
Management of Customer Issues

Management of Customer Issues


National Bank of Greece leads the largest financial group in Greece and SE Europe, boasting a dynamic presence in 12 countries. Altogether, it runs 10 banks and 62 financial organizations.


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Objective Action

To strengthen the climate of confidence in NBG Group's services and products.


Target Audience






In February 2010, NBG launched NBG OMBUDSMAN, the first Customer Ombudsman established by a Greek bank, a significant and pioneering initiative within the framework of the new Code of Ethics aiming at enhancing on an ongoing basis its customer relations.

NBG Ombudsman demonstrates the Bank’s ongoing commitment to its longstanding principles of mutual trust, reliability and awareness of customer concerns, while upgrading effectively the quality of the offered services.

The successful Customer Ombudsman initiative was extended to include Ethniki Insurance in 2011 as well.

The "NBG Ombudsman" reflects the Group’s concern for its customers. The Customer Ombudsman reports directly to the Group's Board of Directors and operates Independently as an “Amicable Settlement of Disputes Unit” for issues relating to the Bank and Ethniki Insurance prior to the customer’s recourse to judicial or other arbitration Bodies. 

The NBG Ombudsman: 

  • Acting proactively, proposes actions with a view to eliminating the recurrence of customer complaints. The Office actively participates in the dynamic process of rewording contractual terms, if so required. In 2010, 61 points in agreements with customers were amended in favour of the customer, and posted on the internet.
  • Acting consistently, it strengthens the relationship between the Bank and its Customers, the Independent Authorities and Consumer Associations. Within this scope, NBG Ombudsman, since its foundation, has taken a host of actions (articles in newspapers and magazines, interviews and meetings with other bodies) aiming at strengthening the relationship between the Bank and its Customers.
  • Acting preventively, it aims at achieving amicable settlement of disputes between the Bank and its Customers by seeking and suggesting mutually acceptable solutions, objectively and impartially.

The Customers may file their complaint to "the NBG Ombudsman" provided that: 

  • They have brought up their issue in writing at their Branch or the competent business Unit of the Bank or Ethniki Insurance, and are not satisfied with the reply.
  • They have already filed their request with the Bank’s Customer Service, but they still feel their issue has not be fully resolved.  


  • Independence
  • Neutrality and Impartiality
  • Confidentiality
  • Non-binding mediation

NBG Ombudsman sets the following targets:

  • Amicable settlement of disputes between the Bank and its customers prior to the customers' recourse to other bodies or Independent Authorities, customer's satisfaction and upgrade of the quality of the services offered by the Bank.
  • Enhancement of customer's trust in the Bank and in Ethniki Insurance, promoting a customer-oriented business model. 
  • Seeking mutually acceptable solutions to the Customers' problems, acting as their Ally, Advisor and Partner. 
  • Strengthening of transaction ethics and the relationship between the Bank/ Ethniki Insurance and their Customers, Independent Authorities and Consumer Associations publishing articles and interviews in newspapers and magazines as well as participating in seminars organized for third parties.
  • Reassurance of customers in the face of the complexity of the banking system, so that, given the great number of rules and procedures, they are fully informed and able to take decisions in their best interests.

NBG Ombudsman's services are free of charge. 

In 2015, the NBG Ombudsman confirmed the key role that the NBG Group attributes to its customers, respecting the customer’s problems and seeking mutually acceptable solutions to such problems, during a year marked by an extended bank holiday and capital controls, where of the total complaints investigated (and which properly fall within the Ombudsman’s jurisdiction), 81% were resolved successfully while 77% were processed within one week.


Impact on Society

NBG Ombudsman's successful mediation in the relationship between the Bank/ Ethniki Insurance and their clientele played a key role in a difficult period for the customers due to the economic crisis.

The increase of the customers' requests, 265 in 2010 to 1,827 in 2015, is indicative of NBG Ombudsman's trustworthiness (2011: 1,210, 2012:1,640, 2013:1.765, 2014:1,690, Total:8,400).

In 2015, of the total customer complaints investigated, 81% reached a successful resolution, while 77% were processed within one week. (see Chart: Ι).

Initiative Location

NBG Group's areas of activity.

Working with Organization

NBG Customer Ombudsman enhanced the relationships of the Bank/ Ethniki Insurance with the clientele and various bodies in Greece and abroad.

Workers Participation

The NBG Ombudsman team undertakes to adhere to principles set out in the relevant Code of Ethics, which are in line with internationally accepted principles set out in equivalent Codes of Ethics and Standards of  Practice of the International Ombudsman.


Benefits for Οrganization

  • Enhancement of mutual trust between the Customer and the Bank/ Ethniki Insurance.
  • Avoidance of customers' recourse to other bodies or independent Authorities resulting in reduced costs for both parties.
  • Upgrade of the quality of services and products offered by the Bank and Ethniki Insurance. 
  • Strengthening of the relationship between the Bank/ Ethniki Insurance and their Customers, independent authorities and Consumer Associations.

NBG Ombudsman Awards

  • 2011: Ethniki Insurance was awarded a distinction by “EBEN GR”, the Greek Chapter of European Business Ethics, for establishing a Customer Ombudsman whose duties were assigned to the NBG Ombudsman.
  • 2015: The NBG Customer Ombudsman was awarded distinctions in the context of the “BRAVO Sustainability Awards 2015” in the “BRAVO Market” category by the Quality Net Foundation. 
  • 2014, 2015 & 2016: The NBG Ombudsman was evaluated as an independent body and found to meet all required specifications (policies, procedures and systems) enabling it to be certified by “EBEN GR”, the Greek Chapter of European Business Ethics, at the level of Basic Model for Small and Medium Companies for 2014 and to earn an award in the business ethics category.

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