
Theatrical group of homeless people "Walkabout": Drama therapy as a means of social (re)integration

Theatrical group of homeless people "Walkabout": Drama therapy as a means of social (re)integration


The non-profit organization Equal Society acts against "social exclusion, unemployment and poverty" in order to raise awareness of equality issues in every aspect of social life.

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Objective Action

In 2017, Equal Society established the theatrical group of homeless people "Walkabout", with the aim of activating and mobilizing its members through theatrical action with the ultimate objective of facilitating their (re)integration. It attempts to approach the social (re)integration of socially vulnerable groups, and in particular homeless people, through a different perspective, which allows the mobilization of the target group and their active participation through artistic expression and creation. The added value of such an approach lies on the fact that there is no age, educational or other restrictions for their participation. At the same time the group members have the opportunity to communicate with the public in a free and creative way, exploring their personal path and the relationships with their family and the wider society.

Overall, the initiative plays an important role in the psychosocial empowerment of those who participate in it. The systematic contact of the beneficiaries with the specific therapeutic method brings them significant benefits. It boosts their self-confidence, activates their critical thinking, contributes to the management of their emotions and integrates them into an interaction process promoting teamwork and cooperation.

The structure of the theatrical group of homeless people "Walkabout" is based on the role of drama therapy as a reintegration tool. Drama therapy undoubtedly has a positive impact on the emotional and physical health of each individual – member of the group, as it significantly contributes to strengthening both the communication between group members and the process of exchanging information, thoughts and feelings.

The aim of the initiative, in addition to social reintegration through theatre, is also the promotion of the is theatrical group "Walkabout" as a good practice that will contribute in making more widely known how theater can inspire socially excluded people, or potentially socially excluded people, to take part in collective activities, which will be adapted to their capabilities and needs, and how these activities can enhance their sense of creativity, interaction and animation.

Taking into consideration that the establishment and strengthening of social relations is a decisive factor of social (re)integration, the realization of theatrical performances and the participation of the group members in the promotion, information and dissemination actions of the initiative, contribute to their further empowerment and to the effort for their (re)integration.

Finally, members of vulnerable groups participate as the audience and are given the opportunity to get in touch with this form of art at no cost, to interact with people, to see positive examples of those who have managed to reintegrate through art and to be informed about the opportunities that Equal Society gives them to claim equal opportunities in all fields of life.


Target Audience

This specific initiative, as a means of psychosocial empowerment and (re)integration, is addressed both to the beneficiaries of the social structures of Equal Society and to the beneficiaries of other social structures operating in the Municipality of Athens, who come from socio-economically vulnerable groups, such as homeless, people with disabilities, etc. Regarding the organization and implementation of the initiative, it should be emphasized that it is addressed to the employees and volunteers of the Organization. As a good practice, it is addressed to public and private bodies and organizations active in the field of social inclusion, to social scientists and to mental health professionals. Also, as a means of eliminating discrimination and strengthening social cohesion it is addressed to the wider society, as through during the performances the members of the theatrical group interact with the audience.



The theatrical group of homeless people "Walkabout" has been working non-stop for 7 years, from 2017 when it was established until today.


It has been established that participation in cultural activities can have positive effects in combating social exclusion but also in improving physical and mental health. The relevant bibliography particularly emphasizes that the participation in cultural activities can contribute to supporting people and communities to overcome poverty and social exclusion, while it is pointed out that ensuring effective access and participation for all in relevant activities is an important dimension for promoting a non-discriminatory society.

The benefits that arise from participating in cultural activities are diverse, both on an individual and social level. In more detail, engaging in these activities can:

• strengthen trust and the development of team and interpersonal skills,

• enable people to find new ways of expressing themselves,

• help to understand and alleviate the difficulties faced by vulnerable people,

• lead to greater self-confidence and higher self-esteem,

• reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness,

• relieve anxiety and depression and contribute to improving psychological well-being and quality of life,

• promote the participation in the society and in the labor market of various vulnerable groups, such as disadvantaged young people, people with disabilities, minorities etc

• contributes to overcoming cultural diversity and discrimination,

• create new employment opportunities,

• promote social inclusion.

Taking the above into consideration, Equal Society has set art and culture as a key methodological tool in its social interventions with the aim of empowering the most vulnerable groups in society. The culmination of this effort was the creation of the first and only theatrical group of homeless people in Greece in 2017.

Regarding theater, it is pointed out that the positive relationship between participation in theatrical activities and the physical and mental health of the participants has been extensively analyzed in the relevant bibliography. The emergence of theatrical action as therapy, and in particular drama therapy, in modern Western culture isn’t a new approach. In Greece, however, emphasis was placed on its role, only in recent years, as it has now been realized that it can have a positive impact on the effort to reintegrate the most vulnerable social groups.

Dramatherapy is defined as the comprehensive therapeutic approach that concerns the understanding, interpretation and care of the psychological issues of human existence through the prism of Dramatic Art. It recommends a psychotherapeutic method, but also a method of treatment through Art.

