MOUSES Novelties

EERco is established in 1997 non formally and 1999 formally. EERco main-core was as a Dancetheater group of professional artists. After many years of experimentation, the professional performers became leaders of youth and new talents in arts-related professions. Since 2003, EER has extended its activities and started functioning as a non Governmental Organization with Inclusive Culture and Arts & Innovation Social Activities.
The artistic education actions MUSES NOVELTIES of Esai en Roi serve in the development, dissemination and promotion of Fine Arts innovation with main beneficiaries our flourishing YOUTH, the New Generation. The specific action also contributes to the awareness of citizens as active members of local culture, customs and tradition.
The organization's main concern and priority is the involvement of young people and teachers community in issues that since 2004 concern:
The above objectives are achieved through a set of activities running across several events, prefixed, according to the annual planning. For the current school/academic year the planned vities were as follows:
ANALYSIS OF BIOGRAPHIES AND SOCIAL FOOTPRINT OF IMPORTANT ARTISTS. The recording of the biographies of artists and the textual content follow the basic principles of a retrospective study with bibliographic references, publications, public documents, personal directory of the awarded, interviews with collaborators, students and family of the artists. The merit of the awardees is documented by records, existing data and interviews. The selection criteria of the artists to whom a tribute/reference can be made are listed in the Appendix of this application, detailed by art.
In an educational visit, the visitor presents photographic material and videos from award-winning artists that the students have shown interest in for display and information. It also presents the biography and cites the sources on the basis of which the biography has been written, giving basic knowledge about procedures for the retrospective study of a biography.
The specific actions, inside and outside the school environment, of which those in theaters and spiritual centers are open to young people aged 13-30 [hence also extroversion of action/ connection with older youth communities] are structurally and organizationally connected, they serve but at the same time for different purposes and as a rule they are done in collaboration with public bodies and education bodies.
In all these actions, the entrance, or correspondingly, the participation in the artistic activities, is free. This year the actions were implemented under the auspices of the Sub-Ministry of Macedonia Thrace, coorganized with the Municipality of Thessaloniki and the Regional Authority of Chania. In the local actions there were other people involved as co-organizers or co-operating bodies (see related: brochures and program of events/activities).
The structure of workshop, career orientation relevant, with the possibility of self-evaluation and peer-evaluation of the performance of the participants takes place in Performing, Conjectural and Audiovisual Arts (dance, theater, creative writing, playing music, singing, painting, sculpture) based on a specific protocol, as defined by the international literature. The Artists who advise the students as well as the other collaborators, give feedback only with positive and encouraging comments by rendering a card with objective values (rotation, bounce, flexibility, etc.) that capture the state of the participant and feedback with objective values and criteria with the hope of using them to improve his performance.
THE AUDITION PROCEDURE or skills test follows the pattern of tests for entrance exams a) in Music Schools for music, b) in higher vocational schools of dance for dance, c) in higher drama schools for theater and d) in AEI of Fine Arts for design and visual arts in general. As members of the committees, members of such committees in previous years, awarded by the EER for their work (Terpsichoris, Melthaleia Awards, etc.), teachers with valuable related experience in the subjects of music, theater and visual arts, as well as academics with relevant expertise, are invited.
Kokkinos, Peter. (2014). Physical Fitness Evaluation. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine. 9. 10.1177/1559827613520128.
The promotion of talents through their exposure to the ordinary as well as the artistic public is not only a challenge for our youth, but also an opportunity to learn about the strength and impact of their art-works on third parties and possibly be offered up to possibility of future cooperation. It is stated from previous years, that participating young people learn about auditions of their interest, facilitates professional portfolio enrichment, being available photo- and video-documentation nad gaining great experience in an event of special importance, high sociocultural value and a lot of recognition. This specific activity (artistic nights for new talents) is running since 2004.
This program is identified with the ultimate goal of the educational process of young people, namely their successful socialization and decision-making that will facilitate their livelihood and even more ensure their quality of life. The program through the lessons that emerge from the biographical reviews in a multilateral way (speeches, projection of photographic and video material, presentation of artistic works and their social footprint), the involvement of young people in self-evaluation processes, recording and measuring the objective parameters of artistic performing and consulting more experienced artists on their unanswered questions is a test that affects the student positively and in the best case favorably for future life decisions, where his future is judged (livelihood, professional direction, seeing things from the perspective of those who are "on the opposite bank" and enriching knowledge.
