Local government - Good Communication and Service "by default": Line of the Citizen, electronic document handling and municipal service

The Municipality of Domokos is a Municipality of the Region of Central Greece, established in 2010 with the "Kallikratis" Program and operating since 01-01-2011. It was created by the merger of 3 pre-existing Municipalities, which operated from 01-01-1999, until 31-12-2010 and were created in 1997, with the "Kapodistrias" Plan. These municipalities were, the Municipality of Domokos, the Municipality of Thessaliotidos and the Municipality of Xyniados, which were subsequently converted into Municipal Units. Seat of the enlarged Municipality of Domokos, Domokos was designated. The administrative boundaries of the Municipality correspond to those of the older Domokos District.
Municipality of Domokos, in its effort to continuously improve the services offered, has designed and implemented actions that ensure good communication and service practices of citizens, in cooperation with other bodies such as the Ministry of Interior, the General Aviation Staff and the Central Union of Greek Municipalities, passing into the digital era, with certain options and stable steps, which aims at remote service and providing administrative information to citizens, without their physical transition to the Municipality's services, the communication of the executives of the Municipality of Public Law Legal Entities and the Legal Entities of Private Law who are active in its administrative boundaries and on the other hand the direct and secure access of the executives of the Municipalities to electronic services that offer data from other bodies. The project of direct communication and service of citizens “By Default” in the context of e-government and beyond, in practice faces a number of difficulties and challenges which, apart from the technical level, have equally important social and political dimensions. The active participation of citizens and their direct communication with the Municipality's services was the central pillar of the planning for the implementation of the appropriate policies of the Municipality of Domokos for the interaction of the residents with the executives and services of the Municipality. However, the heterogeneous composition of the local community in relation to the possibilities offered and the intention to participate and interact in the processes developed by the Municipality, has been a challenge in designing an effective policy. This policy, and especially the contribution of all stakeholders (Stakeholders), was meant to influence the quality of life of our citizens as well as our society, and to create the appropriate conditions for participation and interaction for all citizens, while at the same time ensuring transparency and immediacy.
The initiative is designed for a heterogeneous mixed-skills society and for municipal employees with different backgrounds, but they are the means to achieve planning that aims at serving citizens directly and effectively.
From 2021 onwards, always in the context of planning developments at both local and central level.
In the framework of the implementation of good practices of direct communication and service of citizens “By Default” in the Municipality of Domokos, various actions have been implemented with the aim of enabling the Municipality services to become more productive and offer personalized services, with transparency, to all citizens, with benefits that go far beyond the initial expectations and achievements of the digitally provided public services. These practices consist of:
A) The establishment of “Citizen Communication Line” to improve the services provided by the Municipality of Domokos, but also to strengthen the two-way relationship of trust between the Municipality and Citizens.
The aim of the service is to ensure that the citizens are able to use the telephone service, to record and manage their requests and petitions properly. All requests and suggestions for improvement are recorded and transmitted to the relevant departments of the municipality, while the process of their settlement is monitored and the applicant will be informed of the outcome. The “Citizen Communication Line” is available to serve the residents on a daily basis and operates by calling: 15113 or by sending a message to [email protected] via the following procedure shall be in the form of: Phone reception of the Request, Promotion of the Request to the competent department of the Municipality and Answer/Inform the Citizen about the processing or the progress of the request. The responsibility for the implementation of the program is the Office of the Mayor who is informed directly about the requests of the citizens and monitors the actions of the Municipality services.
B) The establishment of the Civil Protection Line of the Municipality of Domokos 1513 was created with the aim of Immediate Communication for Emergency Response and Immediate/Short Management of the Consequences of the Occurrence of Weather Phenomena and Disasters due to natural and man-made causes, contributing to the immediate and coordinated response of the affected services of the Municipality.
c) The Municipality of Domokos, from 1 March 2021, circulates all its correspondence electronically, using the Electronic Document Movement System "IRIDA" of the Ministry of Interior. A system through which 39,890 documents (30,543 incoming and 9,357 outgoing) have been processed to date. With an average page size per outgoing three and incoming six pages and an average print output four copies, the Transfiguration Municipality "saved" the printing of 211,429 pages. This practically means that in addition to reducing its environmental footprint, the Municipality of Domokos also saved public resources. In particular, an average printing cost per page of 0.035 cents would result in a 7.400 euro saving. If we consider that the cost of IRIS is zero and that for the 39 890 documents there was no postal fees or any other means, then the savings are even greater, which - combined with what has become easier for employees - makes us even more proud of our choice.
The "Irida" Program was implemented after the cooperation of employees of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport under the supervision of the Service Secretary of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport and the General Aviation Staff.
From the operation of P.S. "IRIDA", in addition to the financial benefit, a number of other advantages are also provided such as saving time but also standardization, the organization of procedures which in their extension, are for the benefit of the public servants and also of the Greek citizens by increasing the efficiency, the efficiency and quality of the services offered.
At the same time, in the framework of the implementation of the measure for "remote work", due to the extraordinary conditions resulting from the Covid-19 virus, the "IRIDA" system was and continues to be accessible via the Internet, giving the possibility to municipal employees users operator to work safely and from their home.
D) As part of the development of the SYZEXIS II project, it was planned to connect all municipal properties to the SYZEXIS network, at 63 points, to provide internet and free telephony not only to the central services, but also to the decentralized municipal services, the NPDD and NPIDs that are active in the 31 communities and 3 settlements of the Municipality with the rest of the State agencies. The plan also concerns the provision of free mobile telephony, through the SYZEXIS network, to the executives of the Municipality, the Legal Entities supervised by it and to the representatives of the Communities by providing 114 mobile telephony devices that ensure direct communication within the framework of the principle of subsidiarity and with the aim of achieving better results and practices at local level.
E) Inclusion of the Municipality in the myKEPlive service, the new platform of online information & remote service provide administrative information to citizens, without the natural presence of citizens to the Citizen Service Center, upgrading and seeking the unhindered service of citizens with the aim of transparency and facilitating them.
F) Integration of the Municipality in the govHUB application, at the Website from which, in cooperation with the Central Union of Greek Municipalities and the Ministry of Interior, services are provided for the management of the Register of natural and legal persons, Statement of Correction sq.m. Real Estate to Local Authorities, Tax Exemption Application & Shared Space Fee Reduction, Search for Vehicle Owners.
Participation of all employees and elected officials of the Municipality who have access to a computer. Increasing civic participation and interaction. The excitement and satisfaction of the services offered was followed by initial skepticism.
Within the administrative boundaries of the Municipality of Domokos, in the Central and Decentralized Agencies of the Municipality.
Cooperation with the Ministry of Interior, the General Aviation Staff and the Central Union of Greek Municipalities.
Participation of all employees and elected officials of the Municipality who have access to a computer. Increasing civic participation and interaction.
Resource economy, reduction of the environmental footprint of the Municipality, improvement of the services provided through an effective communication and service, based on the principle of subsidiarity and good governance.