
Peristeri becomes even “cooler”

Peristeri becomes even “cooler”


Peristeri is the fourth municipality of the country and the Metropolitan Municipality of West Athens, it borders with the Municipalities of Ilion (North), Athens (east), Aigaleo (south), Haidari (West) and Petroupolis (Northwest).


Read more:  www.peristeri.gr


Objective Action

The Municipality of Peristeri in its quest for restoring the environment, upgrading the image of the urban landscape and improving the microclimate in the context of sustainable development, has implemented a program of redevelopment of open spaces in the “Chorafa” part of the city, focusing on bioclimatic design and a sustainable outcome. (http://parko-xorafas.gr/)


Target Audience

The majority of activities taking place in this area are centered on our city’s youth (schools and sports grounds). The fact that so many educational and sporting activities take place there, was the reason we chose it for the implementation of our project.



The process of implementation of the project, briefly followed the following process:

  1. Project Study (2011)
  2. Project submission for approval (2011)
  3. Approval and acceptance of funding from the Municipality of Peristeri (2013)
  4. Competitions for selecting tenderers and awarding Subprojects in accordance with the approved schedule of the Act.

Task 1: 2014 -2016
Task 2: 2014 -2016
Task 3: 2015
Task 4: 2015 -2016


This large environmental project includes: 28,000 square meters of bioclimatic interventions, 2 new squares, 2 modern playgrounds, the planting of 760 tall deciduous trees, walking areas, shady places to rest, the widening of sidewalks, geothermal pumps for cooling, modern lighting solutions for energy savings, and a network of meteorological stations. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NT5rnkroaQ)


Impact on Society

Our basic goal was not only to improve the area’s microclimate but also make it a beautiful and functional place to live, in accordance to the principles of bioclimatic design and sustainability.

Initiative Location

The total area in the northern part of our city (which is called “Chorafa”), where the bioclimatic study was implemented, is approximately 120,000 square meters and is a densely populated part, bounded by the streets: Ioanninon, Pefkon, Imathias-Kaktou, Kedron.


Working with Organization

MUNICIPALITY PERISTERIOU - EUROPEAN UNION (COHESION FUNB) MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT, ENERGY & CLIMATE CHANGE, EPPERAA, NSRF 2007-2013 (http://parko-xorafas.gr/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/fasa-xorigwn.jpg)


Workers Participation

The submission of the proposal, was the joint project of the following employees of the Municipality of Peristeri: 

  1. Civil Eng., Director of Technical Services,
  2. Civil Eng., Technical Services employee, 
  3. Civil Eng. TE Technical Service employee.

During implementation involved are:

  1. Civil Eng., Director of Technical Services,
  2. Surveying Eng., Supervisor of the construction work,
  3. Electrical Engineer. TE, supervisor for The M work,
  4. Agronomist, supervisor for landscaping work,
  5. Agronomist, officer subproject supply meteorological stations,
  6. Administrative IP competent official subproject dissemination


Benefits for Οrganization

The average reduction of the spatial temperature is expected to reach 7 degrees Celsius. The center of meteorological stations, ensures that there will be registration of changed circumstances to meet the desired goals.

The basic measurements covering the measuring grid is:

  • Ultraviolet radiation (UV).
  • Solar radiation.
  • Outdoor temperature/ ambient temperature console.
  • Air humidity/ Relative air humidity.
  • Barometric trend.
  • Barometric pressure.
  • heat index.
  • dew point.
  • precipitation/ rainfall rate.
  • wind/ wind speed prevails.

Connection with Global Goals

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