
People with autism "strike" in life - Bowling tournament for World Autism Day

People with autism "strike" in life - Bowling tournament for World Autism Day

Child and Adolescent’s Center

Child and Adolescent΄s Center is the largest non-profit company in Greece based in the province and in fact on the remote island of Chios and one of the most dynamic organizations in the field of mental health in the country. In its 26 years of operation (founded in 1996) it has supported 9,364 children, adolescents, adults with developmental, emotional and psychiatric difficulties and their families. Our vision: A world that talks about mental health comfortably and recognizes, understands and accepts the diversity of people with psychiatric / psychological / developmental disorders.


Objective Action

On the occasion of World Autism Day (2/4/2024), the Non-Profit Οrganization "Child and Adolescent Center" organized a Bowling tournament with the participation of people with Autism. The idea behind the tournament was the opportunity for people with autism to exercise, to participate and coexist with others, but also to demonstrate that their equal participation in recreational activities in the community is possible.

The main goal was to entertain and enable people with autism to socialize. In addition, particularly important was the feeling of joy that was created through a pleasant and entertaining game as well as from their interaction with other people. At the same time, positive feelings arose from the parents who were able to see in practice that their children have the possibility to play, compete and have fun as equal members of society.

Another key purpose of the tournament is to inform the community about autism and the steps that need to be taken in order to include people with autism, thus reducing the marginalization of these individuals and raising awareness of the entire society. The main concern is to cure society of its ignorance and fear, not autism.

The presence of the President of the Republic Katerina Sakellaropoulou gave the event a special symbolism. It was an honor, primarily for the children and young people who participated!





Target Audience

People with autism, their families, mental health / special education professionals and the general public.




3 hours, start time 10:00 – end 13:00



As part of the celebration of World Autism Day 2/4/2024, the Child and Adolescent Center organized a Bowling Tournament for people with autism. In this tournament everyone was a winner. We broke down the barriers of ignorance about Autism with information and a game!

People who are served in mental health and/or special education facilities in Attica took part in the Tournament free of charge, with the aim of having fun and their equal participation in the entertainment. All participants were awarded with commemorative medals for their remarkable effort!
The event was organized by two structures of the Urban Non-Profit Company "Child and Adolescent Center" (Day Center for Autistic Adolescent Young Adults of Western Attica "In the Court of the World" and Specialized Center for People with ASD "Ilianthos").

The President of the Republic Katerina Sakellaropoulou visited Royal Bowling, in Peristeri, where she attended the Bowling Tournament for people with Autism Spectrum Disorders.

Ms. Sakellaropoulou, in her post on Facebook, emphasized, among other things, that "by offering an opportunity for recreation and socialization to young people who are on the autism spectrum, events like this dispel prejudices, fear, lack of acceptance, isolation, negativity in general which unfortunately many times they experience". He also emphasized that "we have a timeless obligation to ensure that these people, who perceive the world in a different way, can live in an inclusive society on equal terms".

All participants were awarded and received souvenirs!

Our event was supported by ERT as a communication sponsor with Kosmos 93.6, ERA SPORTS 101.8, First Program 105.8, Second Program 103.7.
They supported our event with their products: ION, PAPADOPOULOS FLAGS.
Plenty of mass media highlighted the event, informing and raising awareness among the general public.





Impact on Society

160 teenagers with autism from 20 different structures for children and teenagers with autism from Attica, aged from 7 to 22, participated in the Bowling Tournament.


Initiative Location

The Tournament was held at the facilities of "Royal Bowling" (Teuthidos 7, Peristeri)


Working with Organization

In the Bowling Tournament, we collaborated with a variety of organizations, including: 
-1st Special Primary School of Peristeri
-Association of Parents and Friends of Autistic People "Rebirth"
-Sirius Day Center
-Zefyrio Special Primary School
-Egaleo Special Primary School
-Egaleo Autism Special Elementary School


Workers Participation

The Bowling Tournament was supported by 30 employees of the Child and Adolescent Center and 10 volunteers.


Photos Videos

Benefits for Οrganization

The Bowling Tournament is for the Child and Adolescent Center and its beneficiaries (people with autism and their families) an excellent opportunity for entertainment. Recreational activities, such as a bowling tournament, play an important role in improving the quality of life of a child with autism. Successfully introducing children to new activities is a test of their preferences and abilities. The child with autism has so much to gain from discovering new ways of development and entertainment that his participation can only positively affect him.


  • Physical activity is often beneficial.
  • The right kind of outdoor activities can reduce anxiety, problem behaviors, and improve motor skills and social interaction.
  • Through activities that provide high motivation new skills can be developed and opportunity for social interaction provided.

At the same time, participation is important for parents as well. Their active participation, both in the diagnostic and therapeutic process, constitutes a significant factor in the long-term outcome of the main difficulties. Interacting with parents and establishing a quality relationship, an open attitude and complete honesty form the basis of the relationship of trust which is central to the process of providing appropriate help.

At the same time, the Bowling Tournament and the promotion and communication actions that accompany it, contribute to the mission of the Child and Adolescent Center: To implement actions to inform and raise public awareness, with the ultimate goal of abolishing discrimination, so that the beneficiaries enjoy more and more the their lives, coexisting in inclusive society.

At the same time, the benefits for the Child and Adolescent Center include networking and the exchange of opinions/ideas with other civil society organizations in the field of autism. Communication channels were opened, the knowledge and experience of the organization was enriched.



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