To support policy-makers in capturing and assessing the challenges as much as the opportunities presented by the transition to climate neutrality for the energy and transport systems, the environment, the growth of the economy and employment at EU and national levels.
Primarily policy-makers but also companies, industries, civil society, think tanks and academic insitutions active in the fields of energy and climate change.
2 years.
In 2020-2021 E3-Modelling contributed with its modelling and policy analysis work to the preparation of the European Green Deal and the FitFor55 package. The Green Deal’s overarching aim is to make Europe climate-neutral in 2050, while the package is the first step towards meeting that goal, by putting the EU on track to meet cutting emissions by 55% by 2030.
With its advanced modelling systems, PRIMES and GEM-E3, E3-Modelling helped prepare the impact assessments of 10 out of the 13 legislative proposals tabled by the European Commission, by quantifying alternative scenarios and projections for all EU countries towards 2030 and 2050.
The company was involved in the revision of the EU emission trading scheme (EU ETS) and Effort-Sharing Regulation (ESR), of the Renewable Energy (RED) and Energy Efficiency Directives (EED), of the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Directive (AFID) as well as the amendment of the regulation setting CO2 emission standards for cars and vans. We also supported partially the revision of the Energy Taxation Directive.
On the new proposals, we helped craft the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) and the two legislative initiatives ReFuelEU Aviation and FuelEU Maritime on greening Europe’s aviation and maritime space.
Develop long-lasting cooperation, built on trust and the delivery of cutting-edge research and top notch consulting services ~ the European Commission has been leveraging these services continuously for the past 10+ years
Athens, Greece.
The Energy-Economy-Environment Modelling Laboratory E3MLab, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA).
20 employees.
Continuous development of know-how, education and training of employees, forging partnerships with acedemic institutions and private companies and collaborating in research and innovation projects, disseminating the knowledge acquired by publishing in top-ranked scientific journals and contributing to high-level processes, such as the preparation of the Impact Assessment Reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).