Polyeco Contemporary Art Initiative PCAI 2020: Digital cultural programme in response to the pandemic crisis.

Polyeco is the first and sole integrated and fully licensed waste management and valorization industry in Greece.
Read more: www.polyeco.gr
The fundamental objective of PCAI is non-profit and consists mainly of organising projects to inform and raise public awareness about the environment and its sustainable management through arts, focusing protecting and upgrading the natural environment and consequently the quality of life. Simultaneously, it implements cultural programmes about the environment and sustainability, the idea of recycling, as well as conferences, festivals, exhibitions, artist residencies, educational workshops, etc. The organization's programme for 2020 was directly related to the new pandemic situation and the #WeStayHome campaign and included free educational materials and screenings for children as well as online exhibitions and artists’ interviews.
The target audience of the organization is not restricted Through its programmes and its environmental and social concerns, PCAI tries to meet the needs of a broad audience, without excluding anyone in regards to social, economic, age or racial criteria. The screenings of PCAI projects and programs in the context of events, exhibitions and festivals around the world, as well as the educational programmes of the organization, aim at large audiences.
PCAI’s mission statetement and objectives have no expiration date. Its commissions, projects,supports and educational programs have an evolving identity, which allows the organization to execute various cycles and actions. PCAI adaptsto varying conditions and circumstances, as is the case with the pandemic during which it organized online exhibitions , talks andan online educational platform.
The transition from still to moving image in the past decades has had a huge impact in our visual readability and that is what motivated PCAI to focus on - although not restricted to-this dynamic medium. Innovative and dynamic, PCAI commissions international artists to create artworks of moving image inspired by environmental issues. Often provocative, the works initiate artistic dialogue and through the loans PCAI offers to curators and Museums, the message of environmental awareness is conveyed internationally to diverse audiences.
PCAI programmes within 2020, were directly related to the pandemic situationaiming at supporting the #StayatHome campaign through free educational materials and screenings for children as well as online exhibitions and interviews with artists. Therefore, the organization organized a series of screenings and activities for children entitled PCAI Weekends on the subject of environment and interviews with renowned artists and curators on the pandemic and the environmental crisis entitled PCAI Artist Talks. At the same time, PCAI invited 20 artists to create new video works on the impact of the pandemic on artistic ecosystems and the environment. The artworks were freely streamed through the digital exhibition Anthropocene On Hold, and received a large number of views and great publicity. Finally, the organization participated with works from the PCAI collection in online exhibitions and fairs such as the Art Athina 2020.
In 2020PCAI remained active in its actions and contribution to the international art scene and to the public, despite the adverse conditions that arose due to the pandemic. PCAI programmes within 2020, were directly related to the pandemic situation aiming at supporting the #StayatHome campaign through free educational materials and screenings for children as well as online exhibitions and interviews with artists. Therefore, the organization organized a series of screenings and activities for children entitled PCAI Weekends on the subject of environment and interviews with renowned artists and curators on the pandemic and the environmental crisis entitled PCAI Artist Talks. At the same time, PCAI invited 20 artists to create new video works on the impact of the pandemic on artistic ecosystems and the environment. The artworks were freely streamed through the digital exhibition Anthropocene On Hold, and received a large number of views and great publicity. Finally, the organization participated with works from the PCAI collection in online exhibitions and fairs such as the Art Athina 2020.
Polyeco's initiative for Contemporary Art, with its educational program and art exhibitions are not limited to geographical boundaries.
The organization's collection brings together works by artists from around the world, which are displayed in exhibitions and events worldwide. Typical examples for 2020 are the organization's support and participation in the Lahore Biennale, as well as the digital and bilingual planning of cultural projects (English - Greek), which attracted a large number of visitors from all over the world despite t lockdowns and travel restrictions.
The organization accomplished to connect and collaborate with renowned art organizations and initiatives in Greece and abroad, including the Cultural Center of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation, the Stegi Onassis Foundation, Art Athina, Lahore Biennale, the British Council, the Climate Story Lab in London, the Green Art Lab Alliance, Athens Concert Hall, MOmus Thessaloniki and Piraeus Municipal Theater.
Polyeco employees play an essential role in the implementation and dissemination of the educational initiative by actively and voluntarily assisting teachers in the research and implementation of their laboratory using all the means at their disposal. At the same time, they act as ambassadors in the areas where they are active while often the children of the employees attend and participate in the aforementioned programs. A typical example is the artist residency program designed by the organization in 2018, where artists come in contact with specialized staff and have access tolaboratories of material analysis, for the research component of the project.
In 2020, PCAI educational film collection was screened free of charge through online screenings, transmitting its environmental message to a wide audience. Through digital assignments, exhibitions and actions, the organization actively supported the artistic community and organized original actions respectively to the pandemic condition and restrictions.
PCAI has already helped Polyeco differentiate itself from its competitors and create new opportunities to redefine its corporate identity and image. Respectively, it has strengthened its contacts with the company's customers. Polyeco actively supports the local communities of the countries where it operates, since the educational films created arise through an in-depth research into the local community and their environmental problems. In this context, PCAI received two awards during the Environmental Awards 2020 in Athens.