In a record recycling rate for the Municipality - a nationwide first for the city

Glyfada today
Today, Glyfada is crossed by Vouliagmenis Avenue which divides (or even unites) it into Upper and Lower Glyfada. Kato is bustling, has the shopping center, has entertainment venues, is comparable to a modern city. A city with good transport and a nice beach, with four marinas, with golf, with a football field, with swimming pools with tennis and basketball courts.
A city that throbs with life and movement, a city that hosts "all the tribes of Israel". And Ano Glyfada, which is quieter, with neighborhoods but also with detached houses, away from the heavy traffic, near Ymittos. The ¨Riviera of the East¨ as Mr. Thomas Drikos calls it, in his album "Glyfada" was founded in the Saronic waters which were then crystal clear.
The ecological strategy of the Municipality of Glyfada aims to save resources and energy and to create a cleaner and healthier environment. Reducing the amount of trash that ends up in landfills has obvious economic and environmental benefits for our city and society as a whole. It is necessary for recycling to enter our daily life and become a way of life and this has already been achieved to a very significant extent in Glyfada.
This action is addressed to all the citizens and visitors of our city, which amount to hundreds of thousands of people. We invite everyone to respect the environment and to comply with modern requirements for waste separation.
One year, the "Year of Recycling 2018".
Recycling today is an important priority for the environment and our future. It is not an ephemeral trend of the time, but, on the contrary, an obligation of every civilized society, which practically contributes to the improvement of living conditions. At the same time, there is a need to cultivate a culture that promotes recycling among citizens and all agencies and businesses. The Municipality of Glyfada, in its effort to protect the environment, upgrade the quality of life of its citizens, save raw materials and energy and reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills, developed a series of actions and programs for recycling, separate collection of packaging materials, composting, sorting at source (green), and waste and litter management. It is a comprehensive strategy, within which 10 new recycling streams have been established:
a) Recycling of horticultural residues (branches) with separation at the source of collection.
b) Recycling of building debris and excavation waste.
c) Separation of metals at the source.
d) Recycling of organic waste (composting).
e) Recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment and lighting items.
f) Clothing and footwear recycling, with 52 storage bins in various parts of the city.
g) Recycling of batteries (vehicles and portable).
h) Paper recycling in schools, public services and businesses with 100 new yellow collection bins.
i) Recycling of vehicle tires.
j) Recycling of vehicle oils.
The Municipality of Glyfada proceeded to raise awareness among citizens about recycling in practice. It offered households free of charge 2,500 household packaging recycling bins, undertaking yet another initiative to strengthen and expand recycling in the city.
Extremely important and pioneering is the process of collecting branches and green waste in special bins provided by the Municipality of Glyfada, as well as old mattresses, which are promoted for recycling.
We achieved: a) recycling of garden waste (branches) with separation at the source of collection: 3,795 tons, b) recycling of construction waste and excavation waste: 2,000 tons, c) recycling of packaging blue bins, gross: 5,924, net: 3,048 tons, d) recycling of glass packaging: 130 tons, e) recycling of tires from vehicles: 5.4 tons, f) recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment and lighting items: 5 tons, g) recycling of clothes and shoes: 130 tons. The total solid waste balance is as follows: a) total recycled solid waste: 9,113 tons, b) total waste deposited in the Phylis Landfill: 42,676 tons. Thus, the recycling rate reached an impressive 21.35%.
Municipality of Glyfada, starting from the Cleaning and Recycling Service and reaching every corner of the city, from the sea to the mountain and from the border with Elliniko to the border with Voula.
The employees of the Cleaning and Recycling Sector of the Municipality of Glyfada offer their best every day. For the coordination of actions and actions, as well as their promotion, the assistance of other services of the Municipality (e-governance, press and public relations, secretarial support) is often required, with which we have a close cooperation.
The Municipality of Glyfada reduced by 12.3% the waste it deposited in the Fyli landfill in 2018, when the average reduction of the Municipalities of the Attica Region is 3.8%. In other words, it had a threefold decrease compared to the other Municipalities. In financial terms, he managed to reduce by 436,000 euros the money he pays to EDSNA for depositing the waste in Fili.