MOUSES NOVELTIES project requires the commitment and engagement of a teacher,or youthworker or youth mentor who expresses an interest in its implementation, choosing one or more actions in which he wishes the youth that he supervises to participate. Each activity (actions: #1, #2, #3) lasts up to 2 teaching hours, whether it concerns an educational visit outside the school environment, or an activity inside the school.
In action #3, students have the opportunity to present an artistic project that they implement in the context of a course related to artistry and creative talent (dance, theater, visual arts, music/singing, creative writing, etc.).
The specific program is indirectly connected to facilitation of employability. It does not aim so much at informal learning through the experience of a new skill but at the self-positioning of a young individualaccording to CV and temperament in relation to his expectations and capabilities. It is a self-assessment process with supervision for young people who wish to follow artistic professions, or even, are looking for their professional perspective and future professional identity. Therefore, based on the above, our actions include, as appropriate:
-watching/ attending workhsops/ trainings/ events
-discussion and reflection
- peer-evaluation for the development of critical thinking
-active participation:
(a) with an artistic project (presentation) > these youth initiatives arise under the supervision of teachers, but beyond our remit). We participate as motivators for the students to get involved in research-discovery and experiential learning processes coordinated by the teacher and without bearing any responsibility in the process for the quality of the methodological approach.
(b) by self-assessment (with questionnaires and interview)
(c) cooperation with people with fewer opportunities and possibilities in actions (inclusion)
(d) exposure to stressors and support for stress management (artistic committee hearing).
The young individual tests his ability to self-manage his anxiety, always knowing that he can withdraw or ask for help, and the feedback is positive and always consultative.
Extracurricular Educational Activities: Fall and Spring.
Intra-school Activities:across the school year.
The specific program consists of three individual axes that are related to basic and fundamental knowledge that every young person that is interested in Fine Arts professionally could be a beneficiary.
The intramural activities that are proposed last for two hours. The proposed extracurricular activities last two hours and involve an educational visit. The implementation of this program is divided into three individual actions, where one of the axes with which youth (young people, 13-30 years old) can participate in:
- Action #01b is suitable for youth 7+ while the other actions
-Activity #01A, Action 2 and Action 3 are for youth 13-30 years old.
- informing our young people about the local and wider contemporary Greek history of the arts and their representatives.
- the modeling of important factors that contribute to artistic success by promoting and highlighting artists with a positive social and artistic imprint, of timeless value.
ACTION #02. ADVISORY GUIDANCE (extracurricular activity)
-participation in self-evaluation and peer-evaluation procedures of students' artistic and physical performance
-information / training of teachers/ mentors/ youth workers and youth on the compatible and weighted assessment tools, method of application, purpose and expected results (Counseling Guidance teachers, Dieticians and Physical Education Professionals). For these specific reasons, we cooperate steadily with the Institute of Nutritional Studies and Research and the Constantinio Research Center for Molecular Medicine and Biotechnology, who provide free of charge their equipment and their personnel for the assessment and advisory guidance procedures (doctors, post-doctorates or scientific partners contracted with public academic institutions of Greece or Europe).
- Meeting prominent personalities of the artistic world and relevant advisory guidance (EER Artistic Committee that has been awarded the TERPSICHORI, MELTHALEIA, POLYMNIS KALLIEPOUSA, CHLOE, ERATO, OURANIA or EFTERPI prizes) or discussion with the artists
ACTION #03. CAREER OPPORTUNITIES (extracurricular activity)
-highlighting the talent of our young people by providing an artistic stage and exhibition space for the display of their creations or for participation in artistic events as performers.
- information about career opportunities, internships or studies in the subject they are interested in (from vocational teachers or specialized staff of EER dealing with Vocational Education and Training (IKY), European Solidarity Corps (Training ships & Jobs), Individual Projects ( INEDIVIM), Internship and Scholarship Opportunities (IKY).
The thematic limitation of the works of the artistic youth serves in their friction and personal research on issues of Greek tradition and history, as well as current social issues.
ACTIONS #01, #02, #03
In all actions it is ensured
- issuance of a certificate for all actions with reference to the manner of their participation
-meeting between young people with common interests
All our actions fall within the scope of interest and personal searches of young people before mid-adulthood and until 30 years of age (the maximum) who are in the process of choosing professions and socialization/integration into the wider artistic environment. The challenges are many and the students' tests and related experiences are mainly experiential.
