the impurities of the rolling oils by the lubrication oil of the rolls is considered almost unavoidable and therefore the complete substitution of the rolling oils, periodically, is a standard procedure.
During this two-year-project, the sealing of the rolls’ bearings was fully redesigned and the new gaskets were made of special, advanced technology materials.
As a result, the contamination of the rolling oils was eliminated and the substitution of the rolling oils is not necessary anymore.
In the first phase (2016) the rolling oil waste was reduced by 88%, from 3,88kg of waste per aluminium tn produced (average of last five years before the project) to 0,47kg of waste per aluminium tn produced.
In the final phase (2017) the waste was completely eliminated and 165tn of rolling oil waste are now avoided per year thanks to this project.
The results of the project are mainly related to environmental protection and resource utilization.
In the first phase (2016) the rolling oil waste was reduce by 88%, from 3,88kg of waste per aluminium tn produced (average of last five years before the project) to 0,47kg of waste per aluminium tn produced.
In the final phase (2017) the waste was completely eliminated and 165tn of rolling oil waste are now avoided per year thanks to this project.
Symetal – Oinofyta Rolling Plant
No cooperation with other associations
The project was assigned to a maintenance department team that worked alongside with production department.
The implementation of the project has helped Symetal achieve significant benefits both for the Company itself and for the environment, as it has contributed to the elimination of a particular waste (rolling oils) from the Company’s production process.
165tn of rolling oil waste are now avoided per year thanks to this project, which results in:
• Economic benefit for the Company, as there is no need for waste management and for waste disposal for recycling purposes. Moreover, productivity due to time spent on oil replacement is not reduced, while the quality of the final products is improved.
• Environmental benefit, as neither resources for waste management purposes are consumed, nor waste for final disposal is generated.