
Implementation of an Integrated Sustainable Urban Development Plan

Implementation of an Integrated Sustainable Urban Development Plan

Municipality of Edessa

The Municipality of Edessa is located in Pella, Central Macedonia.

The seat is Edessa, characterized by its intense water feature and waterfalls. The economy of the region is based on agricultural development and tourism.


Objective Action

Objectives of the integrated planning for the urban development of Edessa are:

- Improvement of the daily life of the citizens, through the major changes made in the city's spatial planning.
- Improving visitors' access to the city.
- Development of the tourist product

- Reduction of pollution and traffic problems from the use of bicycles and the transition of visitors from the historical - touristic center to the modern city on foot.
- Improving the attractiveness of Edessa, as a destination for visitors and as a sustainable city for its residents.
- Cooperation of the Municipality of Edessa with private initiatives to improve the tourist product.


Target Audience

Citizens and visitors of Edessa



The implementation of all the projects will be completed within 18 months.


The integrated planning for the urban development of Edessa concerns the integration of the historical-tourist part of the city with the current center and market of the city, as well as the development of its tourist product.

All the interventions required for the implementation of this plan cannot be financed from one source, due to the size and complexity of the plan. For this reason, funding has been secured from various programs and funding sources (PEP, PDE, Interreg, own resources of the Municipality of Edessa).

The plan includes:

A. Removal of the wall of the city's current stadium, part of the grandstand, the old closed gymnasium and auxiliary buildings and conversion of the area they occupy into a recreation area and connection of the historical-tourist part of the city with the modern urban fabric. This connection will be visual on the one hand and on the other through routes that are designed along the river and through the recreation area that is created.

B. Construction of a new stadium. It is of particular importance to the city that funding has been secured and the construction of a new football and athletics field on the outskirts of the city will begin immediately, which will fully serve the sporting needs of the residents.

C. Creation of a cycle path and supply of shared bicycles, so that visitors can visit the city by bicycle starting from the area of the Falls. Shared bicycles will also be used by residents for their transportation.

D. Tourism product development. In recent years, a significant effort has been made to develop the city's tourism product, which tries to channel the visitors of the Falls to the rest of the attractions and the city. So in recent years they have developed in the area of the Mills, which is next to the Waterfalls and with the removal of the field it will be integrated with the city center, visitable areas and thematic exhibitions in old mills, which are very interesting buildings of the pre-industrial cultural heritage of city. Visitors get to know the cultural heritage and the natural environment of Edessa through their visit to the Mills, in an area that has the characteristics of an open-air museum with many small visitable spaces (Mills). At the same time, funding was secured for the conversion of Kannabourgiou, an old factory of particular importance for the city, into a visitor center and conference center. The complex of buildings in the Kannabourgiou area will operate through the cooperation of the areas that will operate under the responsibility of the Municipality of Edessa (visitor area and conference center) and private initiatives (restaurants and shops). Access to Kannabourgeio will be from the area of Myloni.

E. Traffic arrangements to improve the city's traffic and specific interventions in the center (Eleftherias square) to facilitate access.

All of the above projects and actions constitute a coherent and integrated plan for the urban development of Edessa. Projects and actions interact with each other and for this reason multiplying results are achieved.


Impact on Society

The expected results are, on the one hand, the improvement of the quality of life of the residents and, on the other hand, the provision of the opportunity for visitors to get to know Edessa better. This parameter also has economic ramifications, as it will be possible to extend the length of time visitors stay in Edessa and to carry out more activities on their part (visits to more attractions, the market, dining and leisure areas).

Initiative Location


Working with Organization

The planning concerns exclusively actions of the Municipality of Edessa.

Workers Participation

Employees participate in both the design and implementation of the projects.

All of the interventions are presented in the Operational Plan of the Municipality of Edessa and are implemented gradually and based on the financing possibilities of the individual projects, which have relevance and interaction between them.


Benefits for Οrganization

The benefits are multiple and concern the improvement of the quality of life of the citizens, with a parallel increase in the income of the residents and the economy of the city in general.

Connection with Global Goals

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