Our actions function as an antechamber with a framework that ensures the development of career and life skills, which simultaneously serve the students' self-exploration regarding their desires, their expectations and their capabilities in a perspective of choosing an artistic profession. Specifically, the following skills are developed:
KEY SKILLS: conflict resolution, ability to act collectively, development of ethical conduct and respect/tolerance for diversity, communication skills, leadership skills.
SPECIAL SKILLS: exposure and response to the needs of an interview | self-presentation | self-assessment | restraint and reflection | noble amilla | initiative and self-reliance | redefining personal goals or even professional orientation.
This educational program respects and supports different learning styles and different possibilities of accessing knowledge.
The student engagement process is free-form: We have the facilities, the equipment, the right coaching staff and the students choose which tests to take part in and how:
Activity #01А (appropriate also for school communities): Listening with the aim of the young individual learning in a particularly pleasant way with a variety of stimuli (video projection, exhibition of projects, watching testimonies from colleagues/family environment of a person whose biography is being analyzed, feedback from a biography in printed form, etc. a.). The diverse way of disseminating knowledge inevitably emerges as more digestible and for "all tastes". it is suitable for viewing/listening by people aged 7 and over, contributing to the strengthening of personal artistic pursuits and at the same time introducing students to contemporary artistic development.
Action #01B: (extracurricular/educational visit): The training process in the evenings with the tributes (TERPSICHORI awards, MELTHALEIA, etc.) never exceed two hours (including the video screening and exploring the exhibits) and are very enjoyable for everyone. To date, at these events (awards) we have never had anyone get bored or leave during the event or complain, instead we constantly receive congratulatory letters/statements and awards for the positive social impact of this action.
ACTION #02. CAREER COUNSELING: Ability to choose which tests to participate in with the ability to withdraw from a test at any time due to some emotional inhibition or otherwise.
ACTION #03. CAREER OPPORTUNITIES. It refers to evenings dedicated to young artists with the possibility of presenting an artistic project.
This educational program promotes the principles of respect, democratic coexistence, non-violent conflict resolution and solidarity both in the social learning context and in the wider school community.
Our actions concern
ACTION 1A: minors 7+, or adult youth until 30 years of age
ACTION 1B: minors 13+, or adult youth until 30 years of age
Youth under the age of 13 can simply watch our actions and be motivated in this way whenever they have artistic concerns. These actions therefore serve to strengthen artistic activity, creative practice and collaboration in artistic projects, contributing in various ways and at the same time to the development of aesthetics. It is consistent with the goals of aesthetic education and indirectly contributes to the development of cognitive and social skills. Also, these actions promote social solidarity: all the contributors involved, voluntarily offer their services to support the youth in professional orientation procedures and to introduce them to the magical world of culture and art according to the history of the local and wider of Greek artistic reality.
Full disability accessibility rules, as well as applicable safety and hygiene rules. All of our activities allow students to get involved whenever, however, and whenever they want, without this choice disrupting the flow of our program, as those who are strongly motivated and willing to participate in our activities continuously attend and participate throughout. process (rehearsals, audition, or presentation of an artistic project). To date, we have hosted in our activities people with down syndrome, with hearing and vision disorders as well as students on the autism spectrum (from 2005 to today: evenings of young artists-Muses Kainopragia). The truth is that the systematic presence of the disabled is not easy, especially when it concerns their own initiative. In our actions, the young people present their own works, on their own initiative and with guidance/coordination by professional artists/teachers or educators with a relevant academic subject (aesthetic education, physical education, visual arts and theatre), but not necessarily.
The program is linked to the thematic fields:
CULTURE || arts || INTERCULTURAL EDUCATION || special integration training || ECONOMY - ENTREPRENEURSHIP || career education and youth counseling || LOCAL HISTORY || Educational Material for application in the Skills Workshops
This specific program serves the Primary School:
- to raise students' awareness of quality artistic creation processes
- to learn basic knowledge in the analysis of historical and recent data regarding the development of the performing and visual arts in our country
- in experimenting with all art forms through the handiedance technique
While in middle school and more so in high school,
-students are informed about their particular inclinations
- they discuss with professional artists of pan-Hellenic or international fame about their expectations, questions and needs
- are guided on ways to improve their artistic or creative performance
- they are informed about ways of professional development in the field of fine arts
- acquire critical thinking and practice processes of self-evaluation, meta-evaluation and meta-analysis of their situations and new experiences
-broaden the network of peers with similar interests
Also, other sub-targets with recipients are mentioned in the previous sections and in the transmission document.
