Knauf Code of Conduct

Knauf Gypsopiia A.B.E.E. is a member of Knauf Group. Its industrial activity in Greece began in 1991 and since then produces and offers complete building systems for partitions, ceilings, plasters, floors, ETICS, insulation and other special building systems.
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Reliability, Credibility and Integrity are essential prerequisites for the success of the Knauf Group. Compliance with the laws and regulations of each country where Knauf operates is a must, as well as the respect and adherence by the employees. In order to accommodate the significance of this principle Knauf has set up a Code of Conduct describing in detail what is important in this context and defining what is expected by each employee. Additionaly, the preparation for the implementation of the GDPR regulation in Greece and Cyprus has began.
All Knauf Group employees.
Code of Conducted was implemented 4 years ago and is still active. Once a year all employees holding a company computer and email, are on-line trained/evaluated.
Knauf Code of Conduct was given to all employees in a form of a brochure and it covers the following Principles:
Once annually, all employees holding a company computer/email, get and on-line training/evaluation. This training is based on a questionnaire with practices of every-day work cases and also provides information about other companies’ bad practices. Each employee has access to the correct answers and their justification, in order to further improve, as well as to their assessment and report of whether they need more training.
The Knauf Code of Conduct implementation substantially helps the every-day employees activities, as it analytically provides the operational framework and also informs and protects employees. More specifically:
In all locations (offices and plants).
Yes all employees.