
Sailaway - Supporting the participation of children and youth with developmental disabilities in sailing

Sailaway - Supporting the participation of children and youth with developmental disabilities in sailing


KMOP, established in 1977, is one of the oldest civil society organisations in Greece offering social support services and implementing a diverse array of programs aimed at empowering and enhancing the well-being of individuals and communities. In recent years, KMOP has expanded its reach globally, currently having a presence in 5 countries and operating permanent offices in Athens, Piraeus, Thessaloniki, Brussels, Skopje, and Tirana.

KMOP is dedicated to addressing social challenges through evidence-based solutions that promote individual and collective prosperity. Our focus is on designing and executing innovative social services that enhance individual self-worth, reduce inequality, and foster inclusive and sustainable social development.

Over the past 20 years, we have successfully carried out more than 400 social innovation initiatives with the support of both institutional and private donors. Our efforts have directly benefited over 85,000 individuals. For more information, you can visit:  

Objective Action

It is widely recognized that engaging in sport or physical activity not only helps to keep people fit and well, it can also generate wider positive benefits for individuals, such as increasing self-esteem, developing social skills and improving mental health and general wellbeing. To this end, the project aims to encourage social inclusion and equal opportunities for children and youth with ASD in sailing activities, through the training of professionals and awareness-raising of sailing clubs and parent


Target Audience

  • Children and youth with ASD
  • Families of children and youth with ASD
  • Sailing clubs and instructors


24 months- January 2020- December 2021  


SailAway will boost the participation of children and youth with ASD in sailing, by improving the skills of sailing professionals and clubs on how to effectively involve them in sailing activities and programs, as well as raising the awareness of parents of children with ASD about the benefits and access to such opportunities. Specifically, the following activities have taken place:

  • Development of a capacity-building programme for sailing instructors and training on how to effectively include children and youth with ASD in sailing activities.
  • Development of a guide for sailing clubs, containing guidelines and practical strategies to implement when working with children and youth with ASD.
  • Development of an e-learning platform
  • Creation of an awareness raising toolkit to inform sailing clubs and parents of children and youth with and without ASD for the benefits of including them in sailing.


Impact on Society

  • One 12-hour capacity building program for sailing clubs and sailing instructors
  • 12 training sessions for more than 100 sailing instructors in 6 countries (2 trainings & 24 instructors in Greece)
  • 114 interviews with professionals and experts on the field for the production of two 30-page guides, one targeted at sailing instructors and one targeted on sailing clubs
  • More than 45,000 people reached through the continuous dissemination of the project results
  • One educational platform available in 6 languages
  • 5 Awareness raising tools to be used by organizations and clubs active in sailing and/or ASD to further promote the aims of the project (2 information guides, 1 for parents & 1 for sailing clubs, 2 infographics, 1 for parents & 1 for sailing clubs, and 1 video with testimonies from professionals and families across the 6 participating countries {the video is currently under production})
  • 6 info-days & 1 final conference to be organized in the coming months

Initiative Location

Greece, Italy, Spain, Cyprus, Croatia, Portugal- Dissemination at an EU level         

Working with Organization

The following organizations participate in the project:

  • KMOP - Social Action and Innovation Centre, Greece
  • Rijeka Sports Association for persons with disabilities, Croatia
  • Montetauro Cooperativa Sociale , Italy
  • Mira’m Fundacio, Spain
  • Institute of Development, Cyprus
  • Nautical Club of Paleon Faliron, Greece
  • Aproximar, Portugal


Workers Participation


Benefits for Οrganization

  • Increased expertise of the organization’s staff on ASD issues and social inclusion of people with ASD, which has led to a new field of action for the organization
  • Creation and expansion of a new network of organizations and partners
  • Increased visibility of the organization in Greece and the EU
  • Higher ability of the organization to impact through its activities disadvantaged social groups.

Connection with Global Goals

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