"Mission Water" Program

Founded in 1969, Coca-Cola Tria Epsilon is Greece’s leading non-alcoholic beverage bottler. Through its various facilities nationwide, including 25 production lines, the company produces and distributes a unique portfolio of quality products, contributing to the growth of the Greek economy and society.
Read more: http://gr.coca-colahellenic.com/
The Coca-Cola System in Greece, (Coca-Cola Hellas & Coca-Cola Tria Epsilon), in the frame of its commitment for responsible management of natural resources and raw materials, launched the environmental program “Mission Water” in 2006.
The program aims to:
• Inform and sensitize the general public on the current situation and proper water management.
• Mitigate the water shortage issue in Greek areas where the problem is more intense by implementing constructive projects.
• Protect and recover the good ecological status of important wetlands and the coastal ecosystem in Greece.
• Start an open dialogue among important stakeholder groups about sustainable water management.
All Greek citizens
The program is being implemented since 2006.
The Coca-Cola System in Greece (Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company & Coca-Cola Hellas) translates its commitment towards water conservation and replenishment into action. In this frame the Coca-Cola System in Greece has developed and rolls out the sustainability program” Mission Water”.
In 2008, the environmental program “Mission Water” in collaboration with the Global Partnership-Mediterranean and the Mediterranean Office for Environment Culture and Sustainable Development, initiated a Rainwater Harvesting Program in Cyclades to contribute in mitigating the water shortage issue. Since 2011 “Mission Water” program and WWF Hellas started the implementation of the program called “Protection of the Wetlands in Crete”. This environmental program aims to develop a network of active citizens that will take the wetland areas in Crete, Paros and Lesvos under their protection and at the same time inform and sensitize the general public about the importance of the wetlands. In particular volunteer teams through their action (water quality checks, restoration reports, stakeholder engagement, clean-ups and seminar implementation) try to stop further deterioration and help in the wetlands restoration. Moreover, part of the “Mission Water” program is its partnership with Medasset since 2010. Through Medasset the program implements the environmental initiative “Join and Clean – up”, which aims to raise public awareness. The initiative entails volunteer beach clean-ups, with the participation of students, as well as the education of local communities on the issue of marine litter. Through Mission Water’s message “Care for Water” and the communication of the program it is estimated that more than 650.000.000 Greeks have been informed of water conservation and proper use.
• We have installed and repaired 50 rain water harvesting systems and 3 units for dinkable water, with the use of reverse osmosis technology, in 28 islands in Cyclades and Dodecanese.
• Through our program we save on an annual basis more than 62.465.000 lt of water, while 43.652 residents of the islands are benefited.
• 188 local technical workers have been trained through educational seminars to ensure proper maintenance of the Rain Water Harvesting systems.
• 7.900 students and 1.491 educators have been educated through the educational program called the “Gift of Rain”, which is implemented in partnership with ΜΙΟ-ΕCSDE, aiming to engage and inform this audience on proper water management.
• In Milos local stadium, we have installed a water management system, for the irrigation of the background area.
• In Syros, we have developed a green park and installed underground water tank, offering the collected water for plant watering.
• Both is Syros and Rhodes we have used the reverse osmosis technology to offer to the local community drinkable water.
• We have developed 6 volunteer teams, with the participation of 130 citizens, for the wetlands protection in 3 islands (Crete, Paros, Lesvos).
• We monitor the good ecological status of more than 200 wetlands.
• We have informed more that 18.000 people on the importance of wetland protection and more than 30.000 on the importance of preserving our beaches.
• We have cleaned-up more than 63,7 km of coastline with the participation of 12.041 volunteers and we have collected more than 9,4 tons of recyclable material and 9,1 tons of waste.
• We have informed and sensitized more than 6.5000.000 Greeks on water preservation and management.
Greece - Aegean Islands
In the frame of the Mission Water Program, the Coca-Cola System in Greece collaborates with Global Partnership-Mediterranean & Mediterranean Office for Environment Culture and Sustainable Development, WWF Hellas and ΜEDASSET.
Employees belong to the target groups that the program sensitizes and are informed on the updates and new initiatives.
Coca-Cola Tria Epsilon and Coca-Cola Hellas in the frame of their commitment for responsible management of natural resources and raw materials, launched the environmental program “Mission Water” in 2006, which continues with great success. The added value of the “Mission Water” program reassures that safeguarding sustainable growth is a strategic principle that governs the whole range of our operation.
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