Distinction in the circular economy: green waste recycling

Glyfada today
Today, Glyfada is crossed by Vouliagmenis Avenue which divides (or even unites) it into Upper and Lower Glyfada. Kato is bustling, has the shopping center, has entertainment venues, is comparable to a modern city. A city with good transport and a nice beach, with four marinas, with golf, with a football field, with swimming pools with tennis and basketball courts.
A city that throbs with life and movement, a city that hosts "all the tribes of Israel". And Ano Glyfada, which is quieter, with neighborhoods but also with detached houses, away from the heavy traffic, near Ymittos. The ¨Riviera of the East¨ as Mr. Thomas Drikos calls it, in his album "Glyfada" was founded in the Saronic waters which were then crystal clear.
The reduction of waste that ends up in landfill and the conversion, through composting, of green waste into high-quality compost (fertilizer) which is available again to consumers, to utilize it in their gardens, thus making the circular economy a reality. This organic fertilizer also serves the municipality itself, its parks and squares. It nourishes the earth and supports plant growth. It is a natural, rich and nutritious fertilizer that helps fight pests and plant diseases. Green waste is considered a significant fraction of municipal solid waste, it comes from two main sources: public spaces (parks, squares, islands, etc.) and from private gardens and is classified as bio-waste. It is a "clean" material, containing biomass, suitable for recycling. Composting green waste has an incredibly positive impact on global warming by ensuring that less biodegradable waste ends up in landfills.
The more than 100,000 inhabitants of Glyfada, a city with lots of greenery, gardens and dense vegetation.
Starting in 2020, integrated green waste management continues every year.
Integrated management and sorting at the source of 4,800 tons of green waste and converting it through composting into organic fertilizer. Green waste constitutes a significant volume of municipal solid waste. It is a "clean" material, containing biomass and suitable for recycling and composting.
The Municipality of Glyfada, in the year 2020, implemented an integrated plan for the management and recycling of green waste, implementing:
✓ screening at the source
✓ transportation and shredding
✓ depositing recyclable green waste at the EDSNA Recycling and Composting Plant
More specifically, the Municipality of Glyfada implemented:
• The sorting at the source of green waste. Every resident of Glyfada, who is going to engage in domestic gardening work (pruning, etc.) first makes an application to fix my city (citizen line) and the Cleaning & Recycling Department sends to his home, within 24 hours, the special boat collection of green waste, capacity of 10 cubic meters. With this process, we manage to collect clean green waste, without mixing it with other solid waste.
• The transport of the special green waste collection vessel with an anti-pollution technology vehicle, for shredding at the Municipality's Transfer Station.
• The shredding of green waste. With the help of a special shredder of green waste, we achieve the reduction of the volume of green waste and the easier processing of it in the Composting plant. At the same time, with the fewer itineraries of heavy vehicles, we contribute to the reduction of atmospheric pollution.
• Sending the green waste to the modern facilities of the Mechanical Recycling and Composting Plant of EDSNA, for further processing and production of organic fertilizer - compost, of high quality and nutritional value for floriculture and agriculture.
In 2020, the Municipality of Glyfada managed to be first among all the municipalities of the country, in sorting at the source, with a record number of 4,800 (to be precise, 4,804.51) tons of green waste that was recycled using the composting method. This figure corresponds to a percentage of 12% of the total solid waste (42,500 tons) that was deposited in the Phyli Landfill, exceeding by two units the European target of recycling green waste for 2020. According to Directive 2008/98/EC, the European green waste recycling target amounts to 10% of all solid waste.
It is in the hands of all of us and it is our supreme obligation to shape a better tomorrow, helping to protect our natural resources, aiming at the best quality of life for the inhabitants of our city and the protection of the environment.
Rising of citizens' standard of living, improvement of their daily life, living in a cleaner city and, at the same time, ensuring organic fertilizer for residents' gardens. By implementing integrated green waste management, as well as other actions to increase recycling, the Municipality of Glyfada managed to reduce by 10% the municipal reimbursement fees, which has brought additional benefits for the residents along with all the aforementioned.
The city of Glyfada which has an area of 25.37 km2
Collaboration with the Mechanical Recycling and Composting Plant (EMAK) of Ano Liosion, which is the only mechanical-biological waste treatment plant in Attica with a public, non-profit character and is a key facility for the reduction of municipal waste to landfill.
Citizens participate in screening at the source. The employees of the Municipality of Glyfada participate in the transport and shredding of green waste. EMAK employees participate in the composting.
The cost of depositing 4,800 mixed wastes in the Tribe's landfill would be 280,000 euros. With the method of sorting green waste at the source and separating it from municipal waste, shredding it and depositing it at the Mechanical Recycling and Composting Factory (EMAK), the cost was reduced to 52,800 euros. Thus, the direct profit for the municipality amounts to 227,200 euros per year. This amount corresponds to 10% of the total cost incurred by the municipality for depositing municipal waste at the Tribe's Landfill.