
Innovative training based on Blockchain technology applied to waste management - BlockWASTE

Innovative training based on Blockchain technology applied to waste management - BlockWASTE


The Laboratory of Mining Technology and Environmental Mining (E.M.T.P.M.) of the School of Mining Engineering - Metallurgical Engineering of the E.M.P., was officially founded in 1983, initially under the name of Laboratory of Mining Technology.

The main objectives of E.M.T.P.M. are the following:

The training of the undergraduate and postgraduate students of the School of Mining Engineering - Metallurgical Engineering, in the assessment, evaluation and solution of modern problems of the mining - technical sector and society, using means and methods of cutting edge technology.
Finding solutions to the critical issues of mining activity, with the aim of achieving a development path, which will be based, at the same time, on the foundations of technological innovation, the optimal exploitation of the country's mineral wealth, sound environmental management and social consensus.
Addressing key problems of Greek society (lack of space in urban centers, competitive uses of the environment, etc.), through the birth and implementation of pioneering ideas, with the help of mining science and aiming at upgrading the quality of life of citizens.

Objective Action

The BlockWASTE project (Innovative training based on Blockchain technology applied to waste management), which is funded under the Action KA2 of the Erasmus+ Programme (Contract No: 2020-1-EL01-KA203-079154), addresses the interoperability between waste management and blockchain technology, in order to promote its proper treatment through educational training. In this direction, the project aims to:

- identify the benefits of the Blockchain Technology within the municipal waste management (MSW) process;
- create a study plan that allows the training of teachers and professionals of the organizations and companies of the MSW sector, in the field of Circular Economy and Blockchain Technology;
- develop an interactive tool based on Blockchain Technology, which will make it possible to put into practice how data obtained from urban waste would be managed to evaluate different forms of MSW management.


Target Audience

The project is mainly addressed to:
- Enterprises and SMEs, IT professionals, urbanisms and waste management professionals.
- Universities (professors, students and researchers).
- Public bodies.



24 months (1/10/2020 - 30/09/2022)


Municipal waste accounts for about 7 to 10% of the total waste generated in the EU. However, this waste stream is one of the most complex to manage and requires transparency and reliability of information provided to those involved in the process. Blockchain technology is a new field of study that has not yet been widely integrated into curricula. The BlockWASTE project will serve as a basis for initiating education in Blockchain technology through its application to solid waste management. At the same time, BlockWASTE will demonstrate the feasibility of using Blockchain in the Circular Economy, so that the data collected is shared in a secure environment where there is no room for uncertainty and mistrust between all parties involved.

By harnessing the potential of digital technologies, the circular economy can strengthen the EU's industrial base and encourage business creation and entrepreneurship among SMEs. Models driven by digital technologies such as IoT, big data, Blockchain and artificial intelligence will accelerate not only circularity but also the dematerialisation of the economy and make Europe less dependent on raw materials. BlockWASTE intends to be the start of a modernisation of the ways of teaching and learning for stakeholders, i.e. professionals, students, researchers from the sectors involved and public organisations, who will be closely linked to the digitisation process, as progress in this digital and greener era will depend on their digital knowledge.


Impact on Society

In this phase, the main focus of the dissemination activities was on presenting the project, its aims and objectives, the members of the project consortium and the activities that have been carried out. This was done through a wide range of public dissemination channels about the project. As an example, the Laboratory of Mining and Environmental Technology published the main objectives and characteristics of the BlockWASTE project and the results of the research on the current status of digitisation techniques in waste management in the e-magazine of EESDA (Hellenic Solid Waste Management Association), which is distributed to about 3,500 members of the Association. Bielefeld University published two reports on the project website (https://blockwasteproject.eu/) as well as on open access platforms (SSRN, Academia and Research Gate):

- State of Digitalization in European Municipal Waste Management

- Comparative Study of five EU member countries: Estonia, Germany, Greece, the Netherlands, and Spain.

Initiative Location

The BlockWASTE project is implemented by 5 partners from 5 EU countries, Greece, Spain, Netherlands, Germany and Estonia. Its results, however, are targeted at a European audience. 


Working with Organization

The project is coordinated by the Laboratory of Mining Technology & Environmental Mining of the School of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). It is implemented in collaboration with the following partners:

- STICHTING SAXION (Netherlands)





Workers Participation

Benefits for Οrganization

The Laboratory of Mining & Environmental Technology will use the results of the project in undergraduate and postgraduate courses on environmental management, municipal and industrial waste management, solid waste treatment and materials recycling.

Connection with Global Goals

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