The coordinators of the group are skilled actors, directors and Facilitative Teachers (Using the Arts in working with groups), with experience in working with vulnerable groups.

To date, the group has performed 13 different performances at theater “Stathmos”, “Technopolis” of Athens Municipality, Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center, Cultural Center of Lefkada Municipality, Open Theater of Colonos and Cine Alekos Chrysostomidis in Keratsini, four book presentations, a Christmas party and a Christmas bazaar. Also, in 2018, the theatrical group supported actively those affected by the fires in Mati, Attica, while also participated in the 1st Civil Society Festival organized by the Municipality of Athens on 21-23/4/2023. They are currently preparing to present their 13th show at the summer Cinema "Alekos Chrysostomidis" in Keratsini.


Impact on Society

The 'Walkabout' initiative has varied impact on its target group. As far as the members of the theatrical group are concerned, it leads to their effective (re)integration in all areas of social life. Out of a total of 82 people who have joined the group over these 7 years, 26 have been actively involved in the performances, 80% of whom are now employed and housed. At the same time, it has a positive impact on the emotional and physical health of each member and the development of interpersonal relationships, sociability and extroversion. The workers and volunteers of Equal Society get in touch with the theater and interact with the beneficiaries of the organization's social structures and projects but also with vulnerable groups in general. As regards vulnerable groups in general, homeless people and members of other vulnerable groups are given the opportunity to come into contact with cultural activities and the theater, free of charge, in a safe environment where they feel welcomed.

In addition, the soup kitchen "People's Meals" is strengthened, since instead of a ticket, food is offered for the needs of the structure, while publicity is given and it becomes widely known, attracting other sponsorships-donations. It is estimated that in total more than 10 tons of food have been collected in the context of the theatrical group's performances, while at least 22 companies and businesses have sponsored the group's activity.

Public and private bodies and organizations active in the field of social inclusion, social scientists and mental health professionals have the opportunity to learn about good practices concerning social integration through cultural activities, and understand the benefits and results. Finally, the general public gets in touch with the theater at no cost, becomes aware of social issues, is informed and has the opportunity to contribute. A total of 2,610 people have attended the theatrical group's presentations over the years.

Initiative Location

The theatrical group of homeless people meet every day for rehearsals in the soup kitchen "People's Meals" in Colonos, Athens. The performances and other presentations take place mainly in Athens, while in 2019 they presented a show at the Cultural Center of the Municipality of Lefkada.


Working with Organization

Equal Society has developed a solid partnership with the Reception and Solidarity Center of the Municipality of Athens, as well as with other private bodies, including civil society organizations that provide psychosocial empowerment services to vulnerable groups, such as Médecins du Monde and the Organisation Against Drugs (ΟΚΑΝΑ). The aim of the collaboration is on the one hand to enrich the theatrical group with new members and on the other hand to disseminate the results of the initiative. It should be noted that some of the performances were organized with the support of the General Secretariat of Social Solidarity & Combating Poverty of the Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs; the Culture, Sports and Youth Organization of the Municipality of Athens (OPANDA); Region of the Ionian Islands  as well as the Municipality of Keratsini-Drapetsona.


Workers Participation

The theatrical group of homeless people "Walkabout" operates under the guidance of a director, who is an employee of the Organization. In addition, the team also falls under the responsibilities of the psychosocial service and the employees of the soup kitchen “People's Meals”. All the other employees of the headquarters and the soup kitchen "People's Meals" of Equal Society in Athens participate voluntarily in the organization and implementation of the initiative. The given tasks may include: looking for sponsorships to cover the needs of the group, communication and promotion of the initiative, coordinating the invitations and the guests and generally covering any organizational need.

During the performances, part of the Organization's volunteers are also activated, helping with various organizational needs, from transport to filming and photography.

The members of the group are beneficiaries of the soup kitchen "People's Meals" and participate voluntarily in the group and in the performances/presentations/actions. In fact, it is worth mentioning that one of the team members voluntarily designs all the graphic material (posters, brochures) required.

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Benefits for Οrganization

Through the implementation of the "Walkabout" initiative, there are multiple benefits for Equal Society, in terms of the beneficiaries, the employees, the volunteers as well as the other social structures that operate in Athens, Lefkada and Corfu.

In particular, the beneficiaries - members of the theatrical group - are empowered (80% of the people who actively participated in the group are now working and housed) and the total work of Equal Society is presented. The general public is informed of the issues of vulnerable social groups, thus attracting potential beneficiaries of our actions and programs, as well as partners, sponsors and donors for the needs of the operation of social structures (2,710 people have watched the performances live, over 22,000 have seen the posts about the team on the organization's official social media, 22 companies and businesses at least have sponsored the initiative). In addition, employees and volunteers who are actively involved, through this process offer and get trained in reintegration through culture, gaining useful experience, while new jobs are also created. Finally, through the dissemination of the results of the theatrical group as a good practice, our work is disseminated to public and private bodies, organizations and scientists active in the field of vulnerable groups and reintegration, thus creating a network and possible collaborations.

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