


CHITOS SA is a pioneer, Greek industry, with a leading presence in the bottled water sector. Headquartered in the region of Ioannina and with experience in the field of bottling soft drinks since 1955, it started with the bottling of Natural Mineral Water "ZAGORI" in 1988. With steady steps it evolved into a dynamically developing Company, which continuously and substantially contributes to the national economy.

Our company (zagoriwater.gr)

Objective Action

CHITOS SA is a pioneer, Greek industry, with a leading presence in the bottled water sector. Headquartered in the region of Ioannina and with experience in the field of bottling soft drinks since 1955, it started with the bottling of Natural Mineral Water "ZAGORI" in 1988. With steady steps it evolved into a dynamically developing Company, which continuously and substantially contributes to the national economy. The firm commitment of CHITOS A.V.E. on the principles of total quality, allows it to responsibly support that every drop of "ZAGORI" Natural Mineral Water keeps the nature of Epirus unchanged. The bottling of Natural Mineral Water "ZAGORI" is carried out at the source, using state-of-the-art machinery, without any human intervention throughout the entire process from pumping to the disposal of the product and without intervening any processing.

The production of "ZAGORI" Natural Mineral Water is carried out with the strictest quality standards, in full compliance with European and national legislation. Since the beginning of 2000, CHITOS SA began to take important initiatives for the protection of the environment. All these initiatives have the effect of continuously reducing its energy footprint, minimizing CO2 emissions and in its own way supporting actions to reduce climate change.

Since the beginning of 2000, CHITOS SA began to take important initiatives for the protection of the environment. One of these initiatives was, in addition to the production of "ZAGORI" Natural Mineral Water, and its distribution throughout Greece through its own transport fleet with the aim of reducing the carbon dioxide footprint by 12%.

Environmental actions are not just a binding priority in its business agenda, it is its backbone as it is completely dependent on the natural resources of Epirus. For this reason, the active contribution of CHITOS SA to the limitation of climate change through the green operation of its facilities and its products themselves come as a natural result with the aim of avoiding the depletion of natural resources and the contamination of the environment


Target Audience

Employees of the Company, local community, consumer public, Institutional bodies



From 2000 until today


CHITOS SA faithful to the Environmental Policy that it implements as one of its primary values, it strategically chose in 2020 to collaborate with an alternative electricity provider (Protergia) for the use in its facilities, of electricity that would have 100% origin from Renewable Energy Sources ( RES).

The Provider, with whom CHITOS S.A.V.E. cooperated, has the relevant certificate based on the certificates of the Administrator of RES & Guarantees of Origin (DAPEEP S.A.), which is the competent Energy Certification Issuing Body and according to with the Ministry No. D6/Φ1/oik.8786 Decision of the Minister of Environment, Energy and Climate Change (Government Gazette B' 646 / 14.05.2010).

CHITOS SA in 2020 it applied hybrid fuel technology to 50% of its transport fleet (11 trucks), reducing their operating costs compared to 2019 by around 10% and the carbon footprint of the transport activity by around 12%.

Finally, through a strategic plan, CHITOS SA implements its environmental responsibility through the following actions:

1. Fully responds on an annual basis, for each bottle it produces by paying environmental fees
2. It is registered in the National Register of Producers (waste) by paying the relevant fees
3. It is at the forefront of information and study of the application of the requirements of the European Legislation 904/ 2019/ EU, for single-use plastics
4. Continuously monitors water consumption indicators and applies the relevant Source Protection Legislation
5. Committed to continuous reduction of environmental impact, sustainable use of resources and protection of biodiversity and ecosystems
6. It has replaced all its lighting with economical LED lamps
7. Implements hybrid fuel technology for its transport fleet while simultaneously studying carbon footprint reduction


Impact on Society

The result of the actions of CHITOS SA is the guarantee of origin (Green Certificate) from Protergia where for 2020 it recorded that 100% of the electricity used comes from Renewable Energy Sources with a zero carbon footprint. In particular, Protergia and the Energy Department of MYTILINEOS certified the guaranteed source of energy by recording that for the 12,051 MWh of electricity consumed in the company's facilities during the time period 01.01.2020 – 30.06.2020 an equal amount of energy has been produced from RES and CHP according to with the relevant certificates of revocation of the Administrator of RES & Guarantees of Origin (DAPEEP S.A.) as the competent OP Issuing Body and in accordance with Sub. 14.05.2010).

Compared to 2019, the application of hybrid fuel technology to 50% of its transport fleet (11 trucks) in 2020 resulted in a reduction of their operating costs by approximately 10% and the carbon footprint of the transport activity by approximately 12 %.

Initiative Location

Ioannina (bottling plant), Athens (headquarters), the entire Greek territory (transportation of products)

Working with Organization

Alternative electricity provider: Protergia

Workers Participation

All departments of the Company participate in the implementation of the action, from the Administration to the drivers of the vehicles.

Benefits for Οrganization

The sustainable development of CHITOS SA through the strategic plan of reducing the energy footprint and minimizing CO2 emissions is an integral part of the company's operation. Environmental actions are not just a binding priority in its business agenda, it is its backbone as it is completely dependent on the natural resources of Epirus. For this reason, the active contribution of CHITOS SA to the limitation of climate change through the green operation of its facilities and its products themselves come as a natural result with the aim of avoiding the depletion of natural resources and the contamination of the environment. At the same time, by investing in the sustainable development of the company, it has managed to increase productivity and develop innovation through the modernization of its structures. At the same time, by investing in the sustainable development of the company, it has managed to increase productivity and develop innovation through the modernization of its structures. Very importantly, the use of hybrid fuels in 50% of its transport fleet (11 trucks) resulted in a reduction of their operating costs by approximately 10%.

Connection with Global Goals

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The Sustainable Greece Ιnitiative launched by QualityNet Foundation