
Meteorological Research and Disaster Management Institute

Meteorological Research and Disaster Management Institute

Institute of Meteorological Research and Disaster Management

The Meteorological Research and Disaster Management Institute is a "Social Cooperative Enterprise" of Law 4430/2016 under the Ministry of Labor with A.GE.M.K.O. 000199403011 The Social Cooperative Enterprise (Coin.S.Ep.), is a Social Economy body and is a civil cooperative with a social purpose and has by law the pursuit of the collective benefit and the service of general social interests. Its operation is based on the pursuit of collective benefit by promoting its well-being society that exclusively serves the social interest.

Objective Action

IDIMEK was created as it aims to inform the entire state. The aim is to inform and support public, private organizations and every citizen directly or indirectly affected by adverse weather conditions. The main goal is weather information with validity and clarity, ensuring the safety and well-being of society. Also, IDIMEK intends to have a primary role at the research level through the provision of data from installed radars and an innovative weather forecast model to agencies involved with Civil Protection as well as a supporting role in its work. Finally, IDIMEK will create a Model Center for Natural Disaster Management open to the general public for visits by schools, organizations or citizen collectives, there will be an information campaign with days and actions to raise citizens' awareness on issues of climate change, crisis management as well as extreme weather events.


Target Audience

The target audience is any age, every citizen of the country where they live or come for their holidays. In scientific or non-scientific staff. One of the aims of the Institute is to raise awareness among citizens through seminars and lectures by qualified scientific staff, as well as visits to the management center to raise awareness among young school and educational institutions.



Since 2016 as ForecastWeather and now as an Institute, the duration of contribution and information exceeds 6 years of our presence in the field. Because the reoccurrence of extreme weather events and the effects of climate change will not suddenly stop overnight, the time period in which the Institute intends to be at the forefront of the collective good is expanding.


The Institute for Meteorological Research and Disaster Management (I.D.I.M.E.K.) is a Social Cooperative Enterprise (SOE) that intends to develop a model meteorological crisis and disaster management center. It combines meteorology with innovation and creates a meteorological model and management center, which aims to reduce the impact of climate change and the multiple crises resulting from the combination of man-made and natural disasters. The numerical weather forecasting model developed and tested, for the assessment and prevention of natural disasters and the forecasting of extreme weather phenomena which due to climate change will increase, in terms of their recurrence, gives us the possibility to update in a "manageable" period of time " in the field. The first model weather management center where it will operate on a 24-hour basis in weather events that need to be studied and managed such as extreme weather events of flash floods, storms, Mediterranean cyclones and heavy snowfalls, will play a leading role towards society and the state, in terms of providing critical scientific data and services related to natural and man-made disasters, with a view to protecting human life.


Impact on Society

  1. Visits specifically to the website and the FB page reach 5.5 million people a year,
  2. the website lists 214 thousand followers in 6 years,
  3. 100 weather cameras across the territory placed at key points of interest for immediate weather information and through the weather forecasting model throughout the year and during the summer season for forest protection in collaboration with the Institute's management center .
  4. While with the collaborations with STASY (Fixed transport) and the municipality of Acharna as well as the municipalities of Halkidaia, Istiaia and Mantoudi, a very large portion of the citizens avoided the "ELPIS" bad weather, the difficulties while the municipalities and STASY managed resources better, due to the exact forecast for the start of the phenomena in the pre-midday hours in Attica and in the morning in Evia.
  5. In Bad Weather "Medea" the 4x4 club, together with the people of the Institute, voluntarily transported food and water to areas of northern Attica during the blockade of electricity and water. We helped free cars from the great height of snow as well as removing fallen logs and trees from the roads.
  6. We collected food and took it to families with financial problems during the Christmas days of 2021.
  7. We contributed with information to the civil protection of weather conditions (wind field) in the big fires of 2021 for the early evacuation of areas.

Municipalities - Regions

Ilio Placement of Weather Station – Placement of 4 weather cameras

KARPENISIOU – Installation of 11 weather cameras

CHALKIDAS – Installation of 6 weather cameras – Provision of forecast data

ISTIAIAS – EDIPSOU – Provision of prognostic data

Municipality of Serifos – Provision of forecast data and cumulative rainfall update for the year for the springs and the dam.

TWO OLYMPUS – Provision of forecast data – Installation of 8 weather cameras

PARGAS – Provision of forecast data – Installation of 4 weather cameras

Cooperation with the Fire Department and provision of predictive data (K. Kolokouris former Chief of the Fire Department) in the Fires of 2021 (Ilia-Varymbopi-Megara-Loutraki-Lakonia-Evia)

Provision of forecast data on SEAJET and GOLDAIN STAR FERRIES high-speed ferries in the period 2019 – 2020 – 2020 -2021.


Mainland Greece


Mandra flood phenomena 2017

Flood phenomena of Evia 2018 – 2019 – 2021

Flood phenomena of Halkidiki summer 2019

Flooding phenomena 2020 JAN

ITHAKI 2020-21


ATTICA - SNOWFALLS 2021 - 2022 Accurate forecast of the start time of phenomena and the extent of snow by municipality.

Initiative Location

It varies by event as the Institute's presence is long and wide.

Working with Organization

The cooperation regarding the installation of the model management center is with the municipality of Acharnon in the area of Olympic Village, during the "Elpis" bad weather, cooperation with the provision of data (forecasts) was made with the STASY service where long hours of inconvenience to the citizens who used the line because the necessary measures were taken, after the timely and valid prediction of the Institute to the service. Memorandum of cooperation with the Institute for the Management of Man-made and Natural Disasters (IDAFK) and with the Panhellenic Network of Civil Protection, where data is provided for the management of extreme weather phenomena. Municipality of Ilio installation of meteorological station, Municipality of Halkidiki installation of meteorological cameras and stations, Municipality of Istiaea-Edipsos update of meteorological conditions, Municipality of Parga meteorological update and installation of meteorological cameras, Municipality of Serifos meteorological data and installation of two meteorological stations.


Workers Participation

The Institute's team consists of 7 members. Each one renowned in his field of knowledge. We cooperate with the Panhellenic network of Civil Protection Volunteers and inform all volunteers throughout the territory with weather reports. Employees are the backbone of IDIMEK's activities, with each member specializing in a subject. All of us with the aim of protecting citizens and timely weather forecasting are there in every emergency. At the same time, we take care of updating the preventive measures that must be taken in extreme weather events. From our action we have managed to mobilize X VOLUNTEERS or to inform.


Benefits for Οrganization

In the context of support and crisis management based on meteorological data, the support of society as a whole arose in cases even in cases such as in the snow of Medea with the residents of the northern suburbs where we provided assistance in removing trees from the streets, extricating cars as well as with food and water in the blockaded areas where electricity and water had been cut. Connection of IDIMEK with the state as a helper in difficult events. Although at the beginning, we have chosen as a strategy and the main core of our action to be the practical support of citizens, especially in difficult and extraordinary events.

Connection with Global Goals

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