1. The satisfaction of the pharmaceutical needs of specific nursing homes in Attica, which due to financial difficulties find it difficult to meet the pharmaceutical needs of their beneficiaries. Through the program we are creating an easy and fast way for nursing homes to find the medicines they need free of charge, through GIVMED's existing network with non-profit organizations, private individuals, pharmaceutical companies and through the network of nursing homes that will be created. We also facilitate the better organization of their pharmacies and the more efficient management of their available medicines. 2. The awareness and activation of the general public, so that they are informed about the existence, the pharmaceutical needs of the nursing homes in their area and to satisfy them, having the opportunity to come into direct contact with the beneficiaries of the nursing homes. In particular, they are activated to use the software provided by GIVMED, in order to easily, quickly and reliably donate the drugs they no longer need to the nursing homes participating in the program.