All these new skills and life experiences are linked to the following learning objectives:
-Vocational guidance
- Development of Life Skills
-Development of self-assessment skills
-Aesthetic Education (Primary) and Artistic Creation
-Equal Opportunities for All
- Contact with Greek history and Tradition (History)
-Project or Personal Research
-Study of contemporary social issues (Political Education)
Panhellenic Scope. School units of the Department of Education participate in all actions (2017-2022). In 2023-24 we worked only with the events rather the activities within school communities.
Elementary school students participate as listeners in Activity 1B. In action 1B, in the second part, the evenings of young artists follow, which are the means of disseminating and promoting the artistic projects of the students resulting from Action 3 (2017-2022). In 2023-24 we worked only with the events rather the activities within school communities.
The following agencies cooperate for this specific action:
The specific action is totally based upon sponsorship and volunteering. All the activiteis are provided without any fee for the interested parties or individuals.
CVs of implicated staff
Eleni Kavazidou is a graduate of T.E.F.A.A. of A.P.Th. with postgraduate studies in Special Physical Education and a PhD in the field of Dance/Movementand Nutritional Behavior. She has become proficient in Sign Language. She has presented her research at Interdisciplinary Symposia and the World Congress on Deaf Education.
She was a member of the coordinating committee of the Pan-European Deaf and Hearing Youth Festival as well as the corresponding Euro-Mediterranean one. She was from 1999 to 2021 the Artistic Director of the Theater and Dance Department of the Cultural Organization of Macedonia Thrace "Esai en Roi" and is now in charge of the sports department of the same organization. She was retrained in the utilization of various techniques of therapeutic gymnastics, physical exercise, alternative therapy, dance systems, applications of theatrical play and alternative theatre.
She is an active teacher, having worked in positions of responsibility, such as Head of School Activities and Director of a Special Education School Unit.
Yiannis Liolios is a Physical Education teacher with a Master's and Doctoral Degree in the field of Physical Education and Sports with specialization in quality of life and health promotion. He is an external collaborator of the School of Medicine of the University of Ioannina and the Institute of Nutritional Studies and Research. He has published various articles either in international scientific journals and conferences, or in various scientific associations and clubs. It has a particularly strong activity in the field of physical strengthening and rehabilitation and cooperates steadily with the organization ΕΣΑΕΙ EN ΡΟΥ for various educational programs and research initiatives. He is an active teacher and Director of a School Unit of Education.
Dr. Ioannis Toliopoulos studied in Chicago, USA, Molecular Biology (BSc) with a full sports and academic scholarship. Later, he studied basic sciences at an English-speaking Hungarian Medical University and then returned to Greece where he was awarded a PhD from the Medical School of Ioannina in the department of Clinical Laboratory Physiology, and specifically in the field of cancer immunodiagnostics and immunotherapy. Later, he trained in reproductive medicine in Chicago, where he was awarded a Post Doc in reproductive and diagnostic immunology. At the end of 2006, he founded a non-profit foundation called the Constantinos Research Center for Molecular Medicine and Biotechnology, where he is currently the president and develops scientific programs with his team in cancer pathways, autoimmune diseases and solutions for infertile couples. In addition, he actively participates as a reviewer and on the Editorial board of more than 10 scientific journals. Finally, most of his published research is in the area of cancer immunology and reproductive immunology.
Niki Androulakis graduated from the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics of the Technical University of Thessaloniki in 2002 with a specialization in eating disorders and degenerative diseases. He followed an internship at a versatile slimming center in Thessaloniki and later worked there as a professional with significant promotions and distinctions. He participated in various judging committees of pan-Hellenic competitions. He is a columnist in various electronic journals and has several publications in scientific conferences. He was a member of the Scientific Committee of the Panhellenic Health Education Network of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education (2015-2018). Today he is the General Secretary at IDME, an executive of the EER and an active dietitian/nutritionist in Chania.
The organization acquires a dynamic presence in the economic sector by
-contributing to the innovation sub-sector
- enhancing the development and well-being of artistic professions
- actively intervening in the upgrading of the quality of artistic education
-interspersing the wealth of stimuli
-delving into aspects that are not covered by the Analytical Study Programs and the Interdisciplinary Unified Framework of Study Programs of Primary and Secondary Education