Provision of preventive pediatric examinations by "The Smile of the Child" in collaboration with competent and private actors

"The Smile of the Child" has supported more than 1,200,000 children and their families. Children victims of all forms of Violence, Children victims of Extinction, Children with health problems, Children who are or are threatened with poverty, have found a solution.
"The Smile of the Child" has been implementing this action since 2002, that has gained a nationwide reach and serves all children.
Our mission is to ensure children's health through prevention.
Preventive medical control constitutes the most important step for the good health of children and their proper development and includes:
The objectives of the action are:
The action addresses to each and every child, however focuses on children who:
The program is implemented throughout the year.
The data reported for children refugees and migrants relate to the period from 29/2 to 30/6/2016.
"The Smile of the Child" operates three (3) Mobile Medical Units of Preventive Medicine, with which it provides preventive medical examinations nationwide.
The units are:
The units tour around Greece upon request and in cooperation with the competent bodies. They provide preventive medical examinations to students, as well as to children in central parts of cities. The examinations are always conducted upon written consent of the parents and guardians of the children.
"The Smile of the Child" was also on the frontline at the arrival points and in centers for the accommodation of refugee and migrant children.
Per year "The Smile of the Child" provided medical preventive examinations in:
2014: 15,698 children
2015: 15,038 children
1st semester 2016: 5,033 children
Specialized in refugee and immigrant children : from 29/2/2016 until 30/6/2016 "The Smile of the Child" provided 3,523 examinations and 5,176 medical preparations.
We provided medical examinations specialized in refugee and migrant children in the areas of :
"The Smile of the Child" implements this action in collaboration with the competent Ministries of Health and Education, having undersigned relevant cooperation agreements.
At the same time, we cooperate with the Government, Public Hospitals, Medical Centers and Medical – Dental Associations all over Greece.
To ensure the quality of the services provided and transparency, especially for the provision of medical examinations to children refugees and immigrants, "The Smile of the Child " collaborated with the following actors: the Ministry of Interior and Administrative Reconstruction, the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Health, the Hellenic Coast Guard, the Hellenic Police, the Fire Brigade, the National Emergency Aid Center, the Hellenic Center for Disease Control and Prevention (KEELPNO), the National Center for Health Operations (EKEPY), public hospitals & health centers, districts, municipalities, .
This operation is staffed by specialized personnel, while the voluntary participation of doctors of appropriate specialties remains as valuable and necessary. Doctors are activated by local medical and dental associations upon the request of our Organization. It is worth mentioning that along with the human resources of the Organization, 61 doctors worked voluntarily, specialized in actions for children refugees and immigrants.