The objectives of the action were:
The action targets students, parents, teachers and the local community.
October 2023 - May 2024
"Olympic Creations S.A." is the company created by the students of the A ́ class of the 1st Model High School of Thessaloniki in the context of participation in the youth entrepreneurship competition "Company Junior" organized by the non-profit organization "Junior achievement Greece 2024". On the occasion of the global event of the Olympic Games, the students created a company manufacturing and selling anniversary products. Inspired by the Olympic Games they created the 2024 Calendar, kite and candles. All the products they created were sold bringing to the students' company's fund a significant amount, part of which was allocated for the purchase and installation of a ramp in the school to ensure the fundamental right of free access to all.
The participation of students in the "Company Junior" program offered unprecedented experiences from the world of entrepreneurship and contributed to the enhancement of their skills and preparation for future careers. Students developed skills such as reflection, creativity, communication and time management through their involvement in business activities. They understood the processes of a business environment and gained reliable experience. Winning the 2nd Prize increased their self-confidence and sense of achievement.
In addition, particular attention was paid to corporate social responsibility and how companies seek to contribute to society and the environment through actions that go beyond the simple goal of achieving profits. Important elements of corporate social responsibility were discussed, including sustainability, environmental protection and management of natural resources in a sustainable way.
Special emphasis was also placed on supporting and participating businesses in social initiatives aimed at improving society, strengthening solidarity, education and health. Through the discussion on corporate social responsibility, students understood that any business initiative should seek to create a positive impact on society and the environment, beyond simply achieving profits.
Thus, the students, recognizing that the company they created is inextricably linked to the society in which it operates and recognizing their responsibility, with respect for man and human dignity, came into contact with the Special Olympics team of Thessaloniki and are planning joint actions, where their company "Olympic Creations S.A." will be sponsored. Also, knowing that an inclusive school, interested in the equal participation of its members, could not ignore the needs of people with disabilities and with sensitivity, they decide to allocate a part of their income for the purchase and installation of a ramp at the entrance of the school in order to ensure the fundamental right of free access to all.
School classrooms.
In the context of establishing, organizing and raising initial capital for the start of their company, the students collaborated: a) with the Parents Association, who lent the student business at an interest rate of 0%, b) with the wider school community to investigate the profile of the consumer public, c) with a guardian who took on the role of sponsor of the design of the calendar, d) with the mentor of "Junior achievement Greece 2024", who offered her experience and knowledge from the field of entrepreneurship, thus helping the company avoid mistakes and make strategic decisions. In addition, he offered support and guidance to students, helping them face challenges and develop their skills and was a valuable animator for the development of the business.
All the students of the Α΄ class and the Association of Parents participated, supporting the students' initiative.
The participation of students in acts of social responsibility resulted in the development of sensitivity and sense of responsibility towards social problems, created a feeling of happiness and gratitude in students and developed soft skills of the 21st century, useful in other areas of their lives.