
Knauf Akademie: Certification of applicators’ professional skills

Knauf Akademie: Certification of applicators’ professional skills


Knauf Gypsopiia A.B.E.E. is a member of Knauf Group. Its industrial activity in Greece began in 1991 and since then produces and offers complete building systems for partitions, ceilings, plasters, floors, ETICS, insulation and other special building systems.


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Objective Action

Training for Knauf is one of its most important values. Since the establishment of Knauf in Greece and Cyprus its growth has been based on the training of the technical society, its partners, the end user and its employees with main driver the efficient use and the proper application of its systems.

Knauf operates certified training centers throughout Greece and Cyprus, having trained more than 7,500 technicians in its training centers for the last 27 years.

Since September 2015 Knauf GR, in cooperation with TÜV Hellas, offers the opportunity to dry wall, plaster and ETICS applicators, to certify their competences and obtain a diploma, recognized by the Greek state. The Greek legal framework was transformed at the end of 2013 and settled the conditions under which certification bodies will organize examinations and offer state diplomas to applicators by using ISO/IEC 17024 guidelines.

In cooperation with the TÜV Hellas and by offering our know-how and our certified training centers we were able to organize training certification programs for the following professions:

  • Drywall and fire rated systems applicators
  • Knauf plasters applicators
  • Knauf Thermoprosopsis exterior thermal composite insulation systems applicators

Particularly important is the fact that the certification of the technical competence of drywall and fire rated systems applicators is valid in all European Union countries.

Finally, all Knauf demonstrators (8 demonstrators in Greece and Cyprus) were the first among all that certified their competence to all above professions according to the official procedure.

As we stated in 2018, one of our main goals was to include the scheme of fire rated constructions in the certifications.  This goal has been achieved and since 2019 we the dry wall construction certification was enriched, offering now the drywall and fire rated systems certification.  Another goal stated in 2018, was to proceed with the implementation of the relevant certification process in Cyprus as well. For this reason we had already proceeded to cooperation with ANAD, the state representative for certification of personal skills in Cyprus.  Since beginning of 2019, the same certifications are applicable in Cyprus, by the same organization.  So far, 12 applicators participated in the exams, with 9 being certified.

In 2019 we received the Bronze award from the Educational Leaders Awards for our educational premises.


Target Audience

Existing and new building systems applicators.



Knauf Akademie training seminars in Greece and Cyprus since 1991.

Knauf Akademie certified seminars for applicators in cooperation with TÜV NORD HELLAS ΑΕ since September 2015 in Greece and since beginning of 2019 in Cyprus.


Knauf Akademie has been set up in a way that the trainee receives the maximum, in the minimum required time, with the minimum possible cost and the actions are:

  • Training sessions into the certified training centers of Amfilochia, Thessaloniki and Limassol

Amfilochia Training Center is active since 1993 where we implement training sessions for architects, engineers, contractors, dealers and applicators. The training center is operated by 2 experienced demonstrators, it has separate areas for theoretical and practical sessions and it is fully equipped with all system and product, samples and all necessary tools and accessories for the daily operations. Since 2005, the training process has been certified according EN ISO 9001 norm. In 2014, the new training center has been established in our premises in Thessaloniki which is also operated by 2 demonstrators and is fully in accordance to the Knauf Akademie group standards. The training center in Cyprus has been recently upgraded in order to cover the growing interest of the technical society in Knauf building systems. 

  • Training seminars in Knauf Group training centers in Germany

Every year we organize training seminars in to our training centers in Germany and in that way we cover the training need for special building systems like suspended ceilings or façade systems.

  • Knauf-ISO: Presentations with demonstration of Knauf building systems into the premises of Knauf partners

For more than 11 years we implement seminars with demonstration of our building systems in order to train the applicators into the premises of our local partners. 
Knauf certified training sessions are divided into three separate levels as below:

  • Basic level

Into the basic level 5 different types of seminars are offered. The seminars are system specific and they aim to train inexperienced applicators either on the theoretical as well as on the practical aspect for all relevant Knauf systems.

  • Certified level

The applicator proceeds to the certified level as soon as the basic level has been fulfilled. In this level the opportunity of certifying knowledge, skills and competences is given and after completing TÜV HELLAS’ exams with success a “Certificate of competence” is issued. The above certificate is based on the international ISO / IEC 17024 standard, and is a powerful and substantial competitive advantage for the applicator. Especially, for the drywall and fire rated systems scheme the certification for the applicators is valid throughout the entire European Union.


Impact on Society

In principle, the certification of qualifications has a very positive impact throughout the construction market, especially in the dry wall applicators sector as they are able to acquire their diploma and in this way to differentiate themselves from their competitors, to certify their skills to their customers and broaden their professional orientation and in European countries with higher construction activity.

Below, the indicators that we follow are analyzed.  The indicators refer to Greece.

  • Implementation of 70 seminars since September 2015
  • Participation of 245 applicators into certification exams since September 2015
  • Certification of 170 applicators since September 2015

Initiative Location

Knauf Akademie training centers in Amfilochia, Thessaloniki and Limassol.

Working with Organization

TÜV HELLAS SA. (for Greece and Cyprus).

Workers Participation

Yes – 8 demonstrators in Greece and Cyprus.


Benefits for Οrganization

  • Provide certified applicators into the construction market and upgrade the final result. This is a significant benefit not only for Knauf but for all involved in the construction industry such as architects, contractors and end users.
  • Provide an objective ranking and selection system for using the appropriate applicators into a construction from all parties involved during the design or the construction phase.
  • The public administration can apply an objective evaluation, monitoring and controlling system in construction that relates to the building systems application.

Connection with Global Goals

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