The object of the initiative is the provision of services for the preparation of an Electric Vehicle Charging Plan (EVCP), in accordance with Article 17 of Law 4710/2020 (Government Gazette 142 A/2020) "Promotion of electric mobility and provisions", on the basis of which it becomes mandatory to locate at least one (1) electric vehicle recharging point per thousand (1,000) inhabitants within the limits of administrative responsibility of each municipality. The specific service must result in the type of chargers that will be procured by the Municipality, therefore the existence of a special officer is required to carry out the market research and in cooperation with the officers of the Municipality to come up with the right types of chargers.
Because the existing staff of the municipality does not have the know-how and specialized corresponding experience, the municipality proceeded to announce a summary tender for the provision of EVCP preparation services. In particular, the provision of the advisory - scientific support to the executives of the Working Group (WG) of the Municipality concerned the provision of a general advisory service with the object of planning, programming and organizing development action for the location of the Stations, as well as horizontal interventions, the support their implementation with the transfer of the necessary relevant know-how, as well as the provision of external services for the above stages of the preparation of the Plan.
According to Article 17 of Law 4710/2020 (Government Gazette 142 A/2020) "Promotion of electric mobility and provisions", it becomes mandatory to locate at least one (1) electric vehicle recharging point per thousand (1,000) inhabitants within the limits of administrative responsibility of each municipality. Given that the population of our municipality amounts to 64,021 inhabitants according to the last official census of 2011, at least 64 charging points are necessary.
Based on the legislation FEK 50B 2015 the acceptable methods of charging batteries of electric cars that can be installed in vehicle service facilities are method 3 (Mode 3 AC Charging) and method 4 (Mode 4 DC Charging), as defined by the standard IEC 61851−1 "Electric Vehicle Conductive Charging System". Also, the acceptable interface elements (power socket, plugs, terminals) of said charging devices are defined by the standard EN/IEC 62196-2 "Plugs Socket-outlets, Vehicle Couplers and Vehicle Inlets - Conductive Charging of Electric Vehicles".
A consultation entitled: "Public Consultation - Participatory procedures: Presentation of the prevailing scenario - expression of views of bodies" was held on November 1, 2021, through video conference, due to the coronavirus pandemic, with invited various relevant bodies such as Hellenic Electricity Distribution Network Operator (HEDNO) [2], Athens Mass Transit System (AMTS) [3], Hellenic Institute of Electronic Vehicles (HIEV)[4], etc.
At the same time, in the context of participation for the preparation of the EVCP, a special questionnaire was developed that was addressed to residents, employees and/or visitors of the Municipality (general public). A presentation of the consultation was made by the contractor where the alternative siting scenarios were analyzed and the most prevalent one was presented. The plan was then completed and actions recorded for its implementation with alternative implementation methods
The time planning of the siting/licensing of the charging points was mapped, the specifications of the proposed network of recharging points were drawn up, the financing possibilities of the action were mentioned and an incentive policy was developed at the local level.
[2] In Greek ΔΕΔΗΕ.
[3] In Greek ΟΑΣΑ.
[4] In Greek ΕΛ.ΙΝ.Η.